Showing posts with label Texas Democratic Party Convention. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Texas Democratic Party Convention. Show all posts

Saturday, July 9, 2022

A Big Mistake Will Be Made If Carroll G Robinson is Elected the New Texas Democratic Party Chairman on July 16, 2022

Everybody's been talking about the Republican Party Platform that was adopted several weeks ago in Downtown Houston, Texas. However, nobody seems to want to discuss the fact that Carroll G. Robinson, NEEDS TO BE STOPPED!!! Carroll G. Robinson, according to my sources has been crisscrossing the Lone Star State, drumming up support for his bid to unseat Gilbert Hinojosa, the current Texas Democratic Party Chairman next weekend at the Texas Democratic Party Convention, that's going down at the Dallas Convention Center from Thursday, July 14th through Saturday, July 16, 2022. That being said, electing Carroll G. Robinson as the Texas Democratic Party Chair, over Gilberto Hinojosa (current chair), and Kim Olson, a retired USAF Colonel, 25-year combat veteran, and Democratic Activist, would be a huge mistake.

Do you see Melanie in her red dress? Former Republican (now Democrat) Melanie Miles was supposed to be a key player in the"POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE SCHEME" that was conceived by Carroll G. Robinson, Antron D. Johnson, and Terrance Shanks. Now, if you don't know her, Melanie Miles is the ex-wife of state Senator Borris Miles, who represents Senate District 13 in Texas. The North Dallas Gazette is what tipped my investigative team off. See article, Melanie Wilcox Miles Agreed to Serve As Chair of the Texas Alliance of Black PACs. So, just for the record, Melanie Wilcox Miles now serves as the Harris County Democratic Precinct Chair for Precinct #140, in the Greater Third Ward area of Houston, Texas.

Do you see Melanie in her blue dress? Now, remember, Melanie Wilcox Flowers (Miles) used to be a member of the Harris County Republican Party. However, after a couple of unsuccessful attempts to become a Judge from the Republican side, she left the Republican Party and joined the Democratic Party. So, just for the record, Melanie Wilcox Miles now serves as the Harris County Democratic Precinct Chair for Precinct #140, in the Greater Third Ward area of Houston, Texas.

Terrance Shanks (left), the president of the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats (Harris County Chapter), and Carroll G. Robinson (right), the Chairman of the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats have been joined at the hip for a long time. And with Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg turning her head and ignoring their corruption, these two have become more emboldened and have set their sights on taking over the Texas Democratic Party next week at the Texas Democratic Party Convention, in Dallas Texas. In case you don't remember, my investigative team discovered that the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats (Harris County Chapter) was declared "INACTIVE" by the Texas Ethics Commission, but has continued to operate illegally in 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022, since the Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg is ignoring their illegal activities.

Black Voters Must Not Be Fooled By All of the Black Political Action Committees that Are Popping Up All Over Texas


I'm doing everything in my power to expose people like Carroll G. Robinson, Terrance Shanks, Antron D. Johnson, Robert Williams, and others who are involved in this "POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE SCHEME" that's currently threatening our Democracy. So, please understand that according to a story I found months ago, "The Texas Coalition of Black Democrats (TCBD), in preparation for the 2022 and 2024 election cycles, organized a statewide Texas Alliance of Black Political Action Committees (PACs) to engage in coordinated local, statewide and national fundraising to increase overall funding to maximize Black Democratic voter turnout through increased and enhanced voter registration, issue education, year-round voter engagement, community service, and political infrastructure building and maintenance.

According to the story, I found many months ago, "This historic initiative was supposed to be led by Attorney Melanie Miles. At the time, Attorney Miles had agreed to lead the fundraising project as part of The Coalition’s broader effort to help increase the involvement of Democratic Precinct Chairs and local and county elected officials within The Coalition and Texas Democratic Party."

The story went on to read, "In agreeing to serve as Chair of the Texas Alliance of Black PACs, Miles said, “I will be laser-focused on helping to raise the funding necessary to bring change to Texas. Our state needs better, more compassionate, and competent leadership and the path to achieving that goal is a stronger, more unified, energized, and well-funded Black Democratic political infrastructure."

Black Democrats need the financial wherewithal to partner with our county parties across the state to maximize black voter turnout in our rural, suburban and urban counties.”

