Showing posts with label Gerald Womack Harvesting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gerald Womack Harvesting. Show all posts

Monday, September 30, 2024

More Dead Voters Found in Black Voter Precincts in Harris County; Gerald Womack is the Mastermind Behind the Harvesting

Sylvia Encalade Thomas (far left) is a black woman who had her identity stolen by "ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOT HARVESTERS," hired by Gerald Womack, was responsible for helping the late Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee win her re-election bids for decades. BALLOT HARVESTING... According to Sheree Harris Fisher (now deceased), her boss, Gerald Womack, was a chief architect of his own "BALLOT HARVESTING OPERATION," which included Gloria Blake Palmer as his top lieutenant and Tomar Bishop as her assistant. Womack's illegal ballot harvesting ring primarily covered the Black elected officials elected to the 18th Congressional District of Texas (Sheila Jackson Lee), Harris County Commissioner Precinct 1 (Rodney Ellis), State Senator District 13 (Borris L. Miles), State Representative District 141 (Senfronia Thompson), and Precinct 3 Constable (Sherman Eagleton) to name a few. (CLICK HERE) See Sylvia Encalade Thomas's "FRAUDULENT VOTER REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE" as it appears on the official voter roster for Harris County, Texas.

Sylvia Encalade Thomas has been dead since July 22, 2023. However, someone renewed her voter registration and made her eligible to vote in Harris County, Texas, through December 31, 2025, which means Sylvia is eligible to vote on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, in Harris County, Texas. Sylvia Encalade Thomas left Harris County, Texas, over 20 years before Gerald Womack's "BALLOT HARVESTING TEAM" stole her identity and requested an absent mail ballot in her name after she forged her signature on the fraudulent document. 

Vivian King is a corrupt Democratic candidate joined at the hip with Gerald Womack. For the record, Gerald Womack served as the campaign manager for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee when she was alive. He owns Womack Development and shares business ties with Vivian King through his real estate company. Gloria Black Palmer is a notorious absentee mail ballot harvester who is known to most people as "GLORIA PALMER," which is why Vivian King appears to have listed her name as "GLORIA BLAKE" to conceal her ties to Gerald Womack's alleged Ballot Harvesting Team. (CLICK HERE) Learn more about Gerald Womack's "BALLOT HARVESTING OPERATION" and identify several of his key players.

Vivian King is aware that "GLORIA PALMER" has been stealing the identities of "DEAD BLACK PEOPLE" and is a top lieutenant in Gerald Womack's "ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOT OPERATION," which is why Vivian King listed the name "GLORIA BLAKE" on her campaign finance report.

The Harris County Clerk (Diane Trautman) received several fraudulent "ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOT APPLICATIONS REQUESTS" inside "THIS ENVELOPE" and placed the stamp above on the front of the envelope on October 10, 2020. The copy of this envelope you see above was obtained from the Harris County Clerk's Office after an open records request was filed.

More Dead Voters Found in Black Voter Precincts in Harris County; Federal Judge Halts Harvesting Investigations


A woman who died on July 22, 2023, but is still on the voter rolls in Harris County named Sylvia Encalade Thomas is a direct indication that something corrupt is happening in Congressional District 18, Senate District 13, State Rep. District 141, Commissioner Precinct 1, Constable Precinct 3, and Justice of the Peace Precinct 3 – all controlled by Black politicians.

When you insert the fact that Sylvia Encalade had not registered to vote in Harris County, Texas, for more than 23 years before she died makes the fact that her voter registration continues to be renewed more problematic and could ultimately be the straw that breaks the camel’s back so to speak.


A ruling on Saturday, September 28, 2024, by a federal judge in Texas has alleged African American mail ballot harvesters in Harris County, Texas, rejoicing as if they’ve just hit the Texas Lottery. However, one “BLACK BALLOT HARVESTING TEAM” operating out of Third Ward, Texas, still has severe issues to be concerned about as new evidence emerges.

Local “BLACK BALLOT HARVESTERS” don’t realize that their illegal activities could trigger SENATE BILL 1933, which relates to specific oversight procedures allowing the Texas Secretary of State to take over county elections.

