Porscha Natasha Brown (Black Democrat Female) only lost to Leslie Johnson (White Republican Female) by 267 votes with 1,059,031 votes cast in the race for Judge, County Criminal Court at Law No. 3, in Harris County, Texas. Why isn't the Harris County Democratic Party calling for a recount or for the Texas Rangers to look into this race? And why isn't Porscha Natasha Brown, filing a lawsuit to try and figure out why she lost when most of her fellow Democrats won? What's the difference between Porscha Natasha Brown (who lost) and all of her fellow Democrats who won their races? Well, Porsha Natasha Brown is what I would call "A POLITICAL OUTSIDER" for the most part. Nobody on either side of the political aisle cared whether she won or lost. And for the record, Leslie Johnson is the candidate who was endorsed by Houston Business Connections Newspaper on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, in this race.

Judge Ronnisha Bowman (Black Democrat Female) was the only sitting Democrat Judge to lose her reelection bid. However, what most folks don't know is that Judge Ronnisha Bowman was one of "THE BLACK GIRL MAGIC JUDGES" who didn't really fit in with the rest of the others. Judge Bowman is a single mother with small children, and for the most part, stayed to herself. So, in the grand scheme of things, Judge Ronnisha Bowman was expendable so to speak. Anyways, Judge Ronnisha Bowman lost to former Judge Paula Goodhart (White Republican Female) by 4,889 votes with 1,058,707 votes cast in the race for Judge, County Criminal Court at Law No. 2, in Harris County, Texas. Why isn't the Harris County Democratic Party calling for a recount or for the Texas Rangers to look into this race? And why isn't Judge Ronnisha Bowman being encouraged to file a lawsuit to try and figure out why she lost when most of her fellow Democrats won? What's the difference between Judge Ronnisha Bowman (who lost) and all of her fellow Democrats who won their races? Well, Judge Ronnisha Bowman appears to be "A POLITICAL OUTSIDER" for the most part. Nobody on either side of the political aisle seemed to care whether she won or lost. And for the record, former Judge Paula Goodhart is the candidate who was endorsed by Houston Business Connections Newspaper on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, in this race.

Judge Dasean Jones (Democrat), according to the numbers released by the Harris County Elections Administrator (Clifford Tatum) received 31,914 mail-ballot votes, and Tami Pierce (Republican), received 24,814 mail-ballot votes. You can "CLICK HERE" other race results.

Judge Dasean Jones (Democrat), according to the numbers released by the Harris County Elections Administrator (Clifford Tatum) received 166,669 votes on Election Day. Comparatively speaking, Tami Pierce (Republican), received 168,288 votes on Election Day. You can "CLICK HERE" other race results.

Judge Dasean Jones (Democrat), according to the numbers released by the Harris County Elections Administrator (Clifford Tatum) received 534,460 total votes. Comparatively speaking, Tami Pierce (Republican), received 534,460 total votes. You can "CLICK HERE" other race results.


Investigative Reporter Aubrey R. Taylor will be keeping a close eye on the upcoming, November 7, 2023, City of Houston Mayoral Election, (HISD) Houston Independent School Board Election, and HCC Houston Community College School Board Elections, along with Dr. Steven Hotze, publisher of Conservative Republicans of Texas News, (also Founder of the Liberty Center for God & Country), and Weston Martinez, president of The Voter Fraud Bureau of Investigations. You "CLICK HERE" for important deadlines and filing requirements.