In addition to fundraising for the Texas Alliance of Black PACs, Melanie Miles has also agreed to work with The Coalition’s State Chair, Carroll G. Robinson, to assist him in an effort to help secure funding to ensure that all 254 Democratic County Parties across Texas have a full-time paid staff member to maximize the efficiency of precinct chairs in the effort to increase overall Democratic voter turnout.

Under the leadership of Miles, The Alliance will be reaching out to partner and work with all the various constituency organizations and allied groups, in the Texas Democratic Party, to maximize strategic deployment of assets, resources, and investments in the Coalition’s effort to (Re)Turn Texas Blue.

Chairman Robinson said, “TCBD greatly appreciates Melanie Miles’ commitment to helping the Coalition and other Texas Black PACs secure the resources necessary to help elect Black Democrats and grow Black voter turnout to help elect Democrats all across Texas in 2022 and 2024.”

If you are interested in donating to or partnering and working with the Texas Alliance of Black PACs, please contact Melanie Miles at

The Texas Coalition of Black Democrats is a political organization and we must always remember that politics is a means to an end. Our end goals must include ending poverty, hunger, homelessness, race-based health disparities, the racial wealth income, and education gaps. Eliminating food deserts, public transportation and infrastructure inequity, as well as environmental injustices, must also be priorities of the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats.

Gilberto Hinojosa, the current Chairman of the Texas Democratic Party, is being challenged by Carroll G. Robinson, chairman of the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats, and Kim Olson, a retired USAF Colonel, 25-year combat veteran, and Democratic Activist. You can "CLICK HERE" for more information about the Texas Democratic Convention, which will be taking place in Dallas Texas from July 14, through 16, 2022. Just so you know, Convention Center parking is located at 650 S. Griffin Street in Dallas, TX 75202. And for the record, reflecting Gilberton Hinojosa would be better than allowing Carroll G. Robinson and his crew to take over the Texas Democratic Party.

Kim Olson, is a retired USAF Colonel, 25-year combat veteran, and Democratic Activist. Kim Olson and Gilberto Hinojosa are both much better choices than Carroll G. Robinson in my opinion. Kim Olson has a proven track record of being an effective leader. And she doesn't appear to be mired in corruption, like Carroll G. Robinson, and members so his crew. So, Democrats should either reelect Gilberto Hinojosa or if they're searching for a new direction, Kim Olson would be a much better choice than putting Carroll G. Robinson and the helm of their party. You can "CLICK HERE" for more information about the Texas Democratic Convention that's taking place next week.

President Joe Biden didn't even know that he was staring into the eyes of a man who was running a corrupt organization. Carroll G. Robinson (right), the chairman of the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats has been crisscrossing the state of Texas trying to drum up support for his bid to become Chairman of the Texas Democratic Party. But Democrats had better not fall for his sales pitch. Under no circumstances should Democrats elect Carroll G. Robinson over Gilberto Hinojosa, and Kim Olson at their upcoming Texas Democratic Party Convention.

Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg is deeply indebted (owing gratitude for service or favor) to people like Carroll G. Robinson, the chairman of the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats, and State Senator Borris Miles. In fact, that's why people like Carroll G. Robinson, Terrance Shanks, and Antron D. Johnson (the treasurer for their political action committees) believe in their own minds that they're invincible right now. That being said, it would be a huge mistake for Democrats to elect Carroll G. Robinson as the chair of the Democratic Party of Texas at their upcoming (TDPC) Texas Democratic Party Convention, that scheduled to be held next weekend Dallas Convention Center from July 14-16, 2022. Again, just so we're clear, Carroll G. Robinson would make a horrible chairman for the Texas Democratic Party, and it would be a huge mistake for him to be elected party chairman.

Back on 2/20/2020, Kim Ogg sent a check in the amount of 3,000.00 to the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats - Harris County Chapter for some type of "VOTER CONTACT, GOTV PROGRAM" according to her Campaign Finance Report. But you don't have to take my word for it, you can "CLICK HERE" for a closer look at this document.

Carroll G. Robinson is the Chairman of the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats. After he abruptly stepped down from the HCC Board, I grew a little suspicious about this guy. 


