Showing posts with label Candice Matthews indictment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Candice Matthews indictment. Show all posts

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Federal Charges Against Dr. Candice Matthews Could Come; On Oct. 16th, 2024, Candice Matthews Must Appear in Court

The woman called "DR" Candice Matthews must appear in a Port Arthur, Texas courtroom on Wednesday, October 16, 2024, at 1:30p.m. to enter her plea of guilty or not guilty. Community Activist Eligah "Ricky" Jason (left) is still waiting to hear back from the Department of Justice (DOJ) on the complaint he filed on behalf of the victims of Quanell X and "DR" Candice Matthews (top center) a few weeks ago. The federal complaint filed stems from "DR" Candice Matthews allegedly threatening to burst the windows out of his car and blow up his home on August 21, 2024. The Police Chief of Port Arthur, Texas (Timothy Duriso) is not a blood relative of "DR" Candice Matthews, as she claimed. IN OTHER NEWS... Commissioner Rodney Ellis (top far right) has expelled "DR" Candice Matthews from his regime after she secretly recorded him at his home and then gave the secretly recorded audio tapes to Quanell X and James Dunn, Jr., a felon who defrauded the United States Department of Education out of $300,000.00 a few years ago. The elaborate "EXTORTION AND BLACKMAIL SCHEME" orchestrated against Commissioner Ellis and Bishop James Dixon could fall into the hands of Sean Teare, endorsed by Commissioner Ellis on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, in the race for Harris County District Attorney against Dan Simons, the Conservative.

On Wednesday, October 16, 2024, "DR" Candice Matthews must appear before a judge in Port Arthur, Texas, to enter a plea of guilty or not guilty in the matter of "THE STATE OF TEXAS VS. CANDICE MATTHEWS" which is being fast-tracked through the system. (CLICK HERE) According to the state of Texas, "DR" Candice Matthews's actions in Port Arthur, Texas, on Wednesday, August 21, 2024, are considered criminal acts against the peace and dignity of the State of Texas.

Several years ago, Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis welcomed "DR" Candice Matthews into his "CRIME FAMILY," which was a mistake. Once "DR" Candice Matthews was indoctrinated, she began to smell herself and look for ways to oust Commissioner Ellis from his throne. However, the alleged "EXTORTION AND BLACKMAIL SCHEME" against Commissioner Ellis did not  materialize as she envisioned. It is unclear what federal authorities are going to do about her "ALLEGED BOMB THREATS" in Bryan College Station, Texas, Port Arthur, Texas, and when she threatened to blow up an HISD School building with the children inside several years ago. However, her threat to allegedly blow up the home of a rival community activist could bring federal charges if her victim gets his way.

Police Chief Timothy Duriso is the perfect example of what a strong public servant is supposed to look like and carry themselves. Unlike many so-called "BLACK LEADERS" in Harris County, Texas, Chief Duriso isn't afraid to do his job and protect the City of Port Arthur against anyone who would threaten the peace and dignity of the State of Texas. 

Federal Charges Against Dr. Candice Matthews Could Come; On Oct. 16th, 2024, Matthews Must Appear in Court


Local Harris County civil and criminal court judges and members of the local branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) can breathe a little easier this morning. The cowboy-hat-wearing menace to Texas (Candice Matthews) will stand before a judge on Wednesday, Oct. 16th, 2024 – only five days before the start of “EARLY VOTING” in Texas.

Why does this matter?

A few years ago, “DR” Candice Matthews and Commissioner Rodney Ellis enjoined themselves together as Commissioner Ellis welcomed her into his “CRIME FAMILY” to act as his enforcer. However, it didn’t take long for “DR” Candice to let things go to her head.

Shortly after getting indoctrinated into Commissioner Ellis’s regime, “THE GOOD DOCTOR,” as the late Gerry Wayne Monroe, the (FIVE STAR GENERAL), liked to call her – hatched a plan to overthrow Commissioner Rodney Ellis, and started recording their conversations.


The Department of Justice (DOJ) moves a lot slower than Port Arthur Police Chief (Timothy Duriso) and Criminal District Attorney (Keith Giblin), who represents the State of Texas. That said, I’m encouraging my readers to be patient as this situation unfolds.

I want to thank the Mayor of Port Arthur (Thurman Bartie) for taking the time to speak with me and confirm that the woman named “DR” Candice Matthew lied when she claimed that she was his cousin and that he somehow provided cover for her to terrorize Eligah “Ricky” Jason at his home on Aug. 21st, 2024, in Port Arthur, Texas.

The alleged bomb threats and other threats of violence made by “DR” Candice Matthews in Houston, Texas, Bryan College Station, Texas, and Port Arthur, Texas, will be addressed at the federal level. However, according to “THE COMPLAINTS” in the State of Texas VS. Candice Matthews, reviewed by Aubrey R. Taylor Communications, the publisher of Houston Business Connections Newspaper, that process is well underway but will take some time to resolve.

