Showing posts with label Elevate Strategies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Elevate Strategies. Show all posts

Sunday, September 5, 2021

Hidalgo Lied -- According to Bill King's Public Policy Report Sent to Aubrey R. Taylor by Email A Few Days Ago

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: “A few days ago I received an email from Bill King, a former City of Houston Mayoral contender. His email was about the ongoing saga swirling around Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo. According to King, the $11 million dollar contract for COVID "Outreach" that was awarded to Felicity Pereyra should be investigated. In his "PUBLIC POLICY DISCUSSION" he stated, "To take money that was supposed to be dedicated to saving peoples' lives by getting them vaccinated and  instead diverting it for naked partisan, political purposes, as Hidalgo is facing re-election next year, is inexcusable and unforgiveable. Hidalgo should immediately resign from office and if she fails to do so, she should be removed from office. Also, the Harris County District Attorney and the U.S. Attorney should immediately open a criminal investigation into this contract.”

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "Inside Bill King's report he also stated, "According to Groogan’s reporting, the Purchasing Department received instructions from Hidalgo’s office to disqualify UTHSC because they were “late” on other county contracts. To date, no one has specified what those contracts were, nor has anyone provided any documentation regarding basis for the disqualification."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "My investigative team and I are still looking into this $11 million dollar debacle and will be discussing this mess on this coming Wednesday night on "DIRTY PoliTrikz" that airs on YOUTUBE and Facebook at 7:00pm. According to Charles Marler, a former FBI Investigative Specialist, the company that this Felicity Pereyra woman used to work for has made over a half million dollars over the last two years from Harris County."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "The apartment complex you see above is where Elevate Strategies is headquartered. Remember, Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo awarded the $11 million dollar COVID "Outreach" contract to Felicity Pereyra, who runs a one-person firm with no health-related experience out of this Montrose apartment according to published reports."

Hidalgo Lied -- According to Bill King's Public Policy Report Sent Out by Email

Written by Bill King -- Submitted by Email

I lauded County Judge Lina Hidalgo for committing to not take campaign contribution from county contractors shortly after she was elected, a campaign finance reform I have long supported. I congratulated her when she returned a campaign contribution from a strip club owner, something practically no other politician has done.

But, folks, there is no way to sugarcoat this. When Hidalgo told Harris County residents at the last Commissioners’ Court meeting that there was nothing irregular about the $11 million contract to a one-person company run out of a Montrose apartment, she lied.

In his blockbuster report, Greg Groogan has laid bare just how rotten this deal is. Groogan obtained documents that show Elevate Strategies did not win the ranking competition by the selection committee as Hidalgo represented. In fact, it came in second behind UT Health Science Center (UTHSC), a sixty-year-old institution with 5,600 employees, nearly $600 million in annual revenues, and a half-billion dollar endowment. Here were the original rankings by the selection committee:

Of course, you will immediately note that Elevate Strategies' bid was almost three times the next bid (by UTHSC) and that its score was 20% lower than UTHSC. But it gets worse.

Three of the five committee members highlighted above (Triantaphyllis, Dunn, and Nader) work directly in Hidalgo’s office. I was not able to find any public health experience or education background for any of them on their online profiles. The other two members (Sasu and Lofton) do not work directly for Hidalgo. Sasu has a master’s in public health and spent seven years with the CDC. Lofton works for the Harris County Public Health and has a master’s degree in public health from UT.

The three members of the committee who work directly in Hidalgo’s office and have no apparent public health experience gave Elevate Strategies scores of 50, 52 and 50, respectively. The two members who do not work in Hidalgo’s office and do have public health experience each gave Elevate Strategies a score of 26.

Hidalgo’s chief of staff (Triantaphyllis) gave UTHSC a score of 34. He gave the one-person Elevate Strategies a score of 18 for “capacity and resources” while giving the 5,600-strong UTHSC a score of 12 for that criteria. The two members who do not work for Hidalgo and actually have public health experience scored UTHSC 60 and 56.

Bottom line: Were it not for the political appointees in Hidalgo’s office with no public health experience, UTHSC’s score would have been more than double that of Elevate Strategies.

So, how did a company that bid three times higher than the next highest bidder and was scored by the only healthcare professionals on the committee as half as qualified end up with the contract? And why was Elevate Strategies allowed to charge the County $4 million more than the second highest bidder? According to Groogan’s reporting, the Purchasing Department received instructions from Hidalgo’s office to disqualify UTHSC because they were “late” on other county contracts. To date, no one has specified what those contracts were, nor has anyone provided any documentation regarding basis for the disqualification.

From the moment the details of this contract began to come to light, it reeked of corruption. But these additional revelations are stunning in just how blatant and shameless this bid rigging was. And, by the way, there are more revelations to come.

To take money that was supposed to be dedicated to saving peoples' lives by getting them vaccinated and instead diverting it for naked partisan, political purposes, as Hidalgo is facing re-election next year, is inexcusable and unforgiveable. Hidalgo should immediately resign from office and if she fails to do so, she should be removed from office. Also, the Harris County District Attorney and the U.S. Attorney should immediately open a criminal investigation into this contract.

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "I really don't give a damn about "POLITICAL PARTY LABELS" at all. My job is to protect the interests of my "DEMOCRATIC" and "REPUBLICAN" clients in the 2021 School Board Elections, the 2022 Midterm Elections, 2023 City of Houston General Election, and the 2024 Presidential Elections. And I'm not going to allow anyone to silence me. My blood-bought right as a citizen of these United States of America affords me the ability to freely speak my mind, and freely publish my opinions and thoughts under the First Amendment of our United States Constitution."