Do you know how a “PONZI SCHEME” works? Ok, I’m going to show you how it works. The way “PONZI SCHEMES” and “PYRAMID SCHEMES” work, is that members are recruited based on a promise that they will be paid for their services by enrolling or convincing others to join the scheme beneath them. Once the perpetrators of the scheme lure enough potential victims into the scheme by promising them that profits will be realized through legitimate business activities, they're off to the races. However, for a “PONZI SCHEME” to flourish, the people at the top must keep the people at the bottom in the dark about what's going on at the top. And for either of the two schemes to continue to grow a constant flow of new members is vital.


At this point, nobody mentioned in this report is guilty of anything in any way, shape, or form. So, please don't go back and tell Carroll G. Robinson, Antron D. Johnson, or Robert Williams that I reported that they’re running a “PONZI SCHEME" or "PYRAMID SCHEME” in Texas – that would be a blatant lie. Why? Well, all I’m trying to say right now in this report is that their recently filed “CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORTS” raises some serious questions. And there should be a whole bunch of "RED FLAGS" going up right now, as it relates to how the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats, Alliance For A New Justice System, TxMuniPAC, Texas Black Democrats PAC, and the Reform HISD PAC. And don’t forget about the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats – Harris County Chapter, which has continued to sell memberships, endorse candidates, and trick unsuspecting Democratic candidates into donating money to their “INACTIVE” Political Action Committee, in 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021 – but more on them later.

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "This cat right here is Antron D. Johnson, and he's the joker who serves as the treasurer for several of the Black Political Action Committees that we are investigating at this moment. Now, as the treasurer for the Texas Black Democrats PAC, this dude has sworn that everything submitted to the Texas Ethics Commission in their campaign finance report is on the up and up. However, from my investigation into this dude, his most recent campaign finance report, and the way these "GPAC'S" are sending money back and forth to one another -- I'm not too sure if what these guys are doing is actually on the up and up!"


In case you don’t know, Carroll G. Robinson’s boy, Antron D. Johnson is the treasurer who signed off on their Thursday, July 15, 2021, campaign finance report for the Texas Black Democrats PAC, that I’m going to breakdown for you today. Now, that being said, please understand that as the treasurer for the Texas Black Democrats PAC, Antron D. Johnson swore to this statement, “I swear, or affirm, under penalty of perjury, that the accompanying report is true and correct and includes all information required to be reported by me under Title 15, Election Code. Now, for those of you who don’t know, TITLE 15, OF THE ELECTION CODE IS RELATED TO THE REGULATION OF POLITICAL FUNDS AND CAMPAIGNS. You can (CLICK HERE) if you would like to learn more about the seriousness of lying on a campaign finance report.


On their Thursday, July 15, 2021, campaign finance report that was submitted to the Texas Ethics Commission, Antron D. Johnson swore that the Texas Black Democrats PAC had only received $15,200.00 dollars between Friday, January 1, 2021, and Wednesday, June 30, 2021.


According to the sworn statement submitted to Texas Ethics Commission on Thursday, July 15, 2021, by Antron D. Johnson, who acts as the treasurer for the Texas Black Democrats PAC, they spent $41,098.90 dollars between Friday, January 1, 2021, and Wednesday, June 30, 2021.


In his sworn statement submitted to the Texas Ethics Commission on Thursday, July 15, 2021, Antron D. Johnson claimed that Texas Black Democrats PAC was left with $6,872.00 dollars in its bank account after all of its expenditures were made.


In order for “PONZI SCHEMES” and “PYRAMID SCHEMES” to work, the people at the top, must get people to buy into the scheme and then recruit other people to join in under them – so on, and so forth. Well, the same formula can work in politics when with Political Action Committees and unsuspecting candidates who are lured in by the promise that an organization or organizations can deliver votes on Election Day. Now, I’m not saying in any way that Carroll G. Robinson, Robert Williams, or Antron D. Johnson, are actually running a “POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE PONZI SCHEME” or anything of that nature. However, what I am saying is that something doesn’t smell right about how that donated money is flowing back and forth between the Black Political Action Committees these guys are running.  


There are quite a few “DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATES” who are falling victim to what’s unfolding right now with what the Texas Black Democrats PAC is doing. However, some of the Democrats who are supporting Texas Black Democrats PAC, based on their Thursday, July 15, 2021, campaign finance report that covered the period of Friday, January 1, 2021, through Wednesday, June 30, 2021, aren't even aware of what's going on with this Political Action Committee.

