A few of the people featured in this edition of Houston
Business Connections Magazine are: Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey, Tyler Perry, Senator
Wendy Davis, Attorney General Greg Abbott, President Barack Obama, Governor
Rick Perry, Mayor Allen Owen, Vernon Smith, Edwin Haynes, Jimmy Coleman,
Russell Simmons, Jim McIngvale, Les Brown, Bishop T.D. Jakes, Chilly Bill
Smith, Pastor Joel Osteen, Pastor Paula White, Pastor Creflo Dollar, Bishop
K.J. Brown, Joyce Meyer, Pastor Mia Wright, Kate Frank, Regina Baker, Sandra
Brown, and James Johnson.
This edition of Houston Business Connections Magazine is our
“2013 Year End Review” edition. We are looking for corporate executives,
doctors, lawyers, and ministry leaders to be featured in our next edition. Call
us at: (832)212-8735 if you’re interested in being featured inside Houston
Business Connections Magazine.

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Email your thought, resolution or opinion to be included in our "2013 Year-End Review" to us at: yourthoughtmatters@gmail.com
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"Everyone has the power for greatness—not for fame but greatness,
because greatness is determined by service." Even before I first heard
my all-time favorite quote from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., I knew in my
heart that the message was true. As far back as I can recall, my
prayer has been the same: "Use me, God. Show me how to take who
I am, who I want to be, and what I can do, and use it for a
purpose greater than myself." – Oprah Winfrey

“Don't stop now! Your breakthrough is right around the corner. The last mile is
often the longest one...so keep moving forward, look for ways to pull ahead
and win. Someone is about to step in and give you a break.
often the longest one...so keep moving forward, look for ways to pull ahead
and win. Someone is about to step in and give you a break.
Continue to believe in miracles and work to bring about a victory.
Strengthen your faith to believe that anything is possible... in your relationships,
career, health, or finances. Your words create your world, so affirm yourself
daily. Monitor your thoughts. What you think about ~ you bring about.
Keep your mind focused on your goal. Never give up. Because, you
have something special. You have GREATNESS within you!” – Les Brown
Strengthen your faith to believe that anything is possible... in your relationships,
career, health, or finances. Your words create your world, so affirm yourself
daily. Monitor your thoughts. What you think about ~ you bring about.
Keep your mind focused on your goal. Never give up. Because, you
have something special. You have GREATNESS within you!” – Les Brown
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“You may have had a lot of unfair things happen, but when you
look back over your life, remember something good that has happened
for you. Replay the good memories.” - Joel Osteen
look back over your life, remember something good that has happened
for you. Replay the good memories.” - Joel Osteen
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“When you pray God listens. When you listen God speaks,
when you believe God works.” – Gallery Furniture
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“I pray that God gives you courage and strength! Strength only
the Lord can provide! That anything set to cause disappointment is
blocked in Jesus name!” – Paula White
blocked in Jesus name!” – Paula White
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“All that left you couldn’t stay, and all that stayed couldn’t leave.
Right now, you have exactly who and what you need to get the job done.
You can make it on what you have left.” – Bishop T.D. Jakes
You can make it on what you have left.” – Bishop T.D. Jakes
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“God wants us to be like bright lights shining out in a dark world
and giving Him praise while everybody else is complaining
their heads off.” – Joyce Meyer
their heads off.” – Joyce Meyer

“Destiny is not a matter of chance; it is a matter of choice.
It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.” – Mia Wright
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“Live as free people, but do not use your freedom as an excuse
to do evil. Live as servants of God. Thought: Just because something is
legal or you have a civil right to do it does not mean as a kingdom citizen
you have a right to do it. Sin is still sin.” - Bishop K. J Brown
to do evil. Live as servants of God. Thought: Just because something is
legal or you have a civil right to do it does not mean as a kingdom citizen
you have a right to do it. Sin is still sin.” - Bishop K. J Brown
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“YOU are being changed into the image of Christ every time
you spend time in the word of God. Give place to the word, and
you’ll NEVER be the same!” – Creflo Dollar
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“All real growth and development in your career and personal