The voter rolls in Harris County, Texas, are a sticking point and could ultimately trigger a new law, SENATE BILL 1933, if the dead people remain on our voter rolls.

From what I understand, Section 31.017 of “SENATE BILL 1933” deals with Harris County’s failure to conduct maintenance activities on the list of registered voters as required under the Alan Vera Election Accountability Act.

Sec. 31.017. IMPLEMENTATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE OVERSIGHT OF COUNTY ELECTION. (a) In a county with a population of more than 4 million, the secretary of state’s office may order administrative oversight of a county office administering elections or voter registration in the county if:

(1) an administrative election complaint is filed with the secretary of state by a person who participated in the relevant election as:

(A) a candidate;
(B) a county chair or state chair of a political party;
(C) a presiding judge;
(D) an alternate presiding judge or
(E) the head of a specific-purpose political committee that supports or opposes a measure;
(2) the secretary of state has provided notice to the county election official with authority over election administration or voter registration under Section 31.018; and
(3) the secretary of state, after conducting an
Investigation under Section 31.019 has good cause to believe that a recurring pattern of problems with election administration or voter registration exists in the county, including any recurring:

(F) failure to conduct maintenance activities on the lists of registered voters as required under this code.


Vivian King, the low-down, dirty, filthy, manipulative, corrupt chief of staff for Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg, is currently contemplating how she’s going to duplicate her success within the absentee mail ballot category she enjoyed over her Democratic opponents during the March primary and June runoffs – which she won over two African American males.

King and other local African American ballot harvesters don’t realize they’re still out of the woods with the federal judge’s ruling on Saturday, September 28, 2024. And as far as Vivian King goes, she’s proven herself to be consistent as far as “ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOTS” are concerned.

King received 7,608 absentee mail ballots on Super Tuesday. Then, she received 7,062 absentee mail ballots in her runoff election victory over Gemayel “G” Haynes after she hired a well-known “BALLOT HARVESTER” by the name of Gloria Blake Palmer to help her secure her much-needed runoff election victory and earn the Democratic nomination.


Did I mention that Vivian King is envious of other African American females? According to sources, Vivian King is abusive toward African American men who dare to enter into marital relations with her.

“Vivian King does not need to be a judge,” said a local female attorney.

The female attorney went on to declare, “No other “FEMALE DEMOCRAT JUDICIAL NOMINEE” is disliked as much as Vivian King.” King is also not well-liked by the local media – namely the Houston Chronicle, and national media outlets such as the New York Times.


Vivian King has been publicly rebuked before. In fact, last year, the Court of Criminal Appeals rebuked her after she told a client she would file an appeal for him but neglected to do so.

“Kim Ogg’s Chief of Staff Vivian King used her official government position to steer thousands in public $ to a publicly funded nonprofit whose board she sat on. Now she wants to be a judge,” says Indivisible Houston on X, formerly known as Twitter.

For the record, Vivian King, while serving on the Board of Crime Stoppers, used her government email to provide cheerleading and guidance to Crime Stoppers while they were under audit by the Harris County Auditor’s Office, according to Houston Watch.

Vivian King also actively worked against local judges behind the scenes. Now, she needs a job and desires to serve as the judge of the 486th Criminal District Court in Harris County, Texas.

The troubling thing about Vivian King is her inability to do the right thing. As chief of staff for Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg and a Board for Crime Stoppers member, her misgivings are no secret. King has abused her power, using her position as Ogg’s chief of staff at the DA’s Office to dip her ‘crusty toe’ into partisan politics and commit prosecutorial misconduct.

King allegedly tried to manipulate her ex-husband, who is a former prizefighter, to beat up Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis – which he declined to do. However, he did find himself falsely accused by Vivian King of physical abuse when a video recording showed King as the aggressor.

According to her ex-husband, she also lied to a member of local law enforcement in an attempt to get him locked behind bars while they were married. Her ex-husband also asserts that Vivian King placed tracking devices on his vehicle and secret recording devices inside his truck and home to capture his private conversations.

