Saturday, September 24, 2022

A New Document Has Been Obtained in the Investigation Into County Judge Lina Hidalgo and Her Treatment of Blacks

Black women like Mary Courtney, have been the backbone of the Democratic Party for decades. However, when it comes to being respected by people like Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo, and her co-campaign manager, Former Harris County Democratic Party Chairman Lillie Schechter, little respect, appreciation, or gratitude is shown behind closed doors. In fact, if you remember back during the 2020 Democratic Party Primaries when now Vice President Kamala Harris was dropping out of the race for president, she and Senator Cory Booker both tried to warn their fellow Democrats they were taking Black voters, especially Black women, for granted, at their own peril. That being said, you can "CLICK HERE" to see some serious allegations being made by Mary Courtney against Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo, related to how Mary Courtney was allegedly discriminated against, bullied, harassed, intimidated, and black-balled by Lina Hidalgo's Campaign.

You can "CLICK HERE" to see some serious allegations made by Mary Courtney against Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo, related to how she was allegedly discriminated against, bullied, harassed, and black-balled before she was fired.

A New Document Has Been Obtained in the Investigation Into Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo and Her Treatment of Blacks


In our ongoing investigation into Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo and her treatment of Blacks, we’ve just obtained a correspondence that occurred between Lillie Schechter, the former Harris County Democratic Party Chair, and Mary Courtney, the Black woman who was serving at the Southwest Field Organizer for the Lina Hidalgo for County Judge reelection campaign.

The letter we’ve obtained is dated, September 14, 2022, and referenced, “Hidalgo - Separation and General Release Agreement.”

Former Democratic Party Chairman Lillie Schechter, also the owner of Bayou Strategies, responded to the “SEPARATION AND GENERAL RELEASE AGREEMENT LETTER,” acting in her capacity as the co-manager of the Lina Hidalgo Campaign.

According to the email thread that was emailed to me, Lillie Schechter's response stated, “Mary - As you know from the org chart you and I reviewed, I am a co-manager of the Lina Hidalgo Campaign. As part of what has been a pattern of difficulty communicating with you, I have emailed you on September 6, 7, 8 and 9th and called you on September 10th in order to discuss your employment with the Lina Hidalgo campaign, and you have been largely unresponsive. The campaign and I thank you for your contributions and especially for the passion, you have shown for the Judge. The campaign, however, has decided to terminate your employment as of today. Attached to this email are documents detailing a severance package. Should you wish to take advantage of this offer, please sign the documents where indicated and return to me. I encourage you to have a lawyer of your choosing review these documents before you sign them, since they do impact your legal rights. I hope to see you in future Democratic endeavors.”

"After professionally addressing my concerns that the Lina Hidalgo campaign was not reaching Black and Brown communities, I began to see that my position on the campaign was relegated to "being seen" as "Black support" for her candidacy, while I was disregarded and relegated to the position of "Black optics/representation," said Mary Courtney, in her complaint. You can "CLICK HERE" to read the complaint for yourself.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033

Mary Courtney, sent the letter you see below to Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo's campaign back on September 14, 2022, an email chain that has been obtained by Aubrey R. Taylor Communication. You can "CLICK HERE" to view the "PDF" we received from one of our Democratic sources.


To: Lina Hidalgo

From: Mary Courtney

Date: 9/14/2022

Re: Hidalgo- Separation and General Release Agreement

To whom it may concern, Lina Hidalgo for Harris County (campaign)

I am Mary Courtney. I am writing this letter in order to make you aware of my disappointment, and of the damages done to my reputation regarding my tenure with the Linda Hidalgo re-election campaign. I am a political/campaign organizer. I have years of experience in the field and have worked on several campaigns for various candidates at all levels of government. In working with the Linda Hidalgo re-election campaign, however, my experience and past work have been ignored, and my advice and my style of engaging with potential volunteers vis a vis the campaign have been disparaged and ultimately denied, hence my termination as of (date of termination email). I do not deny the campaign’s ability to terminate any employee, however, in doing so, the campaign has interfered with my ability to get other employment from other campaigns, by disparaging my reputation. I was hired because of my past work efforts, determination, and commitment to serving the community and doing my part to improve the world. I chose the Hidalgo re-election campaign from among several campaigns with similar opportunities in Austin, Pennsylvania, Alaska, and other cities for noteworthy candidates. Now, after having been terminated and then maligned by campaign staff within the Hidalgo campaign, I am no longer in a position to get paid employment doing what I love, serving my communities.


What follows is an overview of central details documenting my experience performing as Southwest Field Organizer Direct Point for the Lina Hidalgo re-election bid:

• Hiring Interview: I had several conversations with staffer RJ Colorado before I was hired. I believe I was very transparent, precise, and consistent when I communicated my experience, which I would bring to the Hidalgo campaign. I directly expressed to RJ and Aylin, that I am an activist and an advocate with a reputation for operating within and holding to account institutions large and small regarding how they serve communities of color and disadvantaged communities. To wit, I have asked said institutions to live up to their expressed missions and their high ideals. This is to ensure that institutions uphold their principles and make all appropriate attempts to reconcile grievous deviations from those principles, thus ensuring fair treatment for ALL who fall in their various jurisdictions. I believe it is people like me who make a difference in the integrity of services paid for by our tax dollars, by speaking up and speaking out against abuses.

