"It doesn't really take a whole bunch of people to flip a countywide election in a place as vast as Harris County, Texas. Why not? Well, if you can get three or so, elected officials like State Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr., State Senator Borris L. Miles, and United States Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee working in concert together -- it's relatively easy to flip an entire county. Now, neither of the Black politicians I just mentioned have been convicted of doing anything wrong in the 'Absentee Ballot Harvesting Game' yet. However, their names are at the top of nearly every list I've seen related to this type of activity. So, do you even know what 'Absentee Ballot Harvesting' is? Do you understand how 'Absentee Ballot Harvesting' could be used to determine the outcome of elections? If not, pay close attention because I'm going to illustrate how (3) three candidates with the right resources and influence could flip a county the size of Harris County, Texas by securing 33,600 Absentee Ballots with little to no effort at all on their part in any given election. Now, that being said, please understand that one good ballot harvester can easily secure 400 Absentee Ballots in one day if they have help from the inside of local nursing home. So, if a crooked countywide politician goes out and hires (10) ten Absentee Ballot Harvesters to work on their campaign, that candidate could easily determine the outcome of every countywide race on a ballot in a primary or general election by using the powerful (NGP VAN SOFTWARE) system to select all of the candidates they want to win and determine the outcomes of every countywide race on the ballot. Nope, I'm not making this up!!! But don't take my word for it. According to their website, NGP VAN is the leading technology provider to Democratic and progressive campaigns and organizations, as well as nonprofits, municipalities, and other groups, offering clients an integrated platform of the best fundraising, compliance, field, organizing, digital, and social networking products."

EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033

"The video above gives you a good example of how the "ABSENTEE BALLOT HARVESTING" scheme works in Harris County, Texas. So, as you view the video, please pay close attention to the part where the young lady with a State Rep. Harold Dutton Campaign t-shirt on says , "we've done 400 already," Now, what this young lady is talking about is "ABSENTEE BALLOTS" when she makes that statement. So, for the record, it does not take but one "ABSENTEE BALLOT HARVESTER" to flip a local race in Harris County, Texas. I believe that it's possible for (1) one absentee ballot harvester to collect as many as 12,000 ballots during a Presidential or Midterm Election cycle for a candidate running countywide in Harris County, Texas. That being said, if a candidate with deep pockets like Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis goes out and hires (10) ten absentee ballot harvesters -- not only is he able to control the outcome of his race; but he could also control the outcomes of every race on the Harris County, Texas. How? Well, with access to (NGP VAN SOFTWARE) a team of (10) ten absentee ballot harvesters could easily secure 120,000 or more, absentee mail-in ballots in a 30 day period."

STEP #1: The alleged "ABSENTEE BALLOT HARVESTER" walks into the room of an elderly woman living in a nursing home. In this particular case, the harvester is alleged to have been harvesting ballots for State Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr., back during the 2018 Midterms.

STEP #2: The alleged "ABSENTEE BALLOT HARVESTER" approaches the elderly woman living in a nursing home. In this particular case, the harvester is alleged to have been harvesting ballots for State Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr., back during the 2018 Midterms.

STEP #3: The alleged "ABSENTEE BALLOT HARVESTER" explains to the elderly voter that she's there to assist her with her absentee ballot. In this particular case, the harvester is alleged to have been harvesting ballots for State Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr., back during the 2018 Midterms.

STEP #4: The alleged "ABSENTEE BALLOT HARVESTER" tells the elder voter the name of the candidate to select on the ballot. In this particular case, the harvester is alleged to have been harvesting ballots for State Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr., back during the 2018 Midterms.

STEP #5: The elderly woman in the nursing home selects the name she's told to select by the alleged "ABSENTEE BALLOT HARVESTER" on her ballot. In this particular case, the harvester is alleged to have been harvesting ballots for State Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr., back during the 2018 Midterms.

STEP #6: The elderly woman is told where to sign her name on the "ABSENTEE BALLOT " by the alleged harvester. In this particular case, the harvester is alleged to have been harvesting ballots for State Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr., back during the 2018 Midterms.

STEP #7: The alleged "ABSENTEE BALLOT HARVESTER" walks away from the elderly woman in the nursing home with her ballot -- which is illegal. In this particular case, the harvester is alleged to have been harvesting ballots for State Rep. Harold Dutton, Jr., back during the 2018 Midterms.

STEP #8: The alleged "ABSENTEE BALLOT HARVESTER" is asked whether what she is doing or not is legal, and she answers yes! She also states that they had already done 400 "ABSENTEE BALLOTS" already.

"The image you see above is an example of three "ABSENTEE BALLOTS" with votes cast for only (2) two candidates of the more than (150) one hundred fifty candidates who appeared on the ballot in Harris County, Texas. Now, if you pay close attention you will see that these ballots only have the names of State Representative Harold Dutton, Jr. (HD-142), and U.S. Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee selected out of more than (150) candidates who appeared on the ballot.

"You have to remember that Harris County, Texas has the longest ballot in the country. There were over 90 races on the 2018 Democratic Party Primary ballot covering about 150 candidates. Now, as you view the image of the "ABSENTEE BALLOTS" above you have to keep in mind that it's possible for some candidates who appear on the ballot to be "CHEATED FOR WITHOUT THEIR KNOWLEDGE" in Harris County, Texas and other counties. The ballots you see above are all from Precinct #259 – in which the voters cast their votes for ALL of the same candidates . However, pay close attention to how all of these supposed voters used the same style “X” to mark their ballots. Also, please note that (Precinct #259) is controlled by Harris County Democratic Party (Election Judge and Precinct Chair) Deborah Adams who happens to be a Black woman whose name continues to come up over and over again in connection to "ABSENTEE BALLOT HARVESTING" in Harris County, Texas.

