Showing posts with label Texas Democratic Party Convention. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Texas Democratic Party Convention. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

It's Going to Be a Sad Day in Texas if Carroll G. Robinson Becomes Chairman of the Texas Democratic Party on Saturday

Terrance Shanks (left), the president of the "DEFUNCT" Texas Coalition of Black Democrats (Harris County Chapter), and Carroll G. Robinson (right), the Chairman of the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats are poised to take control of the Texas Democratic Party on Saturday unless something is done to stop them. These two guys are thick as thieves so to speak. And they are becoming more brazen and corrupt with each passing day. And the saddest thing about this pair is that on Saturday, July 16, 2022, at around 2pm at the Dallas Convention Center, Carroll G. Robinson could very well become the new Chair of the Texas Democratic Party and spread his corruption to "THE STATE LEVEL" as he plans to push his agenda by any means necessary. And by the way, Terrance Shanks, the president of the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats (Harris County Chapter) couldn't even win his race for Harris County Precinct Chairman back on 5/24/2022. So, how can the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats (Harris County Chapter) help Democratic judges win their upcoming re-election bids on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, in the Midterm Election?

Terrance Shanks, the president of the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats (Harris County Chapter) couldn't even win his race for Harris County Precinct Chairman back on 5/24/2022. So, how can the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats (Harris County Chapter) help Democratic judges win their upcoming re-election bids on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, in the Midterm Election? As you can see above, Terrance Shanks only received 58 total votes, in his losing bid to become the Democratic Precinct Chair for (Precinct #210) in Harris County, Texas. So,  how can the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats (Harris County) help Democrats win county races when the president of this defunct PAC couldn't even help him garner more than 58 votes in a precinct chair race?

President Joe Biden could be looking into the eyes of Carroll G. Robinson, the man who could become the next chairman of the Texas Democratic Party on Saturday, July 16, 2022, at the Texas Democratic Party Convention. Why does this matter? Well, if Carroll G. Robinson unseats Gilberto Hinojosa, on Saturday, the Texas Democratic Party will in effect have a guy at the helm who will inevitably bring shame onto the entire party in the very near future.

It's Going to Be a Sad Day in Texas if Carroll G. Robinson Becomes Chairman of the Texas Democratic Party on Saturday


The scary thing about what's going on with Carroll G. Robinson and Terrance Shanks are getting away with right now is that "Democrat" Kim Ogg, the Harris County District Attorney, and other people like "Democrat" Judge Linda Dunson, the presiding judge for the 309th Family District Court, "Democrat" Judge Brian Warren, the presiding judge for the 209th Criminal District Court, "Democrat" Judge Jerry Simoneaux, the presiding judge for Harris County Probate Court No.1, "Democrat" Judge Jim Kovach, the presiding judge for Harris County Civil Court at Law No.2, "Democrat" Judge Barbara Stalder, the presiding judge for the 280th Family "Protective Order Court" in Harris County, "Democrat" Judge Raúl Rodríguez, the presiding judge for Harris County Criminal Court at Law No.13, "Democrat" Judge Danilo "Danny" Lacayo, the presiding judge for the 182nd Criminal District Court and many others, are fully aware that the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats (Harris County Chapter) has been operating illegally since 2014, and they are still continuing to lend credibility to this "CORRUPT ENTERPRISE" by showing up at their meetings and supporting them from their campaign accounts. 

For the record, Amanda Edwards (far left), a former Houston City Councilwoman, Judge Linda Dunson (third from left), Judge Raúl Rodríguez (third from right), Judge Barbara Stalder (far right), got duped last week by Terrence Shanks (second from right), president of the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats -- Harris County, into attending an "ILLEGAL MEETING" hosted by an organization that's currently "INACTIVE" and isn't supposed to be holding events, issuing endorsements, collecting membership dues, taking in money from candidates, or anything like that in any way, shape or form. Why not? Well, according to the Texas Ethics Commission, the "BLACK ORGANIZATION" called the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats -- Harris County has been inactive since at least 2014. Now, that being said, any monies taken in by the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats between 2014 and 2022, was taken in "ILLEGALLY" and must be accounted for in the very near future.