For the record, Odus Evbagharu (Harris County Democratic Party Chairman), is pictured above with Judge Clinton "Chip" Wells. Now, Odus gave money to the Texas Black Democrat PAC, back on 3/23/2021. However, it is unclear at this particular time whether Odus Evbagharu was aware that a portion of the campaign money he gave to the Texas Black Democrats PAC was supposedly paid to several (what appears to be) defunct Political Action Committees. And on top of that, some of the money that was donated by Odus Evbagharu and other unsuspecting Democrats was supposedly paid to a company called American Technology Consulting, which according to their campaign finance report is located at, 2993 Capital Street in Washington D.C., with the zip code being 01929. What's the problem? Well, 01929 is not the zip code for Washington D.C. -- it's the zip code for northeast Massachusetts. But don't take my word for it, all you have to do is call (515)974-5619 and ask to speak to Shelly, at the headquarters for American Technology Consulting, that's located at 12951 University Avenue #200, in Clive, Iowa 50325. According to Shelly, they do not even have a Washington D.C. branch.

As far as I know, County Attorney Christian Menefee (Democratic Harris County Attorney), may not even be unaware of the fact that a portion of the campaign money he donated to the Texas Black Democrats PAC, back on 2/24/2021, was paid out to what appears to be several defunct Political Action Committees and a company called American Technology Consulting, that according to their campaign finance report is located at, 2993 Capital Street in Washington D.C., with the zip code being 01929. What's the problem? Well, 01929 is not the zip code for Washington D.C. -- it's the zip code for northeast Massachusetts. But don't take my word for it, all you have to do is call (515)974-5619 and ask to speak to Shelly, at the headquarters for American Technology Consulting, that's located at 12951 University Avenue #200, in Clive, Iowa 50325. According to Shelly, they do not even have a Washington D.C. branch.

As far as I know, Treasurer Dylan Osbourne (Democratic – Harris County Treasurer), may not even be aware of the fact that a portion of the campaign money he donated to the Texas Black Democrats PAC, back on 2/14/2021, was paid out to what appears to be several defunct Political Action Committees and a company called American Technology Consulting, that according to their campaign finance report is located at, 2993 Capital Street in Washington D.C., with the zip code being 01929. What's the problem? Well, 01929 is not the zip code for Washington D.C. -- it's the zip code for northeast Massachusetts. But don't take my word for it, all you have to do is call (515)974-5619 and ask to speak to Shelly, at the headquarters for American Technology Consulting, that's located at 12951 University Avenue #200, in Clive, Iowa 50325. According to Shelly, they do not even have a Washington D.C. branch.

From what I can tell, Commissioner Adrian Garcia (Democratic -- Harris County Commissioner for Precinct 2), may not even be aware of the fact that a portion of the campaign money he donated to the Texas Black Democrats PAC, back on 5/01/2021, was paid out to what appears to be several defunct Political Action Committees and a company called American Technology Consulting, that according to their campaign finance report is located at, 2993 Capital Street in Washington D.C., with the zip code being 01929. What's the problem? Well, 01929 is not the zip code for Washington D.C. -- it's the zip code for northeast Massachusetts. But don't take my word for it, all you have to do is call (515)974-5619 and ask to speak to Shelly, at the headquarters for American Technology Consulting, that's located at 12951 University Avenue #200, in Clive, Iowa 50325. According to Shelly, they do not even have a Washington D.C. branch.

I don't know how much Mayor Sylvester Turner knows about what's going on with these defunct Political Action Committees that are popping up all over the place. And it's still a little unclear as to whether Harris County Clerk Teneshia Hudspeth (Democratic – Harris County Clerk), is fully aware of the fact that a portion of the campaign money she donated to the Texas Black Democrats PAC, back on 5/02/2021, was paid out to what appears to be several defunct Political Action Committees and a company called American Technology Consulting, that according to their campaign finance report is located at, 2993 Capital Street in Washington D.C., with the zip code being 01929. What's the problem? Well, 01929 is not the zip code for Washington D.C. -- it's the zip code for northeast Massachusetts. But don't take my word for it, all you have to do is call (515)974-5619 and ask to speak to Shelly, at the headquarters for American Technology Consulting, that's located at 12951 University Avenue #200, in Clive, Iowa 50325. According to Shelly, they do not even have a Washington D.C. branch.

