Showing posts with label News. Show all posts
Showing posts with label News. Show all posts

Saturday, January 3, 2015

MESSAGE: "You Must Speak It Forth", Published on Saturday, January 3, 2015 by Aubrey R. Taylor, Publisher

"The dawning of a new year represents much more than the mere changing of a date on our calendar. I believe that it marks the beginning of a new season for you and me both. So let's expect for God to do something great and powerful for us this year! 2014 is gone and will never return again! 2015 is here and comes jammed packed with a brand new set of opportunities for growth and prosperity for us. We can have what we say and believe is ours. Proverbs 18:21 teaches us that: "Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will eat its fruit." So let's eat the fruit of life, renewed hope, divine healing, accomplished missions, realized dreams, uncommon blessings and sudden favor as God's plan for us in 2015 begins to unfold in ways we've never seen before!"-- AUBREY R. TAYLOR

I can do all that I’ve been called to do!!! I choose to speak forth positive affirmations about myself into the atmosphere everyday -- beginning today! I firmly believe that: at the end of the day, I’m going to have exactly what I say!

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By Aubrey R. Taylor
Publisher of Houston Business Connections Magazine

Here are a few of the candidates whom I believe are eyeing the chance to succeed Mayor Annise Parker in the Tuesday, November 3, 2015 City of Houston Mayoral Election: Attorney Ben Hall, Attorney Chris Bell, State Rep. Sylvester Turner, Attorney Eric Dick, City Council Member Oliver Pennington, City Council Member Stephen Costello, Former Kemah Mayor Bill King, and Attorney Sean Roberts

Election Day is Tuesday, November 3, 2015 for the 2015 City of Houston Mayoral Election. And I am looking forward to a record turnout, clean competitive races, and hopeful that we get a mayor who is committed to representing our entire city – not special interest groups.


Don't forget to do all the research you can on the 2015 candidates running for City of Houston Mayor, City of Houston Controller, and Houston City Council in the Tuesday, November 3, 2015 City of Houston Mayoral Election.

Best regards,

Aubrey R. Taylor
Publisher of Houston Business Connections Magazine
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
P: (832)212-8735
C: (832)894-1352

"According to an ABCNews/Beliefnet Poll 83 percent of Americans identify themselves as Christians. So to this end, it makes perfect sense for us to get Christians engaged, empowered, informed, and excited about the process of choosing those who govern on the local, state, and federal levels in America. So don't forget about what Proverbs 29:2 teaches us: "When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn." -- AUBREY

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"The candidates below are asking for our prayers, vote, and support in the Tuesday, November 3, 2015 City of Houston Mayoral Election. The individuals featured below are not connected to one another unless otherwise noted. To discuss your inclusion on this page, call (832)212-8735 and ask for Aubrey R. Taylor, president and CEO of Aubrey R. Taylor Communications, the publisher of Houston Business Connections Magazine."

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"Ben Hall is a 2015 Candidate for City of Houston Mayor. Hall is asking for our prayers, vote, and support in his bid to become only the second African American to serve as Houston's mayor."

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"Carroll G. Robinson is a 2015 Candidate for City of Houston Controller. Robinson is asking for our prayers, vote, and support in his bid to become only the second African American to serve as City of Houston Controller."

Don't forget to do all the research you can on the 2015 candidates running for City of Houston Mayor, City of Houston Controller, and Houston City Council in the Tuesday, November 3, 2015 City of Houston Mayoral Election.

Monday, November 24, 2014

PEOPLE: Charles Dupre Receives Contract Extension Through April 2018 from Fort Bend ISD Board of Trustees

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Contract extended through April of 2018, includes salary increase

Fort Bend ISD – At a Regular Board Meeting on November 17, members of the Fort Bend ISD Board of Trustees unanimously voted to amend the employment contract of Superintendent Dr. Charles Dupre, extending the agreement through April 30, 2018.