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "Right now, in Texas, Republicans control every statewide office, and have a decided majority in the State House, and State Senate. So, in the interest of my entire body of readers and clients, I do everything I can to get along with "POLITICAL LEADERS" on both sides of the aisle in Texas and beyond! Look!!! What I care about is informing my readers and protecting the interests of my "DEMOCRATIC" and "REPUBLICAN" clients. Yes, that's me in Austin, Texas at our State Capital talking to state leaders about the issues some of my clients in Harris County, Texas face as it relates to voter fraud. Now, that being said, I have a duty to protect the interests of the people who hire me to promote their political campaigns and go to bat for them -- I'm only doing my job! What's my job? Well, my #1 job is to make damn sure that I do everything in my power to make sure that my clients (both Democrat and Republican) have a fair shot to win in 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024 -- without being cheated!"

Do you Have a Story Idea, Concern, or Endorsement You Want Us to Consider?


Houston Business Connections Newspaper© is a non-partisan politically focused publication published by Aubrey R. Taylor Communications for the sole purpose of informing, empowering, and imploring our readership to elect the "BEST" duly-qualified candidates to public office who value, respect, and appreciate our support! Call (281)788-3033 for more information about how we can assist your campaign. It is incumbent upon us to do our best to make sure that the people we are electing as "PUBLIC SERVANTS" care about us, our concerns, and issues that are near and dear to us.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: “What’s the easiest way for us to tell if people like County Commissioner Rodney Ellis, County Judge Lina Hidalgo, County Commissioner Adrian Garcia, and other local elected officials truly have a heart for us? Well, the simplest way for us to determine who cares about us, is to look at their campaign finance reports. Now, before getting started, I’d like to remind you of a passage of scripture I learned as a child growing up. You see, in the book of Matthew in the 6th Chapter and 21st verse of the Holy Bible, there’s a passage of scripture that states, ‘For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.’ So, that being stated, whether you believe in the Bible or not, all you have to do is inspect the campaign finance reports provided below to become enlightened.”

Why Are Some Local Democrats Getting Richer and Richer While Others Have No Money in their Campaign Bank Accounts?


Over the course of the last year or so, we’ve had “ELECTED OFFICIALS” running around and screaming from the top of their lungs that Republicans are trying to make it harder for Black and Brown people to vote. Some Democratic members of our state legislature even ran all the way to Washington DC (to break quorum) claiming they were fighting to protect the voting rights of people of color and what not. So, what’s a logical next step for these people as it relates to continuing their so-called fight for Black and Brown people? Well, for starters, all of the “ELECTED OFFICIALS” who claimed to be fighting for our community (the Black Community) should be compelled to do more than grandstand on their social media accounts, and making television appearances on cable news stations.


How can local elected officials and others who claim to be fighting for Black and Brown communities demonstrate that they really care about us? Well, each and every one of those folks who claim to care so much about us should be asked to, ‘put their money where their mouth is’ prior to the upcoming 2022 Midterm Elections. How? They should be asked to support a non-partisan “SPECIFIC PURPOSE COMMITTEE” that’s aimed at voter outreach to Black and Brown communities, by way of helping to educate, empower, mobilize, and increase voter participation in the upcoming 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024 elections.


This particular non-partisan “SPECIFIC PURPOSE COMMITTEE” I’m proposing could be supported by donors from both major political parties. Wouldn’t it be nice to see which Democratic and Republican donors would step up to the plate to assist in this worthwhile endeavor? Who do you think would donate first? Well, I can’t see any reason why the people who claim to already be fighting so hard for Black and Brown people shouldn’t be the first folks in line to support this strategic non-partisan effort – especially since some of these folks already have millions of dollars sitting inside their campaign bank accounts.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033

According to "OPEN SECRETS" at the time of this report, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee only has $36,899.00 in her campaign bank account. (CLICK HERE) if you would like to view her complete report and see where she's spending her money. Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee represents the 18th Congressional District of Texas and will be up for re-election in the 2022 Midterm Elections.

According to "OPEN SECRETS" at the time of this report, Congressman Al Green has $280,048.00 dollars in his campaign bank account. (CLICK HERE) if you would like to view his complete report and see where he's spending his money. Congresswoman Green represents the 9th Congressional District of Texas and will be up for re-election in the 2022 Midterm Elections.

COMMISSIONER ELLIS COULD EASILY DONATE $2 MILLION DOLLARS: Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis currently has $4,075,723.00 dollars sitting inside his campaign bank account right now, according to his most recently filed campaign finance report. Now, remember, this particular campaign finance report was filed under penalty of perjury back on July 14, 2021. So, what we should do right now is create a non-partisan “SPECIFIC PURPOSE COMMITTEE” that’s not controlled by Commissioner Ellis, or any of his friends, cronies, cohorts, puppets or allies. Once, the “SPECIFIC PURPOSE COMMITTEE” is set up, stakeholders in the “BLACK COMMUNITY” should then ask Commissioner Rodney Ellis to donate $2 million dollars into this particular “SPECIFIC PURPOSE COMMITTEE” that’s aimed at voter outreach to Black communities, by way of helping to educate, empower, mobilize, and increase minority voter participation in the upcoming 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024 elections. And just for the record, after the $2 million dollars is donated to the cause, Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis would still be left with over $2,075,723.00 dollars in his campaign account and war chest.

