Showing posts with label Sheila Jackson Lee Cancer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sheila Jackson Lee Cancer. Show all posts

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Photo-Op Yesterday Backfires on Sheila Jackson Lee, Missing Money in Fort Bend County Has Cynthia Ginyard in Hot Water