I'm not sure how much Mike Collier (Democrat – Running for Lt. Governor in the upcoming 2022 Midterm Election in Texas), knows about the fact that a portion of the campaign money he donated to the Texas Black Democrats PAC, back on 2/01/2021, 2/13/2021, 4/01/2021, 6/17/2021, and 6/21/2021, was paid out to what appears to be several defunct Political Action Committees and a company called American Technology Consulting, that according to their campaign finance report is located at, 2993 Capital Street in Washington D.C., with the zip code being 01929. What's the problem? Well, 01929 is not the zip code for Washington D.C. -- it's the zip code for northeast Massachusetts. But don't take my word for it, all you have to do is call (515)974-5619 and ask to speak to Shelly, at the headquarters for American Technology Consulting, that's located at 12951 University Avenue #200, in Clive, Iowa 50325. According to Shelly, they do not even have a Washington D.C. branch.

I really like Attorney Joe Jaworski as a person. He's awesome and above board. I don't think Joe is even aware of the fact that a portion of the campaign money he donated to the Texas Black Democrats PAC, back on 3/23/2021, was paid out to what appears to be several defunct Political Action Committees and a company called American Technology Consulting, that according to their campaign finance report is located at, 2993 Capital Street in Washington D.C., with the zip code being 01929. What's the problem? Well, 01929 is not the zip code for Washington D.C. -- it's the zip code for northeast Massachusetts. But don't take my word for it, all you have to do is call (515)974-5619 and ask to speak to Shelly, at the headquarters for American Technology Consulting, that's located at 12951 University Avenue #200, in Clive, Iowa 50325. According to Shelly, they do not even have a Washington D.C. branch.

I'm not really sure how much Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis, or Shekira Dennis (Democratic Operative and the Managing Partner at Next Wave Strategies), know about what's going on with these defunct Political Action Committees. Hell, Shekira may not even be aware of the fact that a portion of the campaign money she donated to the Texas Black Democrats PAC, back on 1/10/2021, was paid out to what appears to be several defunct Political Action Committees and a company called American Technology Consulting, that according to their campaign finance report is located at, 2993 Capital Street in Washington D.C., with the zip code being 01929. What's the problem? Well, 01929 is not the zip code for Washington D.C. -- it's the zip code for northeast Massachusetts. But don't take my word for it, all you have to do is call (515)974-5619 and ask to speak to Shelly, at the headquarters for American Technology Consulting, that's located at 12951 University Avenue #200, in Clive, Iowa 50325. According to Shelly, they do not even have a Washington D.C. branch.

I've heard a lot of good things about Cecil Shaw over the years. Cecil is a really good guy in my opinion. Now, as for Judge Scot “dolli” Dollinger (Democratic -- District Judge, 189th Civil District Court), he may not even be unaware of the fact that a portion of the campaign money he donated to the Texas Black Democrats PAC, back on 3/12/2021 and 4/27/2021 was paid out to what appears to be several defunct Political Action Committees and a company called American Technology Consulting, that according to their campaign finance report is located at, 2993 Capital Street in Washington D.C., with the zip code being 01929. What's the problem? Well, 01929 is not the zip code for Washington D.C. -- it's the zip code for northeast Massachusetts. But don't take my word for it, all you have to do is call (515)974-5619 and ask to speak to Shelly, at the headquarters for American Technology Consulting, that's located at 12951 University Avenue #200, in Clive, Iowa 50325. According to Shelly, they do not even have a Washington D.C. branch.

At this point, I don't really know how much Judge Jim Kovach (Democratic – County Civil Court at Law No. 2), knows about the fact that a portion of the campaign money he donated to the Texas Black Democrats PAC, back on 3/23/2021, was paid out to what appears to be several defunct Political Action Committees and a company called American Technology Consulting, that according to their campaign finance report is located at, 2993 Capital Street in Washington D.C., with the zip code being 01929. What's the problem? Well, 01929 is not the zip code for Washington D.C. -- it's the zip code for northeast Massachusetts. But don't take my word for it, all you have to do is call (515)974-5619 and ask to speak to Shelly, at the headquarters for American Technology Consulting, that's located at 12951 University Avenue #200, in Clive, Iowa 50325. According to Shelly, they do not even have a Washington D.C. branch.