COMMISSIONER GARCIA COULD EASILY DONATE $250.000 DOLLARS: Harris County Commissioner Adrian Garcia currently has $1,735,396.26 dollars sitting inside his campaign bank account, according to his most recently filed campaign finance report. Now, remember, this particular campaign finance report was filed under penalty of perjury back on August 27, 2021. So, what we should do right now is create a non-partisan “SPECIFIC PURPOSE COMMITTEE” that’s not controlled by Commissioner Garcia, or any of his friends, cronies, cohorts, puppets or allies. And then Commissioner Adrian Garcia should be asked to donate $250,000.00 dollars into this particular “SPECIFIC PURPOSE COMMITTEE” that’s aimed at voter outreach to Black communities, by way of helping to educate, empower, mobilize, and increase minority voter participation in the upcoming 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024 elections. And just for the record, after the $250,000.00 dollars is donated to the cause, Harris County Commissioner Adrian Garcia would still be left with over $1,485,396.26 dollars in his campaign account and war chest.

COUNTY JUDGE HIDALGO COULD EASILY DONATE $150,000 DOLLARS: Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo currently has $1,023,311.43 dollars sitting inside her campaign bank account, according to her most recently filed campaign finance report. Now, remember, this particular campaign finance report was filed under penalty of perjury back on July 15, 2021. So, what we should do right now is create a non-partisan “SPECIFIC PURPOSE COMMITTEE” that’s not controlled by County Judge Hidalgo, or any of her friends, cronies, cohorts, puppets or allies. And then County Judge Lina Hidalgo should be asked to donate $150,000.00 into this particular “SPECIFIC PURPOSE COMMITTEE” that’s aimed at voter outreach to Black and Brown communities, by way of helping to educate, empower, mobilize, and increase minority voter participation in the upcoming 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024 elections. And just for the record, after the $150,000.00 dollars is donated to the cause, Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo would still be left with over $873,311.43 dollars in her campaign account and war chest.

STATE REP. THOMPSON COULD EASILY DONATE $150,000 DOLLARS: State Rep. Senfronia Thompson currently has $911,008.34 dollars sitting in her campaign bank account. So, since she’s fighting and standing up for “BLACK AND BROWN PEOPLE” it shouldn’t be that big of problem for her to donate $150,000.00 dollars into this particular “SPECIFIC PURPOSE COMMITTEE” that’s aimed at voter outreach to Black and Brown communities, by way of helping to educate, empower, mobilize, and increase minority voter participation in the upcoming 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024 elections. After all, after donating $150,000.00 dollars to the cause, she would still be left with $761,008.44 dollars in her campaign account and war chest.

JUDGE SANDILL COULD EASILY DONATE $85,000 DOLLARS: Judge Ravi Sandill currently has $620,400.85 dollars sitting in his campaign bank account. So, since he’s seeking the support of the “BLACK COMMUNITY” for his run for Justice, Texas Court of Appeals District, Place 9, it shouldn’t be that big of problem for him to donate $85,000.00 dollars into this particular non-partisan “SPECIFIC PURPOSE COMMITTEE” that’s aimed at voter outreach to Black and Brown communities, by way of helping to educate, empower, mobilize, and increase minority voter participation in the upcoming 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024 elections. After all, after donating $85,000.00 dollars to the cause, he would still be left with $535,400.85 dollars in his campaign account and war chest.

JUDGE CARTER COULD EASILY DONATE $65,000 DOLLARS: Judge Kyle Carter currently has $319,690.54 dollars sitting in his bank account. So, since he’s seeking the support of the “BLACK COMMUNITY” for his run for Justice, 14th Court of Appeals District, it shouldn’t be that big of problem for him to donate $65,000.00 dollars into this particular non-partisan “SPECIFIC PURPOSE COMMITTEE” that’s aimed at voter outreach to Black and Brown communities, by way of helping to educate, empower, mobilize, and increase minority voter participation in the upcoming 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024 elections. After all, after donating $65,000.00 dollars to the cause, he would still be left with $254,690.54 dollars in his campaign account and war chest. ***And just for the record, I believe that the “BLACK COMMUNITY” should throw our support behind Judge Kyle Carter in the race for Justice, 14th Court of Appeals District, in the upcoming 2022 Democratic Party Primary.

JUDGE ENGELHART COULD EASILY DONATE $35,000 DOLLARS: Judge Mike Engelhart currently has $236,621.57 dollars sitting in his bank account. So, since he’s seeking the support of the “BLACK COMMUNITY” for his run for Justice, First Court of Appeals District, Place 4, it shouldn’t be that big of problem for him to donate $35,000.00 dollars into this particular non-partisan “SPECIFIC PURPOSE COMMITTEE” that’s aimed at voter outreach to Black and Brown communities, by way of helping to educate, empower, mobilize, and increase minority voter participation in the upcoming 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024 elections. After all, after donating $35,000.00 dollars to the cause, he would still be left with $201,621.57 dollars in his campaign account and war chest. ***And just for the record, I believe that the “BLACK COMMUNITY” should throw our support behind Judge Mike Engelhart in the race for Justice, First Court of Appeals District, Place 4, in the upcoming 2022 Democratic Party Primary.

JUDGE MICHAEL GOMEZ COULD EASILY DONATE $30,000 DOLLARS: Judge Michael Gomez currently has $166,991.35 dollars sitting in his bank account. So, since he periodically seeks the support of the “BLACK COMMUNITY” from time to time, it shouldn’t be that big of problem for him to donate $30,000.00 dollars into this particular non-partisan “SPECIFIC PURPOSE COMMITTEE” that’s aimed at voter outreach to Black and Brown communities, by way of helping to educate, empower, mobilize, and increase minority voter participation in the upcoming 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024 elections. After all, after donating $30,000.00 dollars to the cause, he would still be left with $136,991.35 dollars in his campaign account and war chest. 