“Pretty soon, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, the Congressional Representative for the 18th Congressional District (far left), Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis (second from left), State Rep. Senfronia Thompson (far right), and State Senator Borris L. Miles (second from right), could all have some very serious questions to answer. Why? Well, we’ve uncovered some fraudulent documents that you will find below in this report and have already turned the fraudulent documents over to the Texas Secretary of State and Texas Attorney General for prosecution. I would like to personally thank Colleen M. Vera, and her team for the hard work they’ve done to expose this corruption. Yes, that’s “THE COLLEEN M. VERA” with Texas Trash Talk. Now, before supporters of these four Black politicians start running around town trying to do damage control in efforts to discredit Colleen’s report, I would like to inform everyone that there’s much more to come – so the best thing to do right now is to sit down somewhere and be quiet. And I would also like to remind you guys that Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis, State Rep. Senfronia Thompson, and State Senator Borris L. Miles, should be presumed innocent for right now.”

EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033

For the record, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee is the United States Representative for the area of Harris County, Texas where “DEAD PEOPLE” had their identities stolen back during the Tuesday, March 3, 2020, Democratic Party Primary. And once the identities of the “DEAD PEOPLE” were stolen, the dead people then supposedly requested absentee ballot applications from the grave. Then once the “DEAD PEOPLE” received their absentee ballot application in the mail, each of the “DEAD PEOPLE” somehow signed and mailed their absentee ballot application back to the Harris County Clerk’s Office from the grave.

For the record, Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis is the County Commissioner for the area of Harris County, Texas where “DEAD PEOPLE” had their identities stolen back during the Tuesday, March 3, 2020, Democratic Party Primary. And once the identities of the “DEAD PEOPLE” were stolen, the dead people then supposedly requested absentee ballot applications from the grave. Then once the “DEAD PEOPLE” received their absentee ballot application in the mail, each of the “DEAD PEOPLE” somehow signed and mailed their absentee ballot application back to the Harris County Clerk’s Office from the grave.

For the record, State Rep. Borris L. Miles is the State Senator for the area of Harris County, Texas where “DEAD PEOPLE” had their identities stolen back during the Tuesday, March 3, 2020, Democratic Party Primary. And once the identities of the “DEAD PEOPLE” were stolen, the dead people then supposedly requested absentee ballot applications from the grave. Then once the “DEAD PEOPLE” received their absentee ballot application in the mail, each of the “DEAD PEOPLE” somehow signed and mailed their absentee ballot application back to the Harris County Clerk’s Office from the grave.

For the record, State Rep. Senfronia Thompson is the State Representative for the area of Harris County, Texas where “DEAD PEOPLE” had their identities stolen back during the Tuesday, March 3, 2020, Democratic Party Primary. And once the identities of the “DEAD PEOPLE” were stolen, the dead people then supposedly requested absentee ballot applications from the grave. Then once the “DEAD PEOPLE” received their absentee ballot application in the mail, each of the “DEAD PEOPLE” somehow signed and mailed their absentee ballot application back to the Harris County Clerk’s Office from the grave.

Gloria Palmer is a convicted FORGER named in research concerning ballot harvesting in Harris County from both the 2016 and 2018 Primaries. She admitted on tape that she works to get elderly voters to submit ballots by mail supporting the candidates she works for. She also admitted on tape that she works as a nurse which gives her access to elderly voters. She claims the voters she approaches are on a list supplied to her. Gloria Palmar submitted over 100 applications for ballot by mail in just ONE packages she submitted. Tomar Bishop witnessed/assisted 14 of them.

Tomar Joann LaBlanc Bishop is also a convicted felon. Recently, Tomar Bishop filed a lawsuit concerning injuries she claimed to have sustained from a motor vehicle accident. In those documents she claims to work for a home health agency named Springwell. Within those documents are samples of her signature. Tomar Bishop served as a witnessed/assisted on 14 of the 100 applications for ballot applications that were submitted by Gloria Palmer in just one of the packages she submitted.

QUESTION #1: “How did Kathleen Hooey, who died way back in 1991, which was, 29 years prior to the 2020 Democratic Party Primary, request, sign, and mail an absentee ballot back to the Harris County Clerk’s Office?” Now, is it just a coincidence that all five of the dead people who had their identities stolen live in districts and precincts represented by Sheila, Rodney, Borris, and Senfronia – Black people?”

QUESTION #2: “How did Gloria Chambers, who died way back in 2010, which was 10 years before the 2020 Democratic Party Primary request, sign, and mail an absentee ballot back to the Harris County Clerk’s Office?” Now, is it just a coincidence that all five of the dead people who had their identities stolen live in districts and precincts represented by Sheila, Rodney, Borris, and Senfronia – Black people?”

QUESTION #3: “How did Jessie Burks, who died back in 2015 – 5 years prior to the 2020 Democratic Party Primary, request, sign, and mail an absentee ballot back to the Harris County Clerk’s Office?” Now, is it just a coincidence that all five of the dead people who had their identities stolen live in districts and precincts represented by Sheila, Rodney, Borris, and Senfronia – Black people?”


QUESTION #4: “How did Tommie Bookman, a US Army Veteran who served his country in the Korean War; but was laid to rest in the Houston National Cemetery in back 2016 – 4 years prior to the 2020 Democratic Party Primary, request, sign, and mail an absentee ballot back to the Harris County Clerk’s Office?” Now, is it just a coincidence that all five of the dead people who had their identities stolen live in districts and precincts represented by Sheila, Rodney, Borris, and Senfronia – Black people?”

QUESTION #5: “How did Sylvia Thomas and elderly woman who lives and votes in New Orleans, Louisiana and hasn’t lived in Houston, Texas in over 20 years, cast a ballot in Harris County, Texas back in the 2020 Democratic Party Primary? Wait, before answering this question, please know that Sylvia Thomas, who was born way back in 1940, has already stated for the record, that she did not request an absentee ballot, nor mail one to the Harris County Clerk’s Office. Now, is it just a coincidence that all five of the dead people who had their identities stolen live in districts and precincts represented by Sheila, Rodney, Borris, and Senfronia – Black people?”