“There is an ordination of God on your life. When God makes
a way for you, no man can stop you. (Ps 18:29).” – Matthew A. Ashimolowo
a way for you, no man can stop you. (Ps 18:29).” – Matthew A. Ashimolowo

“Even when you mess up... "The people who are still with you at the end
of the day are the ones worth keeping." - Regina Baker

“A negative mind will never give you a positive life.” – Chilly Bill Smith

“Trust God!!! There is a shift taking place right NOW!!!!!” – Sandra Collins
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“In today’s data-driven business environment it is easy
to forget about understanding the humans represented in the numbers. It is
dangerous to be obsessed with numbers while losing touch with the feelings
evoked by your sales efforts.” – Kate Frank

"Kindness shown to the poor is an act
of worship." Proverbs 14:31 – Russell Simmons
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"Leadership is the quality that transforms good intentions into
positive action; it turns a group of individuals into a team." – T. Boone Pickens
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“If you are born poor it's not your mistake, But if you die poor
it's your mistake.” – Bill Gates
“Nothing is more painful than when families experience marital and financial difficulties, or experience serious illness or death of a family member or loved one. As one of the leading divorce lawyers in Houston, I, Sandra J. Peake, recognize that the dissolution of a family relationship can be one of the most difficult of life’s challenges. Breakups impact your future, your children’s future, future financial health and overall family structure. During times of emotional distress, it is easy to make poor decisions or approach any of the cheap lawyers in Houston. However, you need a dispassionate lawyer working on your behalf who can aggressively and compassionately represent your interests over any cheap divorce lawyers. That is why it is important to have the benefit of sound legal advice while you are deciding what to do with the rest of your life. With over 27 years of legal experience dedicated to helping families in Harris, Fort Bend, Montgomery and Brazoria counties, my experience, commitment to service, and personal attention to detail, enhances my ability to represent your interest and allows me to come to your rescue when you are looking for one of the divorce lawyers in Houston. Be assured that your case will be handled with the concern and attention you require. And don’t forget that I am also a candidate running for District Judge for the 246th District Family Court in the Tuesday, March 4, 2014 Democratic Primary in Harris County, Texas.” – Sandra J. Peake
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“Life is 10% what happens to me & 90% what I do with it (which includes taking it to Jesus)... I was getting a bit depressed as I felt at 63-years of age I had fulfilled all my life's dreams....(some of those dreams died, some were short lived, but all that I dreamed for as a younger person have come to fruition.) It brought me to tears some days thinking I have no more personal dreams....then in Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) I found my heart again... Remembering that it's attitude that determines ones altitude...My attitude was going the wrong direction! So my New Year’s Resolution for 2014 is to LOOK around and MARVEL at Gods works...LOOK around for new and exciting ways to share Jesus with everyone! We fulfill our own destiny....but we do not do it alone! Jesus is with me all the way. He holds my hands and He stands firmly beside me through all sorts of conditions...including my dreams! I did not get to this place in my life alone and I will not finish this life alone either...Jesus will show me new dreams...all I need to do is ask, listen and look!” – Cheryl Thompson Draper
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“My New Year Resolution for 2014 is to be a role model for women who
desire to own their own business and how to succeed at it.” - Laurie Robinson
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"My New Year's Resolution is to be a better person than I was the previous year.
With GOD'S help I will love more, give more, listen more,
and be of great service." - Marion Theresa Myers
With GOD'S help I will love more, give more, listen more,
and be of great service." - Marion Theresa Myers
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“Have CLARITY! For God to reveal things to me that I would never be able to see with my own eyes. Transparency: For my walk with God to be MORE inspiring than my TALK with God. Great HEALTH, Wealth, and Understanding to benefit, assist, and create life changing situations for those that can't seem to get a breakthrough with their baby (blessing) they are laboring courageously to give birth to...this is my 2014 New Year’s Resolution.” – Danyell Cunningham
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“I believe honest scales and balances come from the Lord. My law practice is dedicated to providing its clients legal representation that is top quality while also affordable. And I’m continuing to establish myself as a leader in family law, aiding my clients with legal issues such as divorce, child custody, child support and estate planning. I use a variety of means of conflict resolution, including mediation, arbitration and complex litigation. No matter the size of your dispute, your case is my number one priority. I have practiced law for over 17 years. And I’m also running to be your judge of the 280th District Court in Harris County in the Tuesday, March 4, 2014 Democratic Primary Election.” – Allecia Lindsey Pottinger
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"My New Year's Resolution for 2014 is to read more." – Marina Angelica Coryat
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"My New Year's Resolution is to grow and listen more." - Kirk White
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“Here are forty-four things that Tyler Perry says he’s learned in his
forty-four years of being here on earth. I believe these are some truisms
worth sharing with those you love.” – Aubrey R. Taylor
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Yes, God is real.
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Your gift can make room for you.
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A baby can heal broken hearts.
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A mother's love is stronger than distance,
more powerful than time and can transcend the grave.
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Take time to smell the roses but be careful of the bees.
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God will really make your enemy your footstool.
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A footstool is only needed when you need to get higher.
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Take time to smell the roses but be careful of the bees.
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God will really make your enemy your footstool.
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A footstool is only needed when you need to get higher.
Be careful what you say, life and death truly are in your own words.
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There will be rough nights but joy really does come in the morning.
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Fear is a sprit that really can stop you from living.
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God has not given us a spirit of fear.
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There will be rough nights but joy really does come in the morning.
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Fear is a sprit that really can stop you from living.
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God has not given us a spirit of fear.
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The joy of The Lord really is strength.
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Being alone doesn't necessarily mean that you're lonely.
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True love can come more than once.
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Let go and love with the same amount of might.
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Life is short but heartache is shorter.
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Don't share your dreams with everyone and don't