FIRST TERM EXEMPTION: Judge Donna Roth currently only has $147,297.99 dollars sitting in her campaign bank account, and would be eligible to receive a donation as part of our friendly incumbency rule for first-term incumbent judges. Judge Roth is up for re-election in the 2022 Midterms. She must file to run for re-election no later than Monday, December 13, 2021, to have her name appear on the 2022 Democratic Party Primary ballot in the race for the 295th Civil District Court in Harris County, Texas. That being said, Judge Donna Roth will need our support in the upcoming Democratic Party Primary in Harris County. So, just for the record, legitimate Political Action Committees should be donating to help her win re-election – not asking her for money right now. Also, please don't forget that Judge Donna Roth values our vote, prayers, and support.

FIRST TERM EXEMPTION: Judge Tanya Garrison currently only has $135,570.72 dollars sitting in her campaign bank account, and would be eligible to receive a donation as part of our friendly incumbency rule for first-term incumbent judges. Judge Garrison is up for re-election in the 2022 Midterms. She must file to run for re-election no later than Monday, December 13, 2021, to have her name appear on the 2022 Democratic Party Primary ballot in the race for the 157th Civil District Court in Harris County, Texas. That being said, Judge Tanya Garrison will need our support in the upcoming Democratic Party Primary in Harris County. So, just for the record, legitimate Political Action Committees should be donating to help her win re-election – not asking her for money right now. 

STATE REP. COLEMAN COULD EASILY DONATE $25,000 DOLLARS: State Rep. Garnet Coleman currently has $129,458.20 dollars sitting in his campaign bank account. So, since he’s fighting and standing up for “BLACK PEOPLE” it shouldn’t be that big of problem for him to donate $25,000.00 dollars into this particular non-partisan “SPECIFIC PURPOSE COMMITTEE” that’s aimed at voter outreach to Black and Brown communities, by way of helping to educate, empower, mobilize, and increase minority voter participation in the upcoming 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024 elections. After all, after donating $25,000.00 dollars to the cause, he would still be left with $104,458.20 dollars in his campaign account and war chest.

FIRST TERM EXEMPTION: Judge Germaine Tanner currently only has $108,975.70 dollars sitting in her campaign bank account, and would be eligible to receive a donation as part of our friendly incumbency rule for first-term incumbent judges. Judge Tanner is up for re-election in the 2022 Midterms. She must file to run for re-election no later than Monday, December 13, 2021, to have her name appear on the 2022 Democratic Party Primary ballot in the race for the 311th Family District Court in Harris County, Texas. That being said, it’s a shame that none of the people who are claiming to care so much about the “BLACK COMMUNITY” seem to be donating any money to her re-election bid. So, just for the record, legitimate Political Action Committees should be donating to help her win re-election – not asking her for money right now. ***The “BLACK COMMUNITY” should compel the Harris County Democratic Party to allow Judge Germaine Tanner to run unopposed in their upcoming 2022 Democratic Party Primary.

COUNTY ATTORNEY MENEFEE COULD EASILY DONATE $25,000 DOLLARS: Harris County Attorney Christian Menefee currently has $100,239.38 dollars sitting inside his campaign bank account, according to his most recently filed campaign finance report. Now, remember, this particular campaign finance report was filed under penalty of perjury back on July 15, 2021. So, what we should do right now is create a non-partisan “SPECIFIC PURPOSE COMMITTEE” that’s not controlled by County Attorney Menefee, or any of his friends, cronies, cohorts, puppets or allies. And then he should be asked to donate $25,000.00 dollars into this particular “SPECIFIC PURPOSE COMMITTEE” that’s aimed at voter outreach to Black and Brown communities, by way of helping to educate, empower, mobilize, and increase minority voter participation in the upcoming 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024 elections. And just for the record, after the $25,000.00 dollars is donated to the cause, Harris County Attorney Christian Menefee would still be left with over $75,239.38 dollars in his campaign account and war chest.

FIRST TERM EXEMPTION: Judge Dedra Davis currently only has $95,168.04 dollars sitting in her campaign bank account, and would be eligible to receive a donation as part of our friendly incumbency rule for first-term incumbent judges. Judge Davis is up for re-election in the 2022 Midterms. She must file to run for re-election no later than Monday, December 13, 2021, to have her name appear on the 2022 Democratic Party Primary ballot in the race for the 270th Civil District Court in Harris County, Texas. That being said, it’s a shame that none of the people who are claiming to care so much about the “BLACK COMMUNITY” seem to be donating any money to her re-election bid. So, just for the record, legitimate Political Action Committees should be donating to help her win re-election – not asking her for money right now. ***The “BLACK COMMUNITY” should compel the Harris County Democratic Party to allow Judge Dedra Davis to run unopposed in their upcoming 2022 Democratic Party Primary.

STATE REP. DUTTON COULD EASILY DONATE $15,000 DOLLARS: State Rep. Harold V. Dutton, Jr. currently has $73,801.67 dollars sitting in his campaign bank account. So, since he’s fighting and standing up for “BLACK AND BROWN PEOPLE” it shouldn’t be that big of problem for him to donate $15,000.00 dollars into this particular non-partisan “SPECIFIC PURPOSE COMMITTEE” that’s aimed at voter outreach to Black and Brown communities, by way of helping to educate, empower, mobilize, and increase minority voter participation in the 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024 elections. After all, after donating $15,000.00 dollars to the cause, he would still be left with $58,801.67 dollars in his campaign account and war chest.

FIRST TERM EXEMPTION: Judge Latosha Lewis Payne currently only has $69,438.71 dollars sitting in her campaign bank account, and would be eligible to receive a donation as part of our friendly incumbency rule for first-term incumbent judges. Judge Latosha Lewis Payne is up for re-election in the 2022 Midterms. She must file to run for re-election no later than Monday, December 13, 2021, to have her name appear on the 2022 Democratic Party Primary ballot in the race for the 55th Civil District Court in Harris County, Texas. That being said, it’s a shame that none of the people who are claiming to care so much about the “BLACK COMMUNITY” seem to be donating any money to her re-election bid. So, just for the record, legitimate Political Action Committees should be donating to help her win re-election – not asking her for money right now. ***The “BLACK COMMUNITY” should compel the Harris County Democratic Party to allow Judge Latosha Lewis Payne to run unopposed in their upcoming 2022 Democratic Party Primary.