• Racial Discrimination Compliant: After professionally addressing my concerns that the Lina Hidalgo campaign was not reaching Black and Brown communities, I began to see that my position on the campaign staff was relegated to “being seen” as “Black support” for her candidacy, while I was disregarded and relegated to the position of “Black optics/ representation.” To wit, at my very first campaign event, while I was greeting potential volunteers and voters I was called outside of the event by RJ and remanded to sit at the table and not to engage. I was also instructed by the campaign staff NOT to appear in photos with the candidate, and not to take photos with the candidate. My intellectual contributions and my efforts to operate fully in the capacity of my hired position were quelled.

• Harassment: RJ Colorado repeatedly demanded that I publicly slander Republican candidate(s), by saying that “they are all liars”. Offended by this demand that I comply, I did refuse to do so. Anytime my perspectives were not in complete alignment with RJ Colorado I was called into his office for a series of interruptive “meetings” during the workday for interrogative questioning. I was badgered to turn over my own list of contacts developed from relationships earned in previous campaigns, to the Hidalgo campaign. I felt I was being used and expected to render valuable information to the campaign, while also expected to carry out my duties like an automaton, without thinking.

• Organization Chart: Several times within the 2-3 weeks of my engagement with the Hidalgo campaign, I was given several “bosses” to whom I was expected to submit. However, I was not given an organization chart, even after request, which clearly spelled out to whom I would report within the campaign. When I finally did receive an organizational chart, I was not recognized on that chart. So, it was never adequately spelled out who was my boss and to whom I could raise my concerns, which were never addressed. Instead, I was asked to meet with one person after another all of whom seemed to think I was “wrong to raise questions” and not follow orders, even orders to slander other candidates. I attempted to navigate according to professional standard business practices to properly inform and rĂ©concilie grievances while continuing to fulfill my agreed terms of the contract. As a last resort for resolution, I personally handed a typed letter to Lina Hidalgo at one of her fund-raising events, at the home of Gene Wu (see attached document) after several failed attempts to get the candidate to speak to me and other staff directly. She never responded.

• Contact Blackballing: As part of the termination letter, the campaign has asked me to refrain from disparaging the campaign and Lina Hidalgo in public. But prior to termination, individuals that are connected with the campaign have committed acts of defamation to my name and character. According to the Pre-your Separation and General Release Agreement letter which states in (Section d.): “will not engage in any conduct that disparages you publicly”, presumably because the campaign might be adversely affected, showed the campaign is aware that making unfounded accusations is indeed problematic. Yet, the campaign has already engaged in damaging my reputation and chances of gainful employment in the short term on any other campaign. I can provide names of individuals who have made me aware of disparaging “talk” about me inside of the campaign if needed.

• Request for Contract fulfillment: As a result of all the antics of the Hidalgo re-election campaign and their misuse and mistreatment of me, I request full pay-out to me, for the full compensation agreed upon, in my employment contract with the said campaign. I have looked and found that other opportunities have dried-up for paid work on other campaigns mentioned earlier. The pay-out of my contract will compensate me for having missed career-advancing opportunities (due to no fault of my own). Without ever hearing me out, the campaign and Lina Hidalgo treated me poorly and terminated my contract. It is therefore my option to go to the media, social media, and otherwise, to air my grievances. I will not tell a lie, but I can if I must clear my name and reputation from the damages done by the campaign staff. I respectfully request what is minimally required to reconcile this matter, which is full payment of the contract as agreed through November 8th, 2022. It is my hope that you also agree to this private reconciliation agreement, which would be optimal for both parties going forward.

I would like you to know that I have sought legal counsel on this matter.


If you take a look at this "CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORT" that was filed by Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo back on 7/15/2022, you will clearly see that she isn't doing anything for the Black Community. What's she doing? Her campaign reports seem to show that she's enriching herself and leaving all of her fellow Democrats to fend for themselves.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033

If you take a look at this "CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORT" that was filed by Harris County Commissioner Adrian Garcia back on 7/15/2022, you will clearly see that he isn't doing anything for the Black Community. What's he doing? His campaign reports seem to show that he's enriching himself and leaving all of his fellow Democrats to fend for themselves.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033


If you take a look at this "CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORT" that was filed by Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis back on 7/15/2022, you will clearly see that he isn't doing anything for the Black Community. What's he doing? His campaign reports seem to show that he's enriching himself by playing in the stock market with his campaign funds and leaving all of his fellow Democrats to fend for themselves.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033

"Now is the time when our love for America must prevail. So, it is incumbent upon us to elect "PUBLIC SERVANTS" who understand that they work for us. We need "ELECTED OFFICIALS" in office who love "OUR CONSTITUTION" and the ideals that our nation was founded upon by our forefathers. That being said, we must make it our collective effort to "PUT PEOPLE OVER POLITICS" and do what's best for America during this pivotal moment in the history of our great nation."
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033