I really like Judge Clinton Wells (District Judge, 312th Family District Court), in Harris County, Texas. I would be really surprised if Judge Wells knew anything about the fact that a portion of the campaign money he donated to the Texas Black Democrats PAC, back on 2/14/2021, was paid out to what appears to be several defunct Political Action Committees and a company called American Technology Consulting, that according to their campaign finance report is located at, 2993 Capital Street in Washington D.C., with the zip code being 01929. What's the problem? Well, 01929 is not the zip code for Washington D.C. -- it's the zip code for northeast Massachusetts. But don't take my word for it, all you have to do is call (515)974-5619 and ask to speak to Shelly, at the headquarters for American Technology Consulting, that's located at 12951 University Avenue #200, in Clive, Iowa 50325. According to Shelly, they do not even have a Washington D.C. branch.

I was really proud of Judge Sedrick Walker (Democratic – Harris County Criminal Court at Law No. 11) when he took the bench. Judge Walker may not even be unaware of the fact that a portion of the campaign money he donated to the Texas Black Democrats PAC, back on 3/24/2021, was paid out to what appears to be several defunct Political Action Committees and a company called American Technology Consulting, that according to their campaign finance report is located at, 2993 Capital Street in Washington D.C., with the zip code being 01929. What's the problem? Well, 01929 is not the zip code for Washington D.C. -- it's the zip code for northeast Massachusetts. But don't take my word for it, all you have to do is call (515)974-5619 and ask to speak to Shelly, at the headquarters for American Technology Consulting, that's located at 12951 University Avenue #200, in Clive, Iowa 50325. According to Shelly, they do not even have a Washington D.C. branch.

Don't really know a lot about Judge Teana Watson (Democratic – Fort Bend County Court at Law No. 5) at this time. But I don't think that she's even aware of the fact that a portion of the campaign money she donated to the Texas Black Democrats PAC, back on 2/13/2021, was paid out to what appears to be several defunct Political Action Committees and a company called American Technology Consulting, that according to their campaign finance report is located at, 2993 Capital Street in Washington D.C., with the zip code being 01929. What's the problem? Well, 01929 is not the zip code for Washington D.C. -- it's the zip code for northeast Massachusetts. But don't take my word for it, all you have to do is call (515)974-5619 and ask to speak to Shelly, at the headquarters for American Technology Consulting, that's located at 12951 University Avenue #200, in Clive, Iowa 50325. According to Shelly, they do not even have a Washington D.C. branch.

I'm not sure how much Pastor Max Miller or Melanie Miles who now serves as the Democratic Precinct Chair for Precinct #140), know about what's going on with all of these defunct Political Action Committees. As far as I know, Melanie may not even be unaware of the fact that a portion of the campaign money she donated to the Texas Black Democrats PAC, back on 5/29/2021, was paid out to what appears to be several defunct Political Action Committees and a company called American Technology Consulting, that according to their campaign finance report is located at, 2993 Capital Street in Washington D.C., with the zip code being 01929. What's the problem? Well, 01929 is not the zip code for Washington D.C. -- it's the zip code for northeast Massachusetts. But don't take my word for it, all you have to do is call (515)974-5619 and ask to speak to Shelly, at the headquarters for American Technology Consulting, that's located at 12951 University Avenue #200, in Clive, Iowa 50325. According to Shelly, they do not even have a Washington D.C. branch.

I don't think that Councilman Ed Pollard (Current District J Houston City Councilman) knows anything about all of these defunct Political Action Committees. And I certainly don't believe that he's even aware of the fact that a portion of the campaign money he donated to the Texas Black Democrats PAC, back on 3/20/2021, was paid out to what appears to be several defunct Political Action Committees and a company called American Technology Consulting, that according to their campaign finance report is located at, 2993 Capital Street in Washington D.C., with the zip code being 01929. What's the problem? Well, 01929 is not the zip code for Washington D.C. -- it's the zip code for northeast Massachusetts. But don't take my word for it, all you have to do is call (515)974-5619 and ask to speak to Shelly, at the headquarters for American Technology Consulting, that's located at 12951 University Avenue #200, in Clive, Iowa 50325. According to Shelly, they do not even have a Washington D.C. branch.