Colleen M. Vera is a retired school teacher, turned citizen reporter. She is working diligently to expose election fraud and corruption in Texas. She's a senior reporter with Texas Trash Talk, and contributing reporter for Houston Business Connections Newspaper©, published by Aubrey R. Taylor Communications. Call (281)788-3033 if you have a tip related to corruption by a public official, or election fraud committed anywhere within the state of Texas.
Breaking News: Harris County Voter for Ballot by Mail – 29 Years After Her Death
By Colleen M. Vera
On Feb. 10, 2020, the Harris County Clerk’s Office received an annual application for Ballot by Mail, including the Democratic Party Primary, from voter Kathleen Hooey who is registered to vote at 7014 Jay Street in Houston. At first glance, all appears normal. The voter was born in 1919 so she qualifies to vote by mail under Texas Law. She signed the form and mailed it in on time, so nothing seems concerning.

But, Kathleen Hooey passed away in 1991 – 29 years BEFORE this application was signed and mailed.

And, she was not the only one.
That same day, the County Clerk’s Office received another annual application for ballot by mail, including the Democratic Primary, from voter Gloria Chambers who is registered to vote at 10525 Barnham Street in Houston. The voter was born in 1946 so she qualifies to vote by mail in Texas. Her application was signed and mailed on time - and was even signed by an assistant/witness named Tomar Bishop. So all looks good.
Except Gloria Chambers passed away in 2010 – 10 years BEFORE this application was signed and mailed.
And these two were not alone.
That same day, the County Clerk’s Office received yet another annual application for ballot by mail, including the Democratic Primary, from voter Jessie Burks who was registered to vote at 10514 Barnham Street in Houston. The voter was born in 1937 so he qualifies to vote by mail in Texas. The application was signed and mailed on time - and was again signed by an assistant/witness named Tomar Bishop. All appears to be fine.
But Jessie Burks passed away in 2015 – 5 years BEFORE this application was signed and mailed.
Again that same day, the County Clerk’s Office received another annual application for ballot by mail, including the Democratic Primary, from voter Tommie Bookman who is registered to vote at 5102 Noldale Drive in Houston. The voter was born in 1932 so he qualifies to vote by mail in Texas. The application was signed and mailed on time so all looks good.
Except Tommie Bookman, a US Army Veteran who served his country in the Korean War, was laid to rest in the Houston National Cemetery in 2016 – 4 years BEFORE this application was signed and mailed.
Also, that same day, the County Clerk’s Office received another annual application for ballot by mail, including the Democratic Primary, from voter Sylvia Thomas who is registered to vote at 10441 Barnham Street in Houston. The voter was born in 1940 so she qualifies to vote by mail in Texas. The application was signed and mailed on time - and was again signed by an assistant/witness named Tomar Bishop. All appears to be fine.
But Sylvia Thomas lives and votes in New Orleans, LA. She claims that she hasn’t lived in Houston in over 20 years and did not apply for a ballot by mail in Texas in 2020.
What do these five applications have in common?
1. All five voters who had their identities stolen are voters of color.
2. All were mailed to the County Clerk in ONE large package containing over 100 annual applications for ballot by mail, all including the Democratic Primary, with the following name on the return address:

Gloria Palmer
7413 Parker Rd
Houston, TX 77016
Who is Gloria Palmer?

Gloria Palmer is a convicted FORGER named in research concerning ballot harvesting in Harris County from both the 2016 and 2018 Primaries. She admitted on tape that she works to get elderly voters to submit ballots by mail supporting the candidates she works for. She also admitted on tape that she works as a nurse which gives her access to elderly voters. She claims the voters she approaches are on a list supplied to her.
Who is Tomar Bishop?

Tomar Joann LaBlanc Bishop is also a convicted felon. Recently, Tomar Bishop filed a lawsuit concerning injuries she claimed to have sustained from a motor vehicle accident. In those documents she claims to work for a home health agency named Springwell. Within those documents are samples of her signature.

You can decide if you think it matches the witness/assistant signatures on the ballot by mail applications.

*The signature you are looking at above was used by Tomar Bishop on the "ABSENTEE BALLOTS" that deceased people supposedly requested, signed and mailed back to the Harris County Clerk's Office during the 2020 Democratic Party Primary.

*The signature you are looking at above was used by Tomar Bishop on "COURT DOCUMENTS" in cases that she's been involved in over the years.
Why are these ladies sending in applications for deceased voters?
Could it be that they assumed the list of voters supplied to them was safe to use because the Voter Registrar always removes deceased voters from the rolls?
OOPS – REALLY BAD assumption.
Each application submitted without the voter’s knowledge and approval is a State Jail Felony…and…the punishment gets bumped up to the next higher level if the voter is over 65 and/or more than one offense occurred in the same election.
Gloria Palmar submitted over 100 applications for ballot by mail in that ONE package. Tomar Bishop witnessed/assisted 14 of them.

Another individual who signed as an assistant/witness for multiple applications was Ray Jones, but only one of those voters is deceased. She appears to have passed away the same day Gloria Palmer mailed the package.
Who is Ray Jones?
Ray Jones, the is yet another convicted felon. Samples of his signature can be found in court records.

You can decide if you think it matches the assistant/witness signatures on the ballot by mail applications.

On his court documents and voter registration, Ray Jones claims his address is 6019 Mohawk. On these ballot by mail applications, Ray Jones claims his address is 12210 Wild Pine Dr. Apt B. There is only one person registered to vote at that address, a woman named Lisa Powell.
Look whose signatures are on bail bonds for Ray Jones...

If you look closely will see the name Tomar Bishop highlighted in red on this "SURETY BOND" that was posted for Charles Ray Jones.

If you look closely will see the name Lisa Powell highlighted in red on this "SURETY BOND" that was posted for Charles Ray Jones.

What a small world!
What do Gloria Palmer, Ray Jones and Lisa Powell all have in common?

They were all paid by US Rep Sheila Jackson Lee’s Campaign in the 2020 Democratic Primary as:

"campaign assistant"
"polling assistant" or
"temp worker."

And even more remarkable...for the work she did for Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee’s campaign…Lisa Powell’s address was listed as 6019 Mohawk – the same address where Ray Jones is registered to vote.