Vivian King also drew scrutiny from such major news organizations as the New York Times and others for allegedly targeting specific local elected judges and spreading propaganda campaigns designed to stoke fear and division throughout Harris County over a federal court consent decree.

King was also involved in another situation involving her email account when she allegedly emailed over a potential resolution for an evading-the-police charge that a Crime Stoppers board member’s babysitter was facing in a local courtroom.

Vivian King also reported that he fielded a phone call from Gerald Womack about a local businessman (not named Aubrey R. Taylor) he was having trouble with, who he wanted to have brought up on charges.


One of Vivian King’s clients reached out to this ‘witch-of-a-woman’ for years, and she ignored his repeated inquiries and pleas for help. However, according to published reports, Vivian King eventually responded to her client after he filed a complaint against her with the State Bar of Texas – which had the power to discipline her.

Long story short, Vivian King was a horrible lawyer and dirty prosecutor, but this ‘snake still managed to slither, squirm and slide her slimy butt past two outstanding African American male attorneys en route to earning the Democratic nomination for the 486th Criminal District Court – but Vivian King is a snake, and is not judicial material.


Vivian King will be leaning heavily on Gerald Womack and his “BALLOT HARVESTERS” to help her get a jump start on Republican incumbent judge Aaron Burdette, the presiding judge for the 486th Criminal District Court, in Harris County, Texas, on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, when they face off.

If you don’t know him, Gerald Womack, the owner of Womack Development & Investment Realtors, has operated an illegal ballot harvesting operation at 4412 Almeda Road in Houston, Texas, for decades.

While his chief primary concern was ensuring that the late Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee continued to win her re-election bids, his “CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE” also worked to ensure that his allies and fellow members of Commissioner Rodney Ellis’s “CRIMINAL REGIME” were victorious in winning their re-election bids by any means necessary.

What’s been happening in Harris County, Texas, at 4412 Almeda Road, in Houston’s historic Third Ward, goes beyond harvesting mail ballots by groups like the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) and other organizations across the state.

What we’re dealing with in Harris County, Texas, is a small group of African American “ELECTED OFFICIALS” who have been running a “CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE” that has been engaging in Racketeering, Money Laundering, Federal Mail Fraud, Bid Rigging, and other illegal activities.

What constitutes a criminal enterprise?

Under federal laws, an enterprise under The Racketeering Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) statute is any legal or illegal ongoing business or group used as a base for criminal activity.

Under RICO, a pattern of two or more felonies committed within ten years by the criminal group needs to be proven, and we already have that.


Gerald Womack and a small group of other local officials who are members of Commissioner Rodney Ellis’s regime have conspired together over multiple decades to stack local congressional positions, judicial benches, state representative seats, state senate seats, mayoral positions, city council positions, county commissioner positions, and positions with the local District Attorney’s Office.

During their criminal activities, they’ve been committing “FEDERAL MAIL FRAUD,” which has a 10-year statute of limitations.

A perfect example of their illegal activities is the case where “BLACK BALLOT HARVESTERS” was working for Gerald Womack on assignment, and the identity of “SYLVIA ENCALADE THOMAS” was stolen.

Sylvia’s signature was then forged on an “ABSENTEE BALLOT REQUEST FORM” that was placed inside a U.S. Post Office Box with a “PRIORITY MAIL 1-DAY” postage and the USPS TRACKING NUMBER (9505511009380035338060) assigned to the envelope.

Placing fraudulent documents in a United States Postal Service Box is a federal crime. In this instance, Gloria Palmer used the United States Postal Service to mail a batch of “FORGED DOCUMENTS,” namely “ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOT APPLICATIONS,” to Diane Trautman, the Harris County Clerk on 2/4/2020, that was received through the mail on 2/5/2020 and stamped on 2/10/2020 @ 2:12 p.m., with the official stamp of County Clerk Diane Trautman.

Gloria Palmer paid $8.25 for postage, according to information obtained from the Harris County Clerk’s Office after filing an open records request.