The joy of The Lord really is strength.
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Being alone doesn't necessarily mean that you're lonely.
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True love can come more than once.
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Let go and love with the same amount of might.
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Life is short but heartache is shorter.
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Don't share your dreams with everyone and don't
be angry with non-dreamers.
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It takes a while to build a dream.
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The dream will outlive the dreamer so dream big.
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If you lie to yourself you will lie to God too.
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Live where you are so God can meet you at your needs.
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Never wish to be somebody else.
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The grass may be greener on the other side but the water bill is higher.
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It takes a while to build a dream.
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The dream will outlive the dreamer so dream big.
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If you lie to yourself you will lie to God too.
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Live where you are so God can meet you at your needs.
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Never wish to be somebody else.
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The grass may be greener on the other side but the water bill is higher.
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Don't let people change who you are just be who you are with someone else.
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Heartbreak can make you hard! But don't let it make you bitter.
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Bitterness is as toxic as stage 4 cancer.
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While the most dangerous person in the world is a person with nothing
to lose, the most powerful person in the world is a person with nothing to prove.
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Don't try to be seen, God may be hiding you on purpose.
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Your beginning never dictates your destination.
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The will to live is as strong as the will to love and be loved.
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You really will reap what you sew.
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Don't try to be seen, God may be hiding you on purpose.
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Your beginning never dictates your destination.
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The will to live is as strong as the will to love and be loved.
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You really will reap what you sew.
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You can learn something from everything and everybody, especially the elderly.
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Childrens' laughter is like medicine to sadness.
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Prayer really can change things.
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If it had not been for The Lord on my side I don't know where I would be.
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Who you are at 20 will not be who you are at 40 and if it is, SOMETHING IS WRONG!
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You give away your power when you don't forgive.
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Always aim for right and avoid doing wrong at all costs.
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Never argue with what is.
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Childrens' laughter is like medicine to sadness.
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Prayer really can change things.
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If it had not been for The Lord on my side I don't know where I would be.
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Who you are at 20 will not be who you are at 40 and if it is, SOMETHING IS WRONG!
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You give away your power when you don't forgive.
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Always aim for right and avoid doing wrong at all costs.
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Never argue with what is.
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Teach but never try to change people because sometimes they change back.
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Share wisdom with those who will receive it.
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Be aware of the darkness but your focus should always be the light.
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Share wisdom with those who will receive it.
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Be aware of the darkness but your focus should always be the light.
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Nothing is impossible for God.
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