The Democrats in the Texas Legislature fought hard to stop all bills which would help to clean up our voter rolls and tighten security in ballot by mail. They and their allies, the League of Women Voters, NAACP, Texas Civil Rights Project, etc. screamed loud and clear that voter fraud DOES NOT EXIST. Anyone who wants to remove dead persons from the voter rolls or require any form ID for mailed ballots is a crazy, nut-job, Jim Crow 2.0 racist. The Democrats even walked out of the Texas House to break quorum to prevent election bills from passing.
The four Harris County Democratic leaders who have been all over the media sabotaging Texas Republicans who are pushing to clean up the voter rolls and require some type of ID to vote by mail are:
1. US Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee
2. State Senator Borris Miles
3. State Rep. Senfronia Thompson
4. County Commissioner Rodney Ellis
What is the biggest coincidence in all this fraud?
Guess which US Rep. represents ALL FIVE VOTERS whose identities were stolen?

Guess which State Senator represents ALL FIVE VOTERS whose identities were stolen?

Guess which Texas Rep. represents ALL FIVE VOTERS whose identities were stolen?

Guess which County Commissioner represents ALL FIVE VOTERS whose identities were stolen?

The fraudulent documents have been turned over to the Texas Secretary of State and Attorney General for prosecution. But stay tuned…because there is more to come.

If you have any information, you can contact: Charles Marler @ 281-687-5015

Just for the record, I am putting forth my “TOP 10 PRIORITIES” to establish the things I will be focusing my attention on between now and the Tuesday, November 8, 2022 General Election. That being said, please understand that my intention isn’t to unseat Democrats – so don’t get it twisted. Nor is it my intent to help Republicans turn Harris County “RED” in the upcoming midterms. What’s my agenda? Well, my goal is to inform and empower anyone who will listen and help them identify “GOOD DULY-QUALFIED PEOPLE” who value and respect their vote.

PRIORITY #1: As Americans we must put our love for God, our country, and doing what’s right for us as a corporate body of God-fearing people ahead of our political party affiliation, race, gender, and socio-economic status going forward into the 2022 Midterm Election and beyond.

PRIORITY #2: As Houstonians we must deal with the drastic rise in homicides, aggravated robberies and other violent crimes that are on the rise in our area going forward into the 2022 Midterm Election and beyond.

PRIORITY #3: As citizens of Harris County, Texas we must work together to tighten bail bond practices and keep violent criminals off the streets and behind bars until their trial dates going forward into the 2022 Midterm Election and beyond.

PRIORITY #4: As Texans we must develop deterrents to curb criminal activity in Black and Brown communities and discourage people from crossing our borders illegally. And we must unseat elected officials who believe that allowing people to enter Texas illegally at the ballot box going forward into the 2022 Midterm Election and beyond.

PRIORITY #5: As open-minded people we must arm ourselves with information to assist us in our quest to identify the good duly-qualified judges – not based on symbolism – but the content of their character, morals, and commitment to uphold the United States Constitution, and the laws that govern us as a free nation.

PRIORITY #6: As free people we must have the courage to remove people from office who don’t fight to protect our First Amendment rights to freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and to peacefully assemble, and petition our Government for a redress of grievances that are near and dear to our hearts.

PRIORITY #7: As citizens of Harris County, Texas we must work diligently between now and the 2022 Midterm Election to identify judges who are legislating from their benches, and not honoring their oath of office and remove them from the judicial ranks at the ballot box.

PRIORITY #8: As Americans, in the spirit of fairness, we must identify Latino attorneys and encourage them to run for judicial benches and other political offices in both major political parties in the 2022 Midterm Election and beyond.

PRIORITY #9: As Citizens of Harris County, Texas we must work together to dismantle the operations of the “ABSENTEE BALLOT HARVESTERS” and beat back the efforts of the people who are enabling these harvesters to carry out their operations by supporting their illegal activities going forward into the 2022 Midterm Election and beyond.

PRIORITY #10: As warm-blooded Americans, we must endeavor to do everything in our power to make it easier for every registered voter to be allowed to cast one legal vote. However, to protect our democracy, and the sanctity of the "ONE VOTE PER PERSON RULE" we must denounce, and defeat efforts by anyone, Democrat or Republican, to gain unfair advantages in political contests. And to this end, we must seek out the cohorts of dirty politicians, and dismantle, the networks of illegal ballot harvesters, and other operatives going forward into the 2022 Midterm Election and beyond.

EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033

Judge Jim Kovach will be on the Tuesday, March 1, 2022, Democratic Party Primary ballot in the race for Judge, Harris County Civil Court at Law No. 2. So, please cast your vote for Judge Jim Kovach on "SUPER TUESDAY" in the Democratic Party Primary in Harris County, Texas. However, if you know of any reason why we should not endorse Judge Kovach in the 2022 Democratic Party Primary, please call Aubrey R. Taylor, publisher of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© at (281)788-3033, prior to the Monday, December 13, 2021 filing deadline.

Judge Dedra Davis will be on the Tuesday, March 1, 2022, Democratic Party Primary ballot in the race for District Judge, 270th Civil District Court. So, please cast your vote for Judge Dedra Davis on "SUPER TUESDAY" in the Democratic Party Primary in Harris County, Texas. However, if you know of any reason why we should not endorse Judge Davis in the 2022 Democratic Party Primary, please call Aubrey R. Taylor, publisher of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© at (281)788-3033, prior to the Monday, December 13, 2021 filing deadline.

Judge Cory Sepolio will be on the Tuesday, March 1, 2022, Democratic Party Primary ballot in the race for District Judge, 269th Civil District Court. So, please cast your vote for Judge Cory Sepolio on "SUPER TUESDAY" in the Democratic Party Primary in Harris County, Texas. However, if you know of any reason why we should not endorse Judge Sepolio in the 2022 Democratic Party Primary, please call Aubrey R. Taylor, publisher of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© at (281)788-3033, prior to the Monday, December 13, 2021 filing deadline.