"Over the course of the last few years, I've caught flack from both sides of the political aisle and have consistently been disrespected, shunned, and ignored by a lot of folks. I've also been threatened directly and indirectly since I began investigating local dirty politicians and their cronies who are committed to remaining in power by any means necessary. That being said, I am strongly encouraging you to do your own research and identify the candidates you like. Once you've developed your slate, I need for you to then, combine my slate with yours. Listen!!! The upcoming Tuesday, November 8, 2022, Midterm Election is unquestionably the most important election of our generation. And thus, propaganda, flat-out lies, and deceptive news reports are being peddled to the public like popcorn at the "RINGLING BROS AND BARNUM & BAILEY CIRCUS" on a daily basis. So, please join me in "Putting People Over Politics" as God's plan for America continues to unfold during this pivotal moment in the history of our great nation."

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033

Alexandra del Moral Mealer Discusses What Freedom Means to Her With Aubrey R. Taylor, publisher of Houston Business Connections Newspaper©

"I looked to my grandfathers for mentorship while growing up. From an early age, I was inspired by their stories of service and leadership in the defense of our freedom. My maternal grandfather was the first in his family to graduate high school and through his career of service in the U.S. Navy, also became the first in his family to graduate college. My paternal grandfather was forced to flee Spain as a political refugee. He ultimately gained his U.S. citizenship through service in the U.S. Army.

Following in my family’s tradition, I decided to attend the United States Military Academy at West Point following the 9/11 Attacks. Upon graduation, I served in the Army bomb squad. Through my experience leading soldiers in combat, I demonstrated the skills necessary to lead during times of crisis and that has prepared me to lead the county through the crisis we currently face. The protection of our freedoms has been a theme throughout my life, one that my entire family has shared. They’re too important to sit idly by hoping that someone else will protect them and that’s especially true in Harris County, where our way of life has been under attack. I’m running for Harris County Judge to restore our way of life."

Trever Nehls Discusses What Freedom Means to Him With Aubrey R. Taylor, publisher of Houston Business Connections Newspaper©

"As every American should know and never forget: Freedom isn’t free. The ability in our day-to-day lives to live as we see fit in the world’s most prosperous country is a consequence of the sacrifices of countless men and women who have sacrificed their lives defending America.

The United States Constitution explicitly establishes our freedoms. The freedom to speech, freedom of religion, freedom of the press, and many others are integral to the uniquely American freedom we enjoy; however, the Constitution and the freedoms spelled out therein are little more than words and ideas without someone to defend them.

As a retired US Army Colonel, who served 33 years defending our Constitution, I know firsthand the sacrifices our men and women make on a daily basis to ensure our homeland is secure and Americans are able to enjoy their Constitutional freedoms.

For many people outside of America, freedom isn’t established by a constitution or defended by men and women in uniform. Instead, in places like Iraq and Afghanistan, the local populace has no freedom outside of what Al-Qaeda or the Taliban arbitrarily decides. The brutality of how the Taliban subjugate the Afghan people is truly horrific – that’s why you saw Afghan citizens desperately clinging to the landing gear of airplanes as they took off from the tarmac.

The Afghan people knew what it meant when America left: the little freedom they once enjoyed would be gone and they’d now be subjugated to the brutal, dictatorial rule of the Taliban. My Afghanistan interpreter, Agha, was able to get out before the Taliban assumed control – something we worked on for years after I returned to the states from my deployment there.

Agha is now living in Texas and is employed full-time with a national trucking and logistics company. He couldn’t be happier and more grateful to be living in a country where his freedom is established by the Constitution and defended by our men and women in uniform.

As Americans, we so often take for granted the blanket of freedom our Constitution and nation’s military provides. But we can always be reminded when we look to our nation’s veterans to share stories of the sacrifices they’ve endured and made to defend our freedom.

I hope the millions of Americans celebrating July 4th this weekend will reflect on and honor the sacrifices our military men and women have made so that we have something to celebrate on July 4th; and I hope they express pride to be living in the most free and prosperous country on Earth – a country which protects our endowed freedoms and liberties from those who would do it harm.

That’s what freedom means to me and millions of Americans who’ve served this country and honor its foundation, and I pray we never forget it."

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