Dupre’s initial contract, signed in April of 2013, was due to expire in 2016. In addition to extending the duration of the contract, the Fort Bend ISD Board of Trustees also agreed to a five percent increase in Dupre’s base salary of $285,000 to $299,000 annually and an additional 10 vacation days.

“Under Dr. Dupre’s leadership, the Board of Trustees feels the District has made great strides during the last year and a half,” said Fort Bend ISD Board of Trustees President Grayle James. “Moving forward, our Board is committed to continuing to work as a team, with the community, and with Dr. Dupre in order to fulfill the District’s mission.”

Dupre was named the Superintendent of Fort Bend ISD in April of 2013, joining Fort Bend ISD from Pflugerville, where he served six years as the Pflugerville ISD Superintendent and was named the Region 13 Superintendent of the Year in 2012.

Before his time in Pflugerville, Dupre worked 11 years in Fort Bend ISD, serving as the District’s Associate Superintendent and Chief Financial Officer.

Under the agreement signed Monday, all other terms of Dupre’s previous contract remain in effect. In addition to his base salary, Dupre receives $700 a month for a vehicle and vehicle-related expenses and a $300 a month technology allowance. The contract, including the amendment, is available to view on the District’s website at

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To discuss advertising inside Houston Business Connections Magazine call (832)212-8735. If you need to speak directly with Aubrey R. Taylor call (832)894-1352. *The individuals featured on this page are not connected or associated with one another in anyway unless noted. Houston Business Connections Magazine is published by Aubrey R. Taylor Communications. All rights reserved. 

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Saturday, November 22, 2014

THOUGHTS: Stephanie Boutte, a Houston area Businesswoman Shares Why She's a Proud American with Aubrey R. Taylor

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AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why are you proud to be an American?

BUSINESSWOMAN STEPHANIE BOUTTE: "I am proud to be an American because even with all of the injustices found in our nation, we still stand proud. We still find a way to compete. We are a competitive nation. I am proud to be an American because I know the truth about how this nation was built. I know the truth about who the true inventors were. I know what MLK stood for. I understand what Malcom X was saying. I am proud to be an American because I come from a legacy of doers. I come from a legacy of people who did what it took to get the job done. For these reasons and more I am proud to be an American.

I am also proud to be an American because, although she has a deep, dark, storied history; it still provides some of the greatest opportunities in the world. It gives me great pride to know that my willingness to face adversity, challenge the systems and work diligently towards my goals can warrant me sweet success and a better life. Freedoms, which I take for granted and rights which are constitutionally protected are not easily guaranteed in other nations. I am proud to be an American because, it takes character, pride and dignity to accept the fact that I may always be seen as a third class citizen but I will never be deterred from achieving greatness. I am proud to be an American, because of the defiance that was shown and the blood that was shed by my ancestors to make this country great is the same blood that runs in my veins-today. I am proud to be an American, because I know that in this country you can actually have an idea that when nourished properly, planted in fertile soil, and watered meticulously can become a living legacy."

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To discuss advertising inside Houston Business Connections Magazine call (832)212-8735. If you need to speak directly with Aubrey R. Taylor call (832)894-1352. *The individuals featured on this page are not connected or associated with one another in anyway unless noted. Houston Business Connections Magazine is published by Aubrey R. Taylor Communications. All rights reserved. 

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THOUGHTS: Christine Riddle Butts, Judge for Harris County Probate Court #4 Shares Her Mission With Aubrey R. Taylor

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AUBREY R. TAYLOR: What is your mission in life Judge Butts?

JUDGE CHRISTINE RIDDLE BUTTS: "My mission is to serve families in times of crisis in a thoughtful, compassionate, and deliberate way, whether that crisis involves the loss of a loved one, the need for a guardianship, or a mental health issue."

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To discuss advertising inside Houston Business Connections Magazine call (832)212-8735. If you need to speak directly with Aubrey R. Taylor call (832)894-1352. *The individuals featured on this page are not connected or associated with one another in anyway unless noted. Houston Business Connections Magazine is published by Aubrey R. Taylor Communications. All rights reserved. 

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