Judge Erica Hughes will be on the Tuesday, March 1, 2022, Democratic Party Primary ballot in the race for Judge, Harris County Criminal Court at Law No. 3. So, please cast your vote for Judge Erica Hughes on "SUPER TUESDAY" in the Democratic Party Primary in Harris County, Texas. However, if you know of any reason why we should not endorse Judge Hughes in the 2022 Democratic Party Primary, please call Aubrey R. Taylor, publisher of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© at (281)788-3033, prior to the Monday, December 13, 2021 filing deadline.

Judge Donna Roth will be on the Tuesday, March 1, 2022, Democratic Party Primary ballot in the race for District Judge, 295th Civil District Court. So, please cast your vote for Judge Donna Roth on "SUPER TUESDAY" in the Democratic Party Primary in Harris County, Texas. However, if you know of any reason why we should not endorse Judge Roth in the 2022 Democratic Party Primary, please call Aubrey R. Taylor, publisher of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© at (281)788-3033, prior to the Monday, December 13, 2021 filing deadline.

Judge Michelle Moore will be on the Tuesday, March 1, 2022, Democratic Party Primary ballot in the race for Juvenile District Judge, 314th Judicial District Court. So, please cast your vote for Judge Michelle Moore on "SUPER TUESDAY" in the Democratic Party Primary in Harris County, Texas. However, if you know of any reason why we should not endorse Judge Moore in the 2022 Democratic Party Primary, please call Aubrey R. Taylor, publisher of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© at (281)788-3033, prior to the Monday, December 13, 2021 filing deadline.

Judge Sonya Heath will be on the Tuesday, March 1, 2022, Democratic Party Primary ballot in the race for Family District Judge, 210th Judicial District Court. So, please cast your vote for Judge Sonya Heath on "SUPER TUESDAY" in the Democratic Party Primary in Harris County, Texas. However, if you know of any reason why we should not endorse Judge Heath in the 2022 Democratic Party Primary, please call Aubrey R. Taylor, publisher of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© at (281)788-3033, prior to the Monday, December 13, 2021 filing deadline.

Attorney Tamika "Tami" Craft will be on the Tuesday, March 1, 2022, Democratic Party Primary ballot in the race for District Judge, 195th Civil District Court. So, please cast your vote for Attorney Tamika "Tami" Craft on "SUPER TUESDAY" in the Democratic Party Primary in Harris County, Texas. However, if you know of any reason why we should not endorse Attorney Craft in the 2022 Democratic Party Primary, please call Aubrey R. Taylor, publisher of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© at (281)788-3033, prior to the Monday, December 13, 2021 filing deadline.

Judge Lauren Reeder will be on the Tuesday, March 1, 2022, Democratic Party Primary ballot in the race for District Judge, 234th Civil District Court. So, please cast your vote for Judge Lauren Reeder on "SUPER TUESDAY" in the Democratic Party Primary in Harris County, Texas. However, if you know of any reason why we should not endorse Judge Reeder in the 2022 Democratic Party Primary, please call Aubrey R. Taylor, publisher of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© at (281)788-3033, prior to the Monday, December 13, 2021 filing deadline.

Judge Tonya Jones will be on the Tuesday, March 1, 2022, Democratic Party Primary ballot in the race for Judge, Harris County Criminal Court at Law No. 15. So, please cast your vote for Judge Tonya Jones on "SUPER TUESDAY" in the Democratic Party Primary in Harris County, Texas. However, if you know of any reason why we should not endorse Judge Jones in the 2022 Democratic Party Primary, please call Aubrey R. Taylor, publisher of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© at (281)788-3033, prior to the Monday, December 13, 2021 filing deadline.

Judge Raul Rodriguez will be on the Tuesday, March 1, 2022, Democratic Party Primary ballot in the race for Judge, Harris County Criminal Court at Law No. 13. So, please cast your vote for Judge Raul Rodriguez on "SUPER TUESDAY" in the Democratic Party Primary in Harris County, Texas. However, if you know of any reason why we should not endorse Judge Rodriguez in the 2022 Democratic Party Primary, please call Aubrey R. Taylor, publisher of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© at (281)788-3033, prior to the Monday, December 13, 2021 filing deadline.

Judge Angela D. Rodriguez will be on the Tuesday, March 1, 2022, Democratic Party Primary ballot in the race for Harris County Justice of the Peace, Precinct 6, Place 2. So, please cast your vote for Judge Angela D. Rodriguez on "SUPER TUESDAY" in the Democratic Party Primary in Harris County, Texas. However, if you know of any reason why we should not endorse Judge Rodriguez in the 2022 Democratic Party Primary, please call Aubrey R. Taylor, publisher of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© at (281)788-3033, prior to the Monday, December 13, 2021 filing deadline.

Judge Lucia Bates will be on the Tuesday, March 1, 2022, Democratic Party Primary ballot in the race for Justice of the Peace, Precinct 3, Place 2, in Harris County, Texas. So, please cast your vote for Judge Lucia Bates on "SUPER TUESDAY" in the Democratic Party Primary in Harris County, Texas. However, if you know of any reason why we should not endorse Judge Bates in the 2022 Democratic Party Primary, please call Aubrey R. Taylor, publisher of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© at (281)788-3033, prior to the Monday, December 13, 2021 filing deadline.

EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033

Nominating the Wrong Candidates on "SUPER TUESDAY" Could Have Disastrous Consequences in the November 2022 General Election in Harris County
Make no mistake about it, who the people of Harris County, Texas choose to give another term to in 2022 must be about substance, job performance, judicial temperament, competence, and whether or not our members of the judiciary are following the law with their rulings. And that being said, in 2022, it is incumbent upon the voters of Harris County to evaluate the job performance of each and every sitting "ELECTED OFFICIAL" on a case-by-case basis and not as a group based on their political party affiliation, ethnicity, or gender.
If you are a candidate planning to run for office in 2022, you have to select the right candidate to run against. And the second most important thing to understand is that you have to select your race early, to avoid ending up in a crowded field of candidates on "SUPER TUESDAY" in Harris County, Texas. So, if you need assistance trying to determine which race to enter, please call (281)788-3033, and I will do my very best to answer any questions you may have.

EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033

The “Sisterhood Series” Features 70 Powerful Texas Women You Should Know Who Are Doing Their Own Thing
I would like to take this moment to introduce our “SISTERHOOD SERIES” to you. This empowerment movement is being launched to highlight a few powerful Texas women who are doing their own thing in legal, political, and public relations fields throughout the Lone Star State. Now, while this powerful group of women is being brought to you as a corporate body, our “SISTERHOOD SERIES” should not be misconstrued as identity/gender politics in any way, shape, or form. Why? Well, all of the featured women in this series are (in their own unique way) some of the best and brightest women in America. So, recognizing these women as part of our “SISTERHOOD SERIES” is our way of applauding each of them for their courage, tenacity, and ability to compete in what has traditionally been a man’s world.

If we’re honest with ourselves, we all know that women are still fighting an uphill battle in politics as well as inside boardrooms across America. So, let's not forget – it wasn’t long ago that women were guaranteed the right to vote. In case you don’t know, the 19th Amendment granting women the right to vote was only the beginning of a much longer fight that women are continuing to fight on the campaign trail, in board rooms, and while living their everyday lives.
Each segment of our “SISTERHOOD SERIES” will highlight a “FEATURED SPONSOR” on the cover, and sixty-nine sitting incumbent Democratic and Republican members of the judiciary inside. So, as a community of women, each of the sixty-nine women featured as the “BODY OF THE SERIES” are linked together by their common successes in the rough and tumble world of Texas politics. Now, you can bet your bottom dollar, that some of these women will be endorsed by Houston Business Connections Newspaper©, in 2022 and 2024 “ELECTION GUIDES” when they appear on the ballot. However, unfortunately, some of these women will not make the cut. So, please do not forget that the deadline to run for political office in the “2022 MIDTERM ELECTIONS” is on Monday, December 13, 2021, in Texas. And, if you are a woman or man who is planning to run for office in 2022, you must sign up by Monday, December 13, 2021, at 6:00 pm. So, if you are not sure, what position you should run for in the Democratic Party Primary or Republican Party Primary, please call (281)788-3033, and I will try to assist you in any way I can.
Every judge in America takes an oath of office and solemnly swears that they will administer justice without respect to persons and that they will do equal right to the poor and to the rich alike. So, the “MINISTERS OF JUSTICE” you see listed below, have all promised to faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent upon them under the United States Constitution and the laws that govern us as a free nation when they were elected. And each of them did so before the LORD God Almighty. Now, that being said, nowhere in their promise was their political party affiliation, sorority, socio-economic status, or ethnicity mentioned. So, let’s do our best going forward, to elect the “BEST AND BRIGHTEST” women and men who are committed to handing out even-handed justice to every person who enters their courtroom.

EMAIL: aubreyrtaylor@gmail.com
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033

Texas Supreme Court, Place 3 – Justice Debra Lehrmann is a Republican currently serving on the Texas Supreme Court for Place 3. Registered Texas voters from all 254 counties are eligible to vote for this judicial bench whenever it appears on the ballot.

Texas Supreme Court, Place 5 – Justice Rebeca Aizpuru Huddle is a Republican currently serving on the Texas Supreme Court for Place 5. Registered Texas voters from all 254 counties are eligible to vote for this judicial bench whenever it appears on the ballot.

Texas Supreme Court, Place 6 – Justice Jane Bland is a Republican currently serving on the Texas Supreme Court for Place 6. Registered Texas voters from all 254 counties are eligible to vote for this judicial bench.

Texas Supreme Court, Place 9 – Justice Eva Guzman, is a Republican currently serving on the Texas Supreme Court for Place 9. Registered Texas voters from all 254 counties are eligible to vote for this judicial bench.

1st Texas Court of Criminal Appeals, Place 1 -- Presiding Judge Sharon Keller is a Republican currently serving on the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals for Place 1. The First Court of Appeals serves the Houston, Texas Area. The Court consists of nine justices who hear appeals and original proceedings from Austin, Brazoria, Chambers, Colorado, Fort Bend, Galveston, Grimes, Harris, Waller, and Washington counties.

1st Texas Court of Criminal Appeals, Place 2 -- Judge Mary Lou Keel is a Republican currently serving on the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals for Place 2. The First Court of Appeals serves the Houston, Texas Area. The Court consists of nine justices who hear appeals and original proceedings from Austin, Brazoria, Chambers, Colorado, Fort Bend, Galveston, Grimes, Harris, Waller, and Washington counties.

1st Texas Court of Criminal Appeals, Place 7 -- Judge Barbara Hervey is a Republican currently serving on the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals for Place 7. The First Court of Appeals serves the Houston, Texas Area. The Court consists of nine justices who hear appeals and original proceedings from Austin, Brazoria, Chambers, Colorado, Fort Bend, Galveston, Grimes, Harris, Waller, and Washington counties.

14th Texas Court of Criminal Appeals, Place 8 -- Judge Michelle Slaughter is a Republican currently serving on the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals for Place 8. The First Court of Appeals serves the Houston, Texas Area. The Court consists of nine justices who hear appeals and original proceedings from Austin, Brazoria, Chambers, Colorado, Fort Bend, Galveston, Grimes, Harris, Waller, and Washington counties.

14th Texas Court of Criminal Appeals – Chief Justice Tracy Christopher is a Republican currently serving on the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals as the Chief Justice. The Fourteenth Court of Appeals serves the Houston, Texas Area. The Court consists of nine justices who hear appeals and original proceedings from Austin, Brazoria, Chambers, Colorado, Fort Bend, Galveston, Grimes, Harris, Waller, and Washington counties.

14th Texas Court of Criminal Appeals, Place 5 – Justice Frances Bourliot is a Democrat currently serving on the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals for Place 5. The Fourteenth Court of Appeals serves the Houston, Texas Area. The Court consists of nine justices who hear appeals and original proceedings from Austin, Brazoria, Chambers, Colorado, Fort Bend, Galveston, Grimes, Harris, Waller, and Washington counties.

