Showing posts with label Marco Rubio. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marco Rubio. Show all posts

Monday, May 25, 2015

2016 PRIMARY WATCH: Ben Carson Beats Out Cruz, Christie, Perry, Bush, Paul, Rubio, Jindal, Florina, Huckabee, Trump, Other Potential Candidates in 2015 SRLC Straw Poll

2016 PRIMARY WATCH: Ben Carson Beats Out Cruz, Christie, Perry, Bush, Paul, Rubio, Jindal, Florina, Huckabee, Trump, Others in 2015 SRLC Straw Poll


What the 2015 Southern Republican Leadership Conference (SRLC) alluded to was a rendezvous with destiny in Oklahoma City at this year's conference. Now its going to take a little time before we can actually label what's unfolding as a date with destiny. But there's no mistaking that there's a shifting going on within the Republican party. And there's absolutely no doubt that the GOP has found a gem in Ben Carson. But whether or not we're seeing history unfold before our eyes remains to be seen. Just what are we seeing unfold? Well for starters, on Saturday, May 23, 2015 the SRLC held a Straw Poll at their 2015 conference, which marks the unofficial start of the 2016 Republican Presidential campaign cycle. The Straw Poll participants were asked to choose the person whom they would vote for if their primary were held on that day. Over 25.4 percent of the Straw Poll participants chose Republican presidential hopeful Dr. Ben Carson who happens to be an African American who grew up poor in a single-parent household in Detroit with bad grades and a horrible temper. However, he defied the odds and went on to eventually be awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian honor in the land. He was awarded this medal back in 2008. He also rose above poverty (and beat the statistics) by getting a good quality education, which eventually afforded him the opportunity to work as the director of pediatric neurosurgery at the Johns Hopkins Children’s Center for over 29 years.


On Saturday, May 23, 2015 SRLC Straw Poll participants were asked this: “If the presidential Republican primary was TODAY, for whom would you vote?”


HERE’S HOW THE STRAW POLL PARTICIPANTS ANSWERED: 25.4 percent of the Southern Republican Leadership Straw Poll participants chose Dr. Ben Carson, the African American former neurosurgeon for Johns Hopkins Children’s Center for over 29 years, over star-studded field of Republican Presidential hopefuls. Among them were: Scott Walker (20.5%), Ted Cruz (16.6%), Chris Christie (5.3%), Rick Perry (5.0%), Jeb Bush (4.9), Rand Paul (4.1%), Marco Rubio (4.1%), Bobby Jindal (4.1%), Carly Florina (2.7%), Mike Huckabee (2.7), Rick Santorum (1.9%), Donald Trump (1.2%), Mark Everson (0.8%), Lindsey Graham (0.5%), John Kasich (0.2%) and Jim Gilmore (0.0%).


We’re not saying that Dr. Ben Carson is going to win the Republican Party nomination and go on to become only the second African American President in U.S. history. But stranger things have happened…haven’t they? Stay tuned...

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