“As the list of potential victims of Quanell X and Dr. Candice Matthews continues to grow, I am steadfast in my commitment to bring Candice to justice by any means necessary,” explained Eligah “Ricky” Jason (stage name), the community activist from Port Arthur, Texas who has filed several complaints at the local and federal level against Quanell and Candice.

As this situation continues to unfold and “DR” Candice Matthews continues to ‘jet set’ across Texas, terrorizing anyone who opposes her, Quanell X (out of loyalty) continues to stick by “DR” Candice Matthews, the National Minister of Politics for Quanell X’s New Black Panther Nation – which is understandable to a point.

In certain circumstances, prosecutors have the authority to elevate assault by threat to a third-degree felony, which could result in a prison sentence that ranges from 2 to 20 years in the State of Texas.


Stemming from her road trip on Aug. 21st, 2024, from the Northside of Houston, Texas, to “THE GOLDEN TRIANGLE,” which is an area of Southeast Texas that includes the cities of Beaumont, Texas, Port Arthur, Texas, and Orange, Texas, “DR” Candice Matthews could find herself facing a federal situation if found guilty of the lessor charges she’s facing on Oct. 16th, 2024, in a Port Arthur, Texas courtroom.

The State of Texas VS. Candice Matthews in connection to (CAUSE NUMBER 8108), which includes (3) three complaints, could ultimately prove to be the ‘tip-of-the-iceberg’ of what could evolve into a litany of federal charges against the ‘cowboy-hat-wearing’ wannabe gangster.

COMPLAINT ONE in the State of Texas VS. Candice Matthews is related to “DISORDERLY CONDUCT,” namely (ABUSE & THREAT), which is a crime against the peace and dignity of the State. You can find COMPLAINT ONE in Section 42.1(a)(4) of the Texas Penal Code.

“…Defendant, on or about the 21st day of AUGUST 2024 and before making and filing this complaint, in the territorial limits of the City of Port Arthur and the State of Texas, Defendant did then and there intentionally or knowingly abuse or threaten a person, to wit: 2200 BLK 10th STREET, in a public place, to wit: ABUSE in an obviously offensive manner in the City of Port Arthur, Jefferson County, Texas.,” states CAUSE NUMBER: 8108, filed in the State of Texas VS. Candice Matthews dated Oct. 2nd, 2024, in connection to the DISORDERLY CONDUCT COMPAINT, which she must ‘plead guilty’ or ‘not guilty’ to, on Oct. 16th, 2024.

COMPLAINT TWO in the State of Texas VS. Candice Matthews is related to “DISORDERLY CONDUCT,” namely (UNREASONABLE NOISE), which is a crime against the peace and dignity of the State. You can find COMPLAINT TWO in Section 42.1(a)(5) of the Texas Penal Code.

“…Defendant, on or about the 21st day of AUGUST 2024 and before making and filing this complaint, in the territorial limits of the City of Port Arthur and the State of Texas, Defendant did then and there intentionally or knowingly make an unreasonable noise in wit: 2200 BLK STREET in a public place other than a sport shooting range or in/near a private residence that he/she has no right to occupy in the City of Port Arthur, Jefferson County, Texas. CAUSE NUMBER: 8108, filed in the State of Texas VS. Candice Matthews dated Oct. 2nd, 2024, in connection to the UNREASONABLE NOISE COMPLAINT, which she must ‘plead guilty’ or ‘not guilty’ to, on Oct. 16th, 2024.

COMPLAINT THREE in the State of Texas VS. Candice Matthews is related to “DISORDERLY CONDUCT,” namely (LANGUAGE), which is a crime against the peace and dignity of the State. You can find COMPLAINT THREE in Section 42.1(a)(1) of the Texas Penal Code.

“…Defendant on or about the 21st day of AUGUST 2024 and before making and filing this complaint, in the territorial limits of the City of Port Arthur and the State of Texas, Defendant did then and there intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly use abuse, indecent, profane, or vulgar language to wit: cursing and swearing in a public place, and the language by its very utterance tending to incite an immediate breach of the peace. CAUSE NUMBER: 8108, filed in the State of Texas VS. Candice Matthews dated Sept. 26th, 2024, in connection to the DISORDERLY CONDUCT COMPLAINT, which she must ‘plead guilty’ or ‘not guilty’ to, on Oct. 16th, 2024.


The woman named “DR” Candice Matthews will have to wait for a while before she can reap benefits resulting from her alleged “EXTORTION AND BLACKMAIL PLOT,” which got hatched against Harris County Precinct One Commissioner Rodney Ellis and his embattled sidekick Pastor James Dixon.