14th Texas Court of Criminal Appeals, Place 6 – Justice Meagan Hassan is a Democrat currently serving on the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals for Place 6. The Fourteenth Court of Appeals serves the Houston, Texas Area. The Court consists of nine justices who hear appeals and original proceedings from Austin, Brazoria, Chambers, Colorado, Fort Bend, Galveston, Grimes, Harris, Waller, and Washington counties.

14th Texas Court of Criminal Appeals, Place 8 – Justice Margaret “Meg” Poissant is a Democrat currently serving on the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals for Place 8. The Fourteenth Court of Appeals serves the Houston, Texas Area. The Court consists of nine justices who hear appeals and original proceedings from Austin, Brazoria, Chambers, Colorado, Fort Bend, Galveston, Grimes, Harris, Waller, and Washington counties.

11th Civil District Court – Judge Kristen Brauchle Hawkins is a Democrat (Civil) District Judge in Harris County, Texas. This bench will be on the ballot in the 2024 Presidential Election in Harris County.

55th Civil District Court – Judge Latosha Lewis Payne is a Democrat (Civil) District Judge in Harris County, Texas. This bench will be on the ballot in the 2022 Gubernatorial Election in Harris County.

61st Civil District Court – Judge Fredericka Phillips is a Democrat (Civil) District Judge in Harris County, Texas. This bench will be on the ballot in the 2024 Presidential Election in Harris County.

80th Civil District Court – Judge Jeralynn Manor is a Democrat (Civil) District Judge in Harris County, Texas. This bench will be on the ballot in the 2024 Presidential Election in Harris County.

113th Civil District Court – Judge Rabeea Sultan Collier is a Democrat (Civil) District Judge in Harris County, Texas. This bench will be on the ballot in the 2022 Gubernatorial Election in Harris County.

133rd Civil District Court – Judge Jaclanel McFarland is a Democrat (Civil) District Judge in Harris County, Texas. This bench will be on the ballot in the 2024 Presidential Election in Harris County.

157th Civil District Court – Judge Tanya Garrison is a Democrat (Civil) District Judge in Harris County, Texas. This bench will be on the ballot in the 2022 Gubernatorial Election in Harris County.

164th Civil District Court – Judge Cheryl Elliott Thornton is a Democrat (Civil) District Judge in Harris County, Texas. This bench will be on the ballot in the 2024 Presidential Election in Harris County.

165th Civil District Court – Judge Ursula A. Hall is a Democrat (Civil) District Judge in Harris County, Texas. This bench will be on the ballot in the 2024 Presidential Election in Harris County.

174th Criminal District Court – Judge Hazel B. Jones is a Democrat (Civil) District Judge in Harris County, Texas. This bench will be on the ballot in the 2024 Presidential Election in Harris County.

176th Criminal District Court – Judge Nikita V. Harmon is a Democrat (Criminal) District Judge in Harris County, Texas. This bench will be on the ballot in the 2024 Presidential Election in Harris County.

178th Criminal District Court – Judge Kelli Johnson is a Democrat (Criminal) District Judge in Harris County, Texas. This bench will be on the ballot in the 2024 Presidential Election in Harris County.

179th Criminal District Court – Judge Ana Martinez is a Democrat (Criminal) District Judge in Harris County, Texas. This bench will be on the ballot in the 2024 Presidential Election in Harris County.

184th Criminal District Court – Judge Abigail Anastasio is a Democrat (Criminal) District Judge in Harris County, Texas. This bench will be on the ballot in the 2022 Gubernatorial Election in Harris County.

215th Civil District Court – Judge Elaine H. Palmer is a Democrat (Civil) District Judge in Harris County, Texas. This bench will be on the ballot in the 2024 Presidential Election in Harris County.

234th Civil District Court – Judge Lauren Reeder is a Democrat (Civil) District Judge in Harris County, Texas. This bench will be on the ballot in the 2022 Gubernatorial Election in Harris County.

246th Family District Court – Judge Angela L. Graves-Harrington is a Democrat (Family) District Judge in Harris County, Texas. This bench will be on the ballot in the 2022 Gubernatorial Election in Harris County.

247th Family District Court – Judge Janice Berg is a Democrat (Family) District Judge in Harris County, Texas. This bench will be on the ballot in the 2022 Gubernatorial Election in Harris County.

248th Criminal District Court – Judge Hilary Unger is a Democrat (Criminal) District Judge in Harris County, Texas. This bench will be on the ballot in the 2022 Gubernatorial Election in Harris County.

257th Family District Court – Judge Sandra Peake is a Democrat (Family) District Judge in Harris County, Texas. This bench will be on the ballot in the 2022 Gubernatorial Election in Harris County.

262nd Criminal District Court – Judge Lori Chambers Gray is a Democrat (Criminal) District Judge in Harris County, Texas. This bench will be on the ballot in the 2022 Gubernatorial Election in Harris County.

263rd Criminal District Court – Judge Amy Martin is a Democrat (Criminal) District Judge in Harris County, Texas. This bench will be on the ballot in the 2022 Gubernatorial Election in Harris County.

270th Civil District Court – Judge Dedra Davis is a Democrat (Civil) District Judge in Harris County, Texas. This bench will be on the ballot in the 2022 Gubernatorial Election in Harris County.

280th Family Protective Order Court – Judge Barbara J. Stalder is a Democrat (Family) District Judge in Harris County, Texas. This bench will be on the ballot in the 2022 Gubernatorial Election in Harris County.

281st Civil District Court – Judge Christine Weems is a Democrat (Civil) District Judge in Harris County, Texas. This bench will be on the ballot in the 2022 Gubernatorial Election in Harris County.

295th Civil District Court – Judge Donna Roth is a Democrat (Civil) District Judge in Harris County, Texas. This bench will be on the ballot in the 2022 Gubernatorial Election in Harris County.

308th Family District Court – Judge Gloria E. López is a Democrat (Family) District Judge in Harris County, Texas. This bench will be on the ballot in the 2022 Gubernatorial Election in Harris County.

