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Corruption, Lawlessness, Mobster-Styled Tactics Must Be Denounced and Uprooted to Restore Confidence in Local Elections
I am not sure that I’ve ever seen a more blatant and clear-cut case of local officials using double-standards and turning a blind-eye to clear and evident lawlessness. I mean, it’s right there before us, how Michelle Bonton (a political outsider) was treated back in 2019, and Tarsha Jackson ( a political insider) was treated in 2019, is night and day -- if you ask me. In case you don’t know, back in 2019, Michelle Bonton was notified by city officials that she lived in an area of Harris County, Texas that was annexed for limited purposes by Houston. What did this mean? Well, it meant that by living inside an annexed portion of the City of Houston she was ineligible to run for a municipal office. Why? Well, according to Sec. 43.130 of the Texas Local Government Code, “A resident of an area annexed for limited purposes is not eligible to be a candidate for or to be elected to a municipal office.” So, in case you’re wondering, the City obeyed and applied the law correctly whereas Michelle Bonton’s eligibility to run for the Houston City Council At-Large Position #5, office back in the 2019 citywide general election. However, what you might not know is that while the City declared Michelle Bonton (an African American woman) ineligible, they either missed, looked over, turned a blind-eye, or straight-up decided that Sec. 43.130 of the Texas Local Government Code would not be applied whereas Tarsha Jackson was concerned. Yes, you heard me right. The City declared one Black woman ineligible because she lived in an annexed area of Houston, Texas, and may have turned a blind-eye to the case of another Black woman who was a political insider. Nope, I’m not making this stuff up, you are hearing me correctly, the City declared one Black woman ineligible, who happened to be a political outsider back in the 2019 citywide general election, and in the same election back in 2019, another Black woman who happened to be a political insider was declared eligible. Sounds crazy right? Sounds criminal right? Sounds like a double-standard right? Sounds like something out of the movies right? Sounds kind of gangsta right? Well, I’ve already told you that some of the most hardened-criminals in all of Harris County, Texas could be sitting in elected positions.
A little over two weeks ago, a so-called Harris County Election Security Task Force made up of the Harris County Precinct 1 Constable's Office (Democrat), the Harris County District Attorney's Office (Democrat), the County Attorney's Office (Democrat) and the County Clerk's Office (Democrat), released a report detailing how the task force said it "received approximately 20 allegations of wrongdoing that needed to be elevated to the level of a formal investigation." However, this Democratic investigating body publicly stated, "Despite claims, our thorough investigations found no proof of any election tampering, ballot harvesting, voter suppression, intimidation or any other type of foul play that might have impacted the legitimate cast or count of a ballot," the report stated. Now, I’m going to stop well-short of calling the entire report a total sham. I’m also at this point, not going to call the entire Harris County Election Task Force thing a total fraud that was created to cover up ‘alleged wrongdoing’ by local officials. Nor am I going to produce clear and present evidence of the fact that the corruption in Harris County, Texas runs much deeper than anyone knows. Yes, I said that!!! But don’t take my word for it, a citizen reporter by the name of Colleen M. Vera did a much better job at laying things with her two year investigation into “ABSENTEE BALLOT HARVESTING” in Harris County, Texas than anyone I know. I mean, she laid the whole thing out, and nobody (NOT ONE LOCAL DEMOCRATIC) came out to publicly address the widespread corruption alleged by Colleen M. Vera in her report. And now, we have a Harris County Election Task Force telling taxpayers that there’s nothing to see here -- that there’s nothing corrupt going on in Harris County, Texas. Look, I don’t know what type of cases that task force reviewed, but I can tell you with full-assurance that we can not allow for local public officials and politicians to police themselves.
Make no mistake about it, Tarsha Jackson, the woman who is now sitting on Houston City Council as the District B councilwoman, should have been “DECLARED INELIGIBLE” right along with MIchelle Bonton back in the 2019 citywide general election. Why was one Black woman declared ineligible and the other not declared ineligible? Well, when you are dealing with lawless people anything goes -- I guess. And from what I can see, this crime is going to go unpunished. From the looks of things, Mayor Sylvester Turner, and all of the sitting council members are just going to take the “COWARDLY APPROACH” and just look the other way on this criminal activity. Yes, unfortunately the people who can do something about this blatant breach of the law appear to be going to simply look the other way on this. Man, it’s a sad day for the City of Houston, when the taxpaying citizens are relegated to being represented by a bunch of cowards and criminals. Make no mistake about it, from all of the documents I have reviewed, Councilwoman Tarsha Jackson was not eligible to even run as a candidate for Houston City Council District B back in 2019. Nor should she have been in the recent runoff election against Cynthia Bailey who she eventually defeated. Nope, that Saturday, December 12, 2020, runoff election should have been between Renee Jefferson Smith and Cynthia Bailey. And hell, when you look at it, the entire outcome of the election back in 2019 might have turned out a whole lot differently without Tarsha Jackson’s name being present on the ballot. Can you believe this? Man, can you believe that there were at least four candidates running for office with felony convictions that would seem to bar them from doing so based on current laws -- but the only candidate who was singled out was Cynthia Bailey -- there’s something sinister about what we are currently seeing play out in Harris County, Texas. Man, when you look at it, if this type of criminal activity is allowed to continue -- Houston is going to be run by nothing but criminal-minded people with no regard for the law. How can I make this statement? Well, I don’t concern myself too much with people who have paid their debt to society and move on with their lives -- like Cynthia Bailey. Look, there’s a whole bunch of people in high-places out here who are “UNDOCUMENTED CRIMINALS” if you ask me. Meaning, that they’ve been breaking the law for years -- and just haven’t been caught yet.
I am so saddened by what I am seeing play out as it relates to the way Mayor Sylvester Turner, Councilwoman Amy Peck, Councilwoman Abbie Kamin, Councilwoman Carolyn Evans-Shabazz, Councilman Dave Martin, Councilwoman Tiffany Thomas, Councilman Greg Travis, Councilwoman Karla Cisneros, Councilman Robert Gallegos, Councilman Edward Pollard, Councilwoman Martha Castex-Tatum, Councilman MIke Knox, Councilman David Robinson, Councilman Michael Kubosh, Councilwoman Letitia Plummer, and Councilwoman Sallie Alcorn appear to be just sitting by and allowing for this transgression of the law to go unpunished -- or addressed in any sort of way. This is a blatant disregard for the law -- a clear and present demonstration of “ROGUE POLITICIANS” dominating “GOOD POLITICIANS” in unimaginable ways. I can’t for the life of me understand what kind of hold the “CORRUPT DEMOCRATIC REGIME” that’s doing dirty deeds could have over all of the good public officials -- where they would just close their eyes to blatant criminal activity like we are currently seeing play out in Harris County, Texas. Yes, I said that!!! And the last time I looked, according to Sec. 43.130 of the Texas Local Government Code, “A resident of an area annexed for limited purposes is not eligible to be a candidate for or to be elected to a municipal office.” That being said, unless the City of Houston has a good explanation for why Councilwoman Tarsha Jackson (a Black woman who happens to be a political insider) is above the law -- something needs to be done about this. I submit today, that Councilwoman Tarsha Jackson should have had her butt “DECLARED INELIGIBLE” right along with Michelle Bonton (a Black woman who happens to be a political outsider) back in the 2019 citywide general election.