The victim, Sylvia Encalade Thomas, who had her identity stolen by Gerald Womack’s “MAIL BALLOT HARVESTERS,” was born in 1940 and registered to vote at 10441 Barnham Street in Houston, Texas, 2016, which is within the same ZIP CODE as Gloria Palmer, a chief mail ballot harvester.

The forged document appeared to have everything in order except for a “NO PHONE” number to call Sylvia Encalade Thomas with any questions.

Former FBI Investigative Specialist Charles “Chuck” Marler (after a diligent search) was able to locate Sylvia Encalade Thomas, who was living in New Orleans, Louisiana, at the time.

After speaking with Sylvia Encalade Thomas for a few minutes, Marler learned that she had not lived in Houston, Texas (Harris County), for over 20 years and did not apply for a ballot by mail in Texas during the 2020 Presidential Election cycle.

Former FBI Investigative Specialist Charles “Chuck” Marler recorded the interview with Sylvia Encalade Thomas for investigative purposes.

Tomar Bishop, an assistant working beside Gloria Palmer, witnessed the “FRAUDULENT DOCUMENT” in this particular “FEDERAL MAIL FAUD” case.

At the time of her death, on Saturday, July 22, 2023, even though she had not been to Harris County in more than 2023 years, she was still registered to vote in our local elections.

To make matters worse, Sylvia Encalade Thomas’s voter registration certificate was renewed earlier this year, on 1/1/2024, and she is not eligible to vote in Harris County, Texas, elections through 12/31/2025, which is problematic.


While the ruling made by U.S. District Judge Xavier Rodriguez will hamper Attorney General Ken Paxton’s efforts, several different entities will still be closely monitoring the “ABSENTEE MAIL BALLOT TOTALS” as they flow into the Harris County Clerks Office. That said, the fact that “DEAD PEOPLE” are littered throughout the Harris County voter rolls could trigger “SENATE BILL 1933” or what’s known as the Alan Vera Election Accountability Act if the voter rolls aren’t corrected soon.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033


Former Councilman Mike Knox is committed to ensuring that people accused of crime remain alive to see their day in court. There are too many "BLACK AND BROWN" people dying in the care and custody of Sheriff Ed Gonzalez. On Tuesday, November 5, 2024, African American and Hispanic voters were strongly encouraged to vote to fire Sheriff Ed Gonzalez and hire MIKE KNOX, a strong leader committed to making public safety his number one priority.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039

Former City Councilman Mike Knox encourages Democrats, Republicans, and Independents to "VOTE RED" through their ballot to his race for Justice of the Peace, Precinct 5, Place 1, on Tuesday, November 5, 2024. Early voting will begin on Monday, October 21, 2024, and end on Friday, November 1, 2024, in Harris County, Texas.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039


Judge Israel Garcia (left) is being challenged by former Judge James Lombardino on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, in the race for Justice of the Peace, Precinct 5, Place 1, in Harris County, Texas. Every reader of Houston Business Connections Newspaper© is encouraged to vote for Judge Isreal Garcia if you live inside the boundaries of "PRECINCT FIVE" regardless of whether you're a Democrat, Republican, or Independent, "JUDGE ISRAEL GARCIA" is the right choice.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039

Judge Israel Garcia encourages Democrats, Republicans, and Independents to "VOTE BLUE" through their ballot to his race for Justice of the Peace, Precinct 5, Place 1, on Tuesday, November 5, 2024. Early voting will begin on Monday, October 21, 2024, and end on Friday, November 1, 2024, in Harris County, Texas.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039

Fred Taylor, the chairman of the Fort Bend County Democratic Party, has his hands full trying to overcome his predecessor's mess. However, on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, a bunch of "GOOD DEMOCRATS" will be seeking the vote of and support of voters in Fort Bend County, Texas. 

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039


"Early voting will begin on Monday, October 21, 2024, and end on Friday, November 1, 2024, for the upcoming Tuesday, November 5, 2024, Presidential Election. It is incumbent upon us to make it our business to select the best candidate available in every down-ballot race."

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039