309th Family District Court – Judge Linda Marie Dunson is a Democrat (Family) District Judge in Harris County, Texas. This bench will be on the ballot in the 2022 Gubernatorial Election in Harris County.

310th Family District Court – Judge Sonya L. Heath is a Democrat (Family) District Judge in Harris County, Texas. This bench will be on the ballot in the 2022 Gubernatorial Election in Harris County.

311th Family District Court – Judge Germaine J. Tanner is a Democrat (Family) District Judge in Harris County, Texas. This bench will be on the ballot in the 2022 Gubernatorial Election in Harris County.

313th Juvenile Family District Court – Judge Natalia Oakes is a Democrat (Family) District Judge in Harris County, Texas. This bench will be on the ballot in the 2022 Gubernatorial Election in Harris County.

314th Juvenile Family District Court – Judge Michelle Moore is a Democrat (Family) District Judge in Harris County, Texas. This bench will be on the ballot in the 2022 Gubernatorial Election in Harris County.

315th Juvenile Family District Court – Judge Leah Shapiro is a Democrat (Family) District Judge in Harris County, Texas. This bench will be on the ballot in the 2022 Gubernatorial Election in Harris County.

333rd Civil District Court – Judge Brittanye Morris is a Democrat (Civil) District Judge in Harris County, Texas. This bench will be on the ballot in the 2024 Presidential Election in Harris County.

334th Civil District Court – Judge Dawn Rogers is a Democrat (Civil) District Judge in Harris County, Texas. This bench will be on the ballot in the 2024 Presidential Election in Harris County.

337th Criminal District Court – Judge Colleen Gaido is a Democrat (Criminal) District Judge in Harris County, Texas. This bench will be on the ballot in the 2024 Presidential Election in Harris County.

338th Criminal District Court – Judge Ramona Franklin is a Democrat (Criminal) District Judge in Harris County, Texas. This bench will be on the ballot in the 2024 Presidential Election in Harris County.

339th Criminal District Court – Judge Te'iva J. Bell is a Democrat (Criminal) District Judge in Harris County, Texas. This bench will be on the ballot in the 2024 Presidential Election in Harris County.

351st Criminal District Court – Judge Natalia "Nata" Cornelio is a Democrat (Criminal) District Judge in Harris County, Texas. This bench will be on the ballot in the 2024 Presidential Election in Harris County.

507th Family District Court – Judge Julia Maldonado is a Democrat (Family) District Judge in Harris County, Texas. This bench will be on the ballot in the 2024 Presidential Election in Harris County.

Harris County Judge – Judge Lina Hidalgo is the Democratic Harris County Judge. You do not have to be a lawyer to run for this position. This bench will be on the ballot in the 2022 Gubernatorial Election in Harris County.

County Criminal Court at Law No. 2 – Judge Ronnisha Bowman is a Democrat Judge in Harris County, Texas. This bench will be on the ballot in the 2022 Gubernatorial Election in Harris County.

County Criminal Court at Law No. 3 – Judge Erica Hughes is a Democrat Judge in Harris County, Texas. This bench will be on the ballot in the 2022 Gubernatorial Election in Harris County.

County Criminal Court at Law No. 4 – Judge Shannon Baldwin is a Democrat Judge in Harris County, Texas. This bench will be on the ballot in the 2022 Gubernatorial Election in Harris County.

County Criminal Court at Law No. 6 – Judge Kelley Andrews is a Democrat Judge in Harris County, Texas. This bench will be on the ballot in the 2022 Gubernatorial Election in Harris County.

County Criminal Court at Law No. 9 – Judge Toria J. Finch is a Democrat Judge in Harris County, Texas. This bench will be on the ballot in the 2022 Gubernatorial Election in Harris County.

County Criminal Court at Law No. 12 – Judge Genesis E. Draper is a Democrat Judge in Harris County, Texas. This bench will be on the ballot in the 2022 Gubernatorial Election in Harris County.

County Criminal Court at Law No. 15 – Judge Tonya Jones is a Democrat Judge in Harris County, Texas. This bench will be on the ballot in the 2022 Gubernatorial Election in Harris County.

County Civil Court at Law No. 3 – Judge LaShawn A. Williams is a Democrat Judge in Harris County, Texas. This bench will be on the ballot in the 2022 Gubernatorial Election in Harris County.

County Civil Court at Law No. 4 – Judge Lesley Briones is a Democrat Judge in Harris County, Texas. This bench will be on the ballot in the 2022 Gubernatorial Election in Harris County.

Harris County Justice of the Peace, Precinct 2, Place 1 – Judge Jo Ann Delgado is a Democrat Justice of the Peace in Harris County, Texas. This bench will be on the ballot in the 2024 Presidential Election in Harris County.

Harris County Justice of the Peace, Precinct 3, Place 2 – Judge Lucia Bates is a Democrat Justice of the Peace in Harris County, Texas. This bench will be on the ballot in the 2022 Gubernatorial Election in Harris County.

Harris County Justice of the Peace, Precinct 4, Place 2 – Judge Laryssa Korduba is a Republican Justice of the Peace in Harris County, Texas. This bench will be on the ballot in the 2022 Gubernatorial Election in Harris County.

Harris County Justice of the Peace, Precinct 6, Place 2 – Judge Angela D. Rodriguez is a Democrat Justice of the Peace in Harris County, Texas. This bench will be on the ballot in the 2022 Gubernatorial Election in Harris County.

Harris County Justice of the Peace, Precinct 7, Place 1 – Judge Wanda Adams is a Democrat Justice of the Peace in Harris County, Texas. This bench will be on the ballot in the 2024 Presidential Election in Harris County.

Harris County Justice of the Peace, Precinct 7, Place 2 – Judge Sharon Burney is a Democrat Justice of the Peace in Harris County, Texas. This bench will be on the ballot in the 2022 Gubernatorial Election in Harris County.

Harris County Justice of the Peace, Precinct 8, Place 1 -- Judge Holly Williamson, is a Republican Justice of the Peace in Harris County, Texas. This bench will be on the ballot in the 2024 Presidential Election in Harris County.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033