Carroll G. Robinson, Terrance Shanks, and Antron D. Johnson are become more emboldened and have set their sights on taking over the Texas Democratic Party this weekend at the Texas Democratic Party Convention, in Dallas Texas. In case you don't remember, my investigative team discovered that the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats (Harris County Chapter) was declared "INACTIVE" by the Texas Ethics Commission, but has continued to operate illegally in 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022, since Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg, and some sitting "DEMOCRAT JUDGES" are ignoring their illegal activities.

If you look at the crowd, you will see that for the most part only, white and Latino Democratic 2022 Judicial candidates got tricked into attending this "ILLEGAL MEETING" that was hosted by the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats -- Harris County Chapter. This particular meeting was held on Tuesday, July 6, 2021, at the East Houston Civic Club, located @ 7418 East Houston Road, in Houston, Texas. However, this meeting should have never taken place because according to the Texas Elections Commission, the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats -- Harris County Chapter has been inactive since at least 2014, according to their records.


Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg and many other "ELECTED LEADERS" are turning their heads and ignoring the "POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE PONZI SCHEME" that's being run by Carroll G. Robinson, the chairman of the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats, Terrance Shanks, the president of the "DEFUNCT" Texas Coalition of Black Democrats (Harris County Chapter), and Antron D. Johnson, the treasurer for several of their "BOGUS POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEES" that they're running out of Harris County, Texas.

As you can see, Judge Raúl Rodríguez, the presiding Judge for Harris County Criminal Court at Law #13, is all smiles. But what he didn't know is that he got tricked into attending this "ILLEGAL MEETING" that was hosted by the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats -- Harris County Chapter. This particular meeting was held on Tuesday, July 6, 2021, at the East Houston Civic Club, located @ 7418 East Houston Road, in Houston, Texas. However, this meeting should have never taken place because according to the Texas Elections Commission, the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats -- Harris County Chapter has been inactive since at least 2014, according to their records.

This particular photo shows Terrance Shanks acting in his capacity as the president of the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats -- Harris County Chapter. This particular meeting was held on Tuesday, July 6, 2021, at the East Houston Civic Club, located @ 7418 East Houston Road, in Houston, Texas. However, this meeting should have never taken place because according to the Texas Elections Commission, the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats -- Harris County Chapter has been inactive since at least 2014, according to their records.

In this particular photo you see Terrence Shanks, Judge Raúl Rodríguez, Constance Jones, and Pati Limón de Rodríguez -- wife of Judge Rodriguez. So, this particular photo shows Terrance Shanks acting in his capacity as the president of the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats -- Harris County Chapter. This particular meeting was held on Tuesday, July 6, 2021, at the East Houston Civic Club, located @ 7418 East Houston Road, in Houston, Texas. However, this meeting should have never taken place because according to the Texas Elections Commission, the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats -- Harris County Chapter has been inactive since at least 2014, according to their records.

Here's another photo showing Terrance Shanks acting in his capacity as the president of the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats -- Harris County Chapter. This particular meeting was held on Tuesday, July 6, 2021, at the East Houston Civic Club, located @ 7418 East Houston Road, in Houston, Texas. However, this meeting should have never taken place because according to the Texas Elections Commission, the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats -- Harris County Chapter has been inactive since at least 2014, according to their records.

Terrence Shanks is standing in the background as Dr. Darnella Wilkerson speaks. Here's another photo showing Terrance Shanks acting in his capacity as the president of the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats -- Harris County Chapter. This particular meeting was held on Tuesday, July 6, 2021, at the East Houston Civic Club, located @ 7418 East Houston Road, in Houston, Texas. However, this meeting should have never taken place because according to the Texas Elections Commission, the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats -- Harris County Chapter has been inactive since at least 2014, according to their records.

The image you see above is documented proof that I went to the Texas Ethics Commission's website and searched the name Texas Coalition of Black Democrats -- Harris County in an attempt to view their Campaign Finance Report that was due on Thursday, July 15, 2021. Do you see the "SEARCH" button circled in red?