As of right now, Bishop James Dixon only got removed from the board of “THE NO TRAFFICKING ZONE,” an organization that he co-founded with human trafficking survivor Jacquelyn Aluotto, is allegedly a former partner, friend, confidant, and scorned lover of Bishop James Dixon.

While he got removed from the “THE NO TRAFFICKING ZONE” board, Bishop James Dixon refused to hold himself accountable as a man of God and a decent human being by refusing to relinquish his chairmanship on the Harris County Sports and Convention Corporation board.

Remember, according to FACETIME video, text messages, and other evidence, Bishop James Dixon was allegedly in Florida representing Harris County taxpayers while screaming at the camera with a gun to his head, threatening to kill himself.

According to his ‘alleged lover’ and former partner, friend, and confidant, Bishop James Dixon is a troubled man who needs serious help. Aluotto went to Bishop Dixon’s church, the Community of Faith Church, but was told to keep her mouth shut and suck it up.

Bishop Dixon’s church also told Aluotto they would get him help. Still, it is unclear at this time if he has received any help for his alleged mistreatment of women he’s allegedly lured into his ‘sex-crazed’ world of gratification.


There’s a mountain of evidence against Bishop James Dixon, which “DR” Candice Matthews believes rose to a level that was high enough that it would enable her to wrestle Bishop James Dixon’s position and the president of the local branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) Houston Branch away from him.

An elaborate “EXTORTION AND BLACKMAIL” scheme involved a “SECRET AUDIO RECORDING,” which “DR” Candice Matthews recorded at the home of Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis (2102 SUNSET BOULEVARD) on Tuesday, Oct. 3rd, 2023. It was forwarded to Quanell X and her alleged co-conspirator, James Earl Dunn, Jr., on Wednesday, Oct. 4th, 2023. If everything goes according to plan with the Port Arthur, Texas cases, it could eventually lead to federal charges.

Remember, “DR” Candice Matthews’s alleged accomplice and co-conspirator, James Earl Dunn, Jr., pled guilty to defrauding the United States Department of Education of $300,000.00 a few years ago.

You can (CLICK HERE) to view a copy of the "FEDERAL LAWSUIT" that was filed in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Texas Houston Division by Liz Gomez, Marissa Sanchez, Felecia McKinney, and Jacquelyn Aluotto against (HARRIS COUNTY), Alan Rosen, Chris Gore, and Shane Rigdon, in their individual capacities.


The illegal meeting that Commissioner Rodney Ellis called at his home with the “WHISTLEBLOWER” in a lawsuit against Harris County, Texas, where “DR” Candice Matthews “SECRETLY RECORDED” Commissioner Rodney Ellis may have been a setup all along.

It is unclear at this time how much secretly recorded audio “DR” Candice Matthews has obtained via phone and secret meetings. Still, the recording of conversations did not begin on Tuesday, Oct. 3rd, 2023, when she secretly recorded Commissioner Rodney Ellis breaking the law by violating the “LOCAL GOVERNMENT CODE” by holding a meeting to discuss county business without a quorum, but that’s a story for another day.

As the “ELECTED COUNTY COMMISSIONER” for (PRECINCT ONE), Commissioner Rodney Ellis has a lot of power, but he does not possess the power to act alone (without a quorum) on matters like what occurred at his home (2102 SUNSET BOULEVARD) when he called a private meeting with “DR” Candice Matthews and (WHISTLEBLOWER) Jacquelyn Aluotto.

If you think back, Jacquelyn Aluotto is the woman who got listed as a (WHISTLEBLOWER) in the matter of those female Harris County Deputies, who their superior officers abused in “THE LAWSUIT” that was filed in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Texas (Houston Division) before it got quietly settled.

Initially, Liz Gomez, Marissa Sanchez, Felecia McKinney, and Jacquelyn Aluotto were all plaintiffs in “THE LAWSUIT” versus Harris County, Texas, Precinct One Constable Alan Rosen in his capacity. Also being sued for the alleged abuse behavior were Chris Gore, assistant chief for Harris County Precinct One, and Shane Rigdon, a Lieutenant at the Harris County Precinct One Constable’s Office.

Long story short, Constable Alan Rosen got dropped from the lawsuit, and Jaquelyn Aluotto removed herself before Harris County quietly settled the lawsuit with the women.


Jacquelyn Aluotto, the “WHISTLEBLOWER” who Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis summoned to his home with “DR” Candice Matthews on Oct. 3rd, 2023, was a human trafficking advocate employed by Constable Alan Rosen’s (PRECINCT ONE) Constable’s office.

According to “THE LAWSUIT” against Harris County, Aluotto had vigorously complained to her chain of command, and the office of Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg was rebuffed and outright ignored.

According to “THE LAWSUIT,” after Jacquelyn Aluotto finally spoke with the Internal Affairs division of the Constable’s Office, she was extensively interviewed concerning the outrageous abuse of the three female deputies (Liz Gomez, Marissa Sanchez, and Felecia McKinney). She got fired the very next day.