DISTRICT ATTORNEY KIM OGG COULD EASILY DONATE $15,000 DOLLARS: Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg currently has $67,511.51 dollars sitting inside her campaign bank account, according to her most recently filed campaign finance report. Now, remember, this particular campaign finance report was filed under penalty of perjury back on July 15, 2021. So, what we should do right now is create a non-partisan “SPECIFIC PURPOSE COMMITTEE” that’s not controlled by District Attorney Kim Ogg, or any of her friends, cronies, cohorts, puppets or allies. And then District Attorney Ogg should be asked to donate $15,000 dollars into this particular “SPECIFIC PURPOSE COMMITTEE” that’s aimed at voter outreach to Black and Brown communities, by way of helping to educate, empower, mobilize, and increase minority voter participation in the upcoming 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024 elections. And just for the record, after the $15,000 dollars is donated to the cause, Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg would still be left with over $52,511.51 dollars in her campaign account and war chest.

FIRST TERM EXEMPTION: Judge Angela Graves Harrington currently only has $61,269.43 dollars sitting in her campaign bank account, and would be eligible to receive a donation as part of our friendly incumbency rule for first-term incumbent judges. Judge Graves Harrington is up for re-election in the 2022 Midterms. She must file to run for re-election no later than Monday, December 13, 2021, to have her name appear on the 2022 Democratic Party Primary ballot in the race for the 246th Family District Court in Harris County, Texas. That being said, it’s a shame that none of the people who are claiming to care so much about the “BLACK COMMUNITY” seem to be donating any money to her re-election bid. So, just for the record, legitimate Political Action Committees should be donating to help her win re-election – not asking her for money right now. ***The “BLACK COMMUNITY” should compel the Harris County Democratic Party to allow Judge Angela Graves Harrington to run unopposed in their upcoming 2022 Democratic Party Primary.

FIRST TERM EXEMPTION: Judge Linda Dunson currently only has $47,768.42 dollars sitting in her campaign bank account, and would be eligible to receive a donation as part of our friendly incumbency rule for first-term incumbent judges. Judge Dunson is up for re-election in the 2022 Midterms. She must file to run for re-election no later than Monday, December 13, 2021, to have her name appear on the 2022 Democratic Party Primary ballot in the race for the 309th Family District Court in Harris County, Texas. That being said, it’s a shame that none of the people who are claiming to care so much about the “BLACK COMMUNITY” seem to be donating any money to her re-election bid. So, just for the record, legitimate Political Action Committees should be donating to help her win re-election – not asking her for money right now. 

STATE REP. ALLEN COULD EASILY DONATE $5,000 DOLLARS: State Rep. Alma Allen currently has $36,444.95 dollars sitting in her campaign bank account. So, since she’s fighting and standing up for “BLACK AND BROWN PEOPLE” it shouldn’t be that big of problem for her to donate $5,000.00 dollars into this particular non-partisan “SPECIFIC PURPOSE COMMITTEE” that’s aimed at voter outreach to Black and Brown communities, by way of helping to educate, empower, mobilize, and increase minority voter participation in the upcoming 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024 elections. After all, after donating $5,000.00 dollars to the cause, she would still be left with $31,444.90 dollars in her campaign account and war chest.

FIRST TERM EXEMPTION: Judge Sonya Heath currently only has $33.546.94 dollars sitting in her campaign bank account, and would be eligible to receive a donation as part of our friendly incumbency rule for first-term incumbent judges. Judge Heath is up for re-election in the 2022 Midterms. She must file to run for re-election no later than Monday, December 13, 2021, to have her name appear on the 2022 Democratic Party Primary ballot in the race for the 310th Family District Court in Harris County, Texas. That being said, Judge Sonya Heath will need our support in the upcoming Democratic Party Primary in Harris County. So, just for the record, legitimate Political Action Committees should be donating to help her win re-election – not asking her for money right now. 

FIRST TERM EXEMPTION: Judge Michelle Moore currently only has $32,916.01 dollars sitting in her campaign bank account, and would be eligible to receive a donation as part of our friendly incumbency rule for first-term incumbent judges. Judge Moore is up for re-election in the 2022 Midterms. She must file to run for re-election no later than Monday, December 13, 2021, to have her name appear on the 2022 Democratic Party Primary ballot in the race for the 314th Juvenile District Court in Harris County, Texas. That being said, it’s a shame that none of the people who are claiming to care so much about the “BLACK COMMUNITY” seem to be donating any money to her re-election bid. So, just for the record, legitimate Political Action Committees should be donating to help her win re-election – not asking her for money right now. ***The “BLACK COMMUNITY” should compel the Harris County Democratic Party to allow Judge Michelle Moore to run unopposed in their upcoming 2022 Democratic Party Primary.

STATE REP. THIERRY COULD EASILY DONATE $5,000 DOLLARS: State Rep. Shawn Theirry, currently has $32,036.92 dollars sitting in her campaign bank account. So, since she’s fighting and standing up for “BLACK AND BROWN PEOPLE” it shouldn’t be that big of problem for her to donate $5,000.00 dollars into this particular non-partisan “SPECIFIC PURPOSE COMMITTEE” that’s aimed at voter outreach to Black and Brown communities, by way of helping to educate, empower, mobilize, and increase minority voter participation in the upcoming 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024 elections. After all, after donating $5,000.00 dollars to the cause, she would still be left with $27,036.92 dollars in her campaign account and war chest.