If you look at the red circle above you will clearly see that the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats -- Harris County is "INACTIVE" on the Texas Ethics Commission's website. And just for the record, the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats has been operating illegally since about 2014, according to Texas Ethics Commission records.

Do you see the message I got after typing in Texas Coalition Black Democrats -- Harris County? Well, notice that it says, "By_Filer_Name -- The Report is empty. What does this mean? Well, what this error message means is that The Texas Coalition of Black Democrats -- Harris County did not file a Campaign Finance Report on Thursday, July 15, 2019, like all of the legitimate "GPAC's" across the state of Texas were required to do.

If you look closely at the "July 6th" date inclosed by the red circle please note that the date enclosed in red is the day (Tuesday, July 6, 2021) when the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats -- Harris County held their first in-person meeting since the beginning of the COVID pandemic. This particular "ILLEGAL MEETING" was held at the East Houston Civic Club, located @ 7418 East Houston Road, in Houston, Texas.

If you look closely at the "July 6th" date inclosed by the red circle please note that the date enclosed in red is the day (Tuesday, July 6, 2021) when the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats -- Harris County held their first in-person meeting since the beginning of the COVID pandemic. This particular "ILLEGAL MEETING" was held at the East Houston Civic Club, located @ 7418 East Houston Road, in Houston, Texas.

If you look closely at the "July 6th" date inclosed by the red circle please note that the date enclosed in red is the day (Tuesday, July 6, 2021) when the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats -- Harris County held their first in-person meeting since the beginning of the COVID pandemic. This particular "ILLEGAL MEETING" was held at the East Houston Civic Club, located @ 7418 East Houston Road, in Houston, Texas.

Gilberto Hinojosa, the current Chairman of the Texas Democratic Party, is being challenged by Carroll G. Robinson, chairman of the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats, and Kim Olson, a retired USAF Colonel, 25-year combat veteran, and Democratic Activist. You can "CLICK HERE" for more information about the Texas Democratic Convention, which will be taking place in Dallas Texas from July 14, through 16, 2022. Just so you know, Convention Center parking is located at 650 S. Griffin Street in Dallas, TX 75202. And for the record, reflecting Gilberton Hinojosa would be better than allowing Carroll G. Robinson and his crew to take over the Texas Democratic Party.

Kim Olson, is a retired USAF Colonel, 25-year combat veteran, and Democratic Activist. Kim Olson and Gilberto Hinojosa are both much better choices than Carroll G. Robinson in my opinion. Kim Olson has a proven track record of being an effective leader. And she doesn't appear to be mired in corruption, like Carroll G. Robinson, and members so his crew. So, Democrats should either reelect Gilberto Hinojosa or if they're searching for a new direction, Kim Olson would be a much better choice than putting Carroll G. Robinson and the helm of their party. You can "CLICK HERE" for more information about the Texas Democratic Convention that's taking place next week.

President Joe Biden didn't even know that he was staring into the eyes of a man who was running a corrupt organization. Carroll G. Robinson (right), the chairman of the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats has been crisscrossing the state of Texas trying to drum up support for his bid to become Chairman of the Texas Democratic Party. But Democrats had better not fall for his sales pitch. Under no circumstances should Democrats elect Carroll G. Robinson over Gilberto Hinojosa, and Kim Olson at their upcoming Texas Democratic Party Convention.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033



"Over the course of the last few years, I've caught flack from both sides of the political aisle and have consistently been disrespected, shunned, and ignored by a lot of folks. I've also been threatened directly and indirectly since I began investigating local dirty politicians and their cronies who are committed to remaining in power by any means necessary. That being said, I am strongly encouraging you to do your own research and identify the candidates you like. Once you've developed your slate, I need for you to then, combine my slate with yours. Listen!!! The upcoming Tuesday, November 8, 2022, Midterm Election is unquestionably the most important election of our generation. And thus, propaganda, flat-out lies, and deceptive news reports are being peddled to the public like popcorn at the "RINGLING BROS AND BARNUM & BAILEY CIRCUS" on a daily basis. So, please join me in "Putting People Over Politics" as God's plan for America continues to unfold during this pivotal moment in the history of our great nation."

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033