The meeting at Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis’s home was an element of “THE COVER-UP” of Bishop James Dixon’s sex-crazed and driven entanglements with professional women from the Governor Greg Abbott’s Office, the local District Attorney’s Office, and women from the streets.

Bishop Dixon allegedly lured married women (spouses of his friends) into his alleged sex-crazed entanglements. However, “THE LAWSUIT,” which Jacquelyn Aluotto was a part of, included tales of young female deputies getting mistreated and then silenced.

As I’ve already stated, Constable Alan Rosen got dropped from “THE FEDERAL LAWUIT” filed in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Texas (Houston Division).

The female deputies in question were allegedly handpicked for “UNDERCOVER OPERATIONS” under the guise of legitimate police work and were molested and traumatized by their commanding superior officers who were often intoxicated and looking to fulfill their sexual gratification – much like Bishop James Dixon allegedly used his position as chairman of the Harris County Sports & Convention Corporation to do according to Jacquelyn Aluotto.

“What began as an idea for “BATCHELOR PARTY” prostitution stings soon grew into a booze-fueled playground for sexual exploitation in which young, untrained deputies were subject to disgusting abuse,” reads “THE PRELIMINARY STATEMENT” of the federal lawsuit.

The District Attorney’s Office and (PRECINCT ONE) were both aware of the abuse that was taking place in connection with “THE BACHELOR PARTY” sexual gratifications. Still, both offices refused to take any action and rebuffed anyone who complained about the abuses.

When Liz Gomez, Marissa Sanchez, and Felecia McKinney spoke up about their alleged mistreatment, they got ridiculed, retaliated against by their abusers and commanders, and then quietly reassigned to less prestigious duties.

Does this sound familiar?

Commissioner Rodney Ellis has allowed himself to become entangled with a ‘cow-boy-hat-wearing’ menace to Texas, which could ultimately lead to his removal from office.

A once powerful man, Commissioner Rodney Ellis is nothing more than a paper tiger with no teeth right now. And to make matters worse, if the Department of Justice comes knocking at “DR” Candice Matthews to ask questions about all those “BOMB THREATS” she allegedly made, Ellis, the rest of the audio tapes from their phone conversations could be revealed.


On Wednesday, Oct. 16th, 2024, “DR” Candice Matthews will have to appear before a judge in Port Arthur, Texas, as a result of her gaunt from the Northside of Houston, Texas, to Port Arthur, Texas, to allegedly threaten the life of Eligah “Rick” Jason. However, the STATE OF TEXAS versus “DR” Candice Matthews in Port Authur, Texas, is only the tip of the iceberg.

It is unclear whether members of Commissioner Ellis’s regime will try to cover up for “DR” Candice Matthews the same way that they’ve been working to silence the story about Commissioner Ellis allegedly recruiting his 72-year-old sister named Melody Genneane Ellis to facilitate the alleged $50,000.00 “HUSH MONEY” ransom payment to James Dunn, Jr., at the direction Ellis’s alleged, urging, or demand, but only time will tell.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033

Community Activist Eligah "Ricky" Jason (stage name) is a brave "BLACK MAN" who is encouraging other "BLACK MEN" to break the cycle of violence in the State of Texas. Early voting will begin in the "GOLDEN TRIANGLE" and throughout the State of Texas on Monday, October 21, 2024, and end on Friday, November 1, 2024, in what is shaping to be the most consequential Election of our lifetimes.


Former Councilman Mike Knox is committed to ensuring that people accused of crime remain alive to see their day in court. There are too many "BLACK AND BROWN" people dying in the care and custody of Sheriff Ed Gonzalez. On Tuesday, November 5, 2024, African American and Hispanic voters were strongly encouraged to vote to fire Sheriff Ed Gonzalez and hire MIKE KNOX, a strong leader committed to making public safety his number one priority.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039


Judge Israel Garcia (left) is being challenged by former Judge James Lombardino on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, in the race for Justice of the Peace, Precinct 5, Place 1, in Harris County, Texas. Every reader of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© is encouraged to vote for Judge Isreal Garcia if you live inside the boundaries of "PRECINCT FIVE" regardless of whether you're a Democrat, Republican, or Independent, "JUDGE ISRAEL GARCIA" is the right choice.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039


"Early voting will begin on Monday, October 21, 2024, and end on Friday, November 1, 2024, for the upcoming Tuesday, November 5, 2024, Presidential Election. It is incumbent upon us to make it our business to select the best candidate available in every down-ballot race."

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039

Fred Taylor, the chairman of the Fort Bend County Democratic Party, has his hands full trying to overcome his predecessor's mess. However, on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, a bunch of "GOOD DEMOCRATS" will be seeking the vote of and support of voters in Fort Bend County, Texas. 

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039