FIRST TERM EXEMPTION: Judge Genesis Draper currently only has $17,998.17 dollars sitting in her campaign bank account, and would be eligible to receive a donation as part of our friendly incumbency rule for first-term incumbent judges. Judge Draper is up for re-election in the 2022 Midterms. She must file to run for re-election no later than Monday, December 13, 2021, to have her name appear on the 2022 Democratic Party Primary ballot in the race for Harris County Criminal Court at Law No. 12. That being said, it’s a shame that none of the people who are claiming to care so much about the “BLACK COMMUNITY” seem to be donating any money to her re-election bid. So, just for the record, legitimate Political Action Committees should be donating to help her win re-election – not asking her for money right now. 

FIRST TERM EXEMPTION: Judge Erica Hughes currently only has $17,291.38 dollars sitting in her campaign bank account, and would be eligible to receive a donation as part of our friendly incumbency rule for first-term incumbent judges. Judge Hughes is up for re-election in the 2022 Midterms. She must file to run for re-election no later than Monday, December 13, 2021, to have her name appear on the 2022 Democratic Party Primary ballot in the race for Harris County Criminal Court at Law No. 3. That being said, it’s a shame that none of the people who are claiming to care so much about the “BLACK COMMUNITY” seem to be donating any money to her re-election bid. So, just for the record, legitimate Political Action Committees should be donating to help her win re-election – not asking her for money right now. ***The “BLACK COMMUNITY” should compel the Harris County Democratic Party to allow Judge Erica Hughes to run unopposed in their upcoming 2022 Democratic Party Primary.

FIRST TERM EXEMPTION: Judge DaSean Jones currently only has $13,931.45 dollars sitting in his campaign bank account, and would be eligible to receive a donation as part of our friendly incumbency rule for first-term incumbent judges. Judge Jones is up for re-election in the 2022 Midterms. He must file to run for re-election no later than Monday, December 13, 2021, to have his name appear on the 2022 Democratic Party Primary ballot in the race for the 180thth Criminal District Court in Harris County, Texas. That being said, it’s a shame that none of the people who are claiming to care so much about the “BLACK COMMUNITY” seem to be donating any money to his re-election bid. So, just for the record, legitimate Political Action Committees should be donating to help him win re-election – not asking her for money right now. ***The “BLACK COMMUNITY” should compel the Harris County Democratic Party to allow Judge DaSean Jones to run unopposed in their upcoming 2022 Democratic Party Primary.

STATE REP. JARVIS JOHNSON COULD EASILY DONATE $1,500 DOLLARS: State Rep. Jarvis Johnson, currently has $13,164.97 dollars sitting in his campaign bank account. So, since he’s fighting and standing up for “BLACK PEOPLE” it shouldn’t be that big of problem for him to donate $1,500.00 dollars into this particular “SPECIFIC PURPOSE COMMITTEE” that’s aimed at voter outreach to Black communities, by way of helping to educate, empower, mobilize, and increase Black voter participation in the upcoming 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024 elections. After all, after donating $1,500.00 dollars to the cause, she would still be left with $11,664.97 dollars in his campaign account.

STATE SEN. BORRIS L. MILES COULD EASILY DONATE $100,000 DOLLARS: State Senator Borris Miles currently claims to only have $11,596.52 dollars sitting in his campaign bank account if you believe what’s reported on his campaign finance report under penalty of perjury. However, since he’s fighting and standing up for “BLACK PEOPLE” it shouldn’t be that big of problem for him to donate $100,000 dollars into this particular non-partisan “SPECIFIC PURPOSE COMMITTEE” that’s aimed at voter outreach to Black and Brown communities, by way of helping to educate, empower, mobilize, and increase minority voter participation in the upcoming 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024 elections. After all, after state Senator Borris L. Miles is a very wealthy businessman.

FIRST TERM EXEMPTION: Judge Sandra Peake currently only has $8,333.08 dollars sitting in her campaign bank account, and would eligible to receive a donation as part of our friendly incumbency rule for first-term incumbent judges. Judge Peake is up for re-election in the 2022 Midterms. She must file to run for re-election no later than Monday, December 13, 2021, to have her name appear on the 2022 Democratic Party Primary ballot in the race for the 257th Family District Court in Harris County, Texas. That being said, it’s a shame that none of the people who are claiming to care so much about the “BLACK COMMUNITY” seem to be donating any money to her re-election bid. So, just for the record, legitimate Political Action Committees should be donating to help her win re-election – not asking her for money right now. ***The “BLACK COMMUNITY” should compel the Harris County Democratic Party to allow Judge Sandra Peake to run unopposed in their upcoming 2022 Democratic Party Primary.

STATE REP. REYNOLDS COULD EASILY DONATE $1,500 DOLLARS: State Rep. Ron Reynolds currently has $7,945.86 dollars sitting in his campaign bank account. So, since he’s fighting and standing up for “BLACK PEOPLE” it shouldn’t be that big of problem for him to donate $1,500.00 dollars into this particular non-partisan “SPECIFIC PURPOSE COMMITTEE” that’s aimed at voter outreach to Black and Brown communities, by way of helping to educate, empower, mobilize, and increase minority voter participation in the 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024 elections. After all, after donating $1,500.00 dollars to the cause, he would still be left with $6,445.86 dollars in his campaign account.

FIRST TERM EXEMPTION: Judge Lucia G. Bates currently has only has $4,143.17 dollars sitting in her campaign bank account, and would be eligible for a donation as part of our friendly incumbency rule for first-term incumbent judges. Judge Bates is up for re-election in the 2022 Midterms. She must file to run for re-election no later than Monday, December 13, 2021, to have her name appear on the 2022 Democratic Party Primary ballot in the race for Justice of the Peace for Precinct 3, Place 2. That being said, it’s a shame that none of the people who are claiming to care so much about the “BLACK COMMUNITY” seem to be donating any money to her re-election bid. So, just for the record, legitimate Political Action Committees should be donating to help her win re-election – not asking her for money right now. ***The “BLACK COMMUNITY” should compel the Harris County Democratic Party to allow Judge Lucia G. Bates to run unopposed in their upcoming 2022 Democratic Party Primary.

FIRST TERM EXEMPTION: Judge Shannon Baldwin currently only has $2,442.35 dollars sitting in her campaign bank account, and would be eligible to receive a donation as part of our friendly incumbency rule for first-term incumbent judges. Judge Baldwin is up for re-election in the 2022 Midterms. She must file to run for re-election no later than Monday, December 13, 2021, to have her name appear on the 2022 Democratic Party Primary ballot in the race for Harris County Criminal Court at Law No. 4. That being said, it’s a shame that none of the people who are claiming to care so much about the “BLACK COMMUNITY” seem to be donating any money to her re-election bid. So, just for the record, legitimate Political Action Committees should be donating to help her win re-election – not asking her for money right now. ***The “BLACK COMMUNITY” should compel the Harris County Democratic Party to allow Judge Shannon Baldwin to run unopposed in their upcoming 2022 Democratic Party Primary.

FIRST TERM EXEMPTION: Judge LaShawn Williams currently only has $2,040.91 dollars sitting in her campaign bank account, and would be eligible to receive a donation as part of our friendly incumbency rule for first-term incumbent judges. Judge Williams is up for re-election in the 2022 Midterms. She must file to run for re-election no later than Monday, December 13, 2021, to have her name appear on the 2022 Democratic Party Primary ballot in the race for Harris County Civil Court at Law No. 3. That being said, it’s a shame that none of the people who are claiming to care so much about the “BLACK COMMUNITY” seem to be donating any money to her re-election bid. So, just for the record, legitimate Political Action Committees should be donating to help her win re-election – not asking her for money right now. 

FIRST TERM EXEMPTION: Judge Tonya Jones currently only has $1,911.00 dollars sitting in her campaign bank account, and would be eligible to receive a donation as part of our friendly incumbency rule for first-term incumbent judges.  Judge Jones is up for re-election in the 2022 Midterms. She must file to run for re-election no later than Monday, December 13, 2021, to have her name appear on the 2022 Democratic Party Primary ballot in the race for Harris County Criminal Court at Law No. 15. That being said, it’s a shame that none of the people who are claiming to care so much about the “BLACK COMMUNITY” seem to be donating any money to her re-election bid. So, just for the record, legitimate Political Action Committees should be donating to help her win re-election – not asking her for money right now. ***The “BLACK COMMUNITY” should compel the Harris County Democratic Party to allow Judge Tonya Jones to run unopposed in their upcoming 2022 Democratic Party Primary.

FIRST TERM EXEMPTION: Judge Toria J. Finch currently only has $1,655.72 dollars sitting in her campaign bank account, and would be eligible to receive a donation as part of our friendly incumbency rule for first-term incumbent judges. Judge Finch is up for re-election in the 2022 Midterms. She must file to run for re-election no later than Monday, December 13, 2021, to have her name appear on the 2022 Democratic Party Primary ballot in the race for Harris County Criminal Court at Law No. 9. That being said, it’s a shame that none of the people who are claiming to care so much about the “BLACK COMMUNITY” seem to be donating any money to her re-election bid. So, just for the record, legitimate Political Action Committees should be donating to help her win re-election – not asking her for money right now. ***The “BLACK COMMUNITY” should compel the Harris County Democratic Party to allow Judge Toria J. Finch to run unopposed in their upcoming 2022 Democratic Party Primary.

FIRST TERM EXEMPTION: Judge Lori Chambers Gray currently only has $475.10 dollars sitting in her campaign bank account, and would be eligible to receive a donation as part of our friendly incumbency rule for first-term incumbent judges. Judge Lori Chambers Gray is up for re-election in the 2022 Midterms. She must file to run for re-election no later than Monday, December 13, 2021, to have her name appear on the 2022 Democratic Party Primary ballot in the race for Judge, 262nd Criminal District Court. That being said, it’s a shame that none of the people who are claiming to care so much about the “BLACK COMMUNITY” seem to be donating any money to her re-election bid. So, just for the record, legitimate Political Action Committees should be donating to help her win re-election – not asking her for money right now. ***The “BLACK COMMUNITY” should compel the Harris County Democratic Party to allow Judge Lori Chambers Gray to run unopposed in their upcoming 2022 Democratic Party Primary.

FIRST TERM EXEMPTION: Judge Sharon M. Burney currently has only has $397.48 dollars sitting in her campaign bank account, and would be eligible to receive a donation as part of our friendly incumbency rule for first-term incumbent judges. Judge Burney is up for re-election in the 2022 Midterms. She must file to run for re-election no later than Monday, December 13, 2021, to have her name appear on the 2022 Democratic Party Primary ballot in the race for Justice of the Peace for Precinct 7, Place 2. That being said, it’s a shame that none of the people who are claiming to care so much about the “BLACK COMMUNITY” seem to be donating any money to her re-election bid. So, just for the record, legitimate Political Action Committees should be donating to help her win re-election – not asking her for money right now. ***The “BLACK COMMUNITY” should compel the Harris County Democratic Party to allow Judge Sharon M. Burney to run unopposed in their upcoming 2022 Democratic Party Primary.

FIRST TERM EXEMPTION: Judge Sedrick T. Walker, II currently only has $190.73 dollars sitting in his campaign bank account, and would be eligible to receive a donation as part of our friendly incumbency rule for first-term incumbent judges. Judge Walker is up for re-election in the 2022 Midterms. He must file to run for re-election no later than Monday, December 13, 2021, to have her name appear on the 2022 Democratic Party Primary ballot in the race for Harris County Criminal Court at Law No. 11. That being said, it’s a shame that none of the people who are claiming to care so much about the “BLACK COMMUNITY” seem to be donating any money to his re-election bid. So, just for the record, legitimate Political Action Committees should be donating to help her win re-election – not asking him for money right now. ***The “BLACK COMMUNITY” should compel the Harris County Democratic Party to allow Judge Sedrick T. Walker, II to run unopposed in their upcoming 2022 Democratic Party Primary.

FIRST TERM EXEMPTION: Judge Ronnisha Bowman currently has $0 dollars sitting in her campaign bank account, and would be eligible to receive a donation as part of our friendly incumbency rule for first-term incumbent judges. Judge Bowman is up for re-election in the 2022 Midterms. She must file to run for re-election no later than Monday, December 13, 2021, to have her name appear on the 2022 Democratic Party Primary ballot in the race for Harris County Criminal Court at Law No. 2. That being said, it’s a shame that none of the people who are claiming to care so much about the “BLACK COMMUNITY” seem to be donating any money to her re-election bid. So, just for the record, legitimate Political Action Committees should be donating to help her win re-election – not asking her for money right now. ***The “BLACK COMMUNITY” should compel the Harris County Democratic Party to allow Judge Ronnisha Bowman to run unopposed in their upcoming 2022 Democratic Party Primary.

269TH CIVIL DISTRICT COURT: "The Honorable Judge Cory Sepolio is our endorsed candidate in the race for the 269th Civil District Court  for the upcoming 2022 Democratic Party Primary Election on "SUPER TUESDAY" in Harris County, Texas."

270TH CIVIL DISTRICT COURT: "The Honorable Judge Dedra Davis is our endorsed candidate in the race for the 270th Civil District Court  for the upcoming 2022 Democratic Party Primary Election on "SUPER TUESDAY" in Harris County, Texas."

257TH FAMILY DISTRICT COURT: "The Honorable Judge Sandra J. Peake is our endorsed candidate in the race for the 257th Family District Court  for the upcoming 2022 Democratic Party Primary Election on "SUPER TUESDAY" in Harris County, Texas."

295TH CIVIL DISTRICT COURT: "The Honorable Judge Donna Roth is our endorsed candidate in the race for the 295th Civil District Court  for the upcoming 2022 Democratic Party Primary Election on "SUPER TUESDAY" in Harris County, Texas."

310TH FAMILY DISTRICT COURT: "The Honorable Judge Sonya Heath is our endorsed candidate in the race for the 310th Family District Court for the upcoming 2022 Democratic Party Primary Election on "SUPER TUESDAY" in Harris County, Texas."

314TH JUVENILE DISTRICT COURT: "The Honorable Judge Michelle Moore is our endorsed candidate in the race for the 314th Juvenile District Court for the upcoming 2022 Democratic Party Primary Election on "SUPER TUESDAY" in Harris County, Texas."

HARRIS COUNTY CIVIL COURT AT LAW NO.1: "The Honorable Judge Audrie Lawton Evans is our endorsed candidate in the race for Harris County Civil Court at Law #1 for the upcoming 2022 Democratic Party Primary Election on "SUPER TUESDAY" in Harris County, Texas."

HARRIS COUNTY CRIMINAL COURT AT LAW NO.3: "The Honorable Judge Erica Hughes is our endorsed candidate in the race for Harris County Criminal Court at Law #3 for the upcoming 2022 Democratic Party Primary Election on "SUPER TUESDAY" in Harris County, Texas."

JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, PRECINCT 3, PLACE 2: "The Honorable Judge Lucia G. Bates is our endorsed candidate in the race for Harris County Justice of the Peace for Precinct 3, Place 2 for the upcoming 2022 Democratic Party Primary Election on "SUPER TUESDAY" in Harris County, Texas."

55TH CIVIL DISTRICT COURT: "The Honorable Former Judge Nile Copeland is our endorsed candidate in the race for the 55th Civil District Court  for the upcoming 2022 Republican Party Primary Election on "SUPER TUESDAY" in Harris County, Texas."

HARRIS COUNTY PROBATE COURT NO.1: "The Honorable Former Judge Loyd Wright is our endorsed candidate in the race for Harris County Probate Court #1 for the upcoming 2022 Republican Party Primary Election on "SUPER TUESDAY" in Harris County, Texas."

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033

Nominating the Wrong Candidates on "SUPER TUESDAY" Could Have Disastrous Consequences in the November 2022 General Election in Harris County


Make no mistake about it, who the people of Harris County, Texas choose to give another term to in 2022 must be about substance, job performance, judicial temperament, competence, and whether or not our members of the judiciary are following the law with their rulings. And that being said, in 2022, it is incumbent upon the voters of Harris County to evaluate the job performance of each and every sitting "ELECTED OFFICIAL" on a case-by-case basis and not as a group based on their political party affiliation, ethnicity, or gender. 


If you are a candidate planning to run for office in 2022, you have to select the right candidate to run against. And the second most important thing to understand is that you have to select your race early, to avoid ending up in a crowded field of candidates on "SUPER TUESDAY" in Harris County, Texas. So, if you need assistance trying to determine which race to enter, please call (281)788-3033, and I will do my very best to answer any questions you may have.
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
PHONE: (832)212-8735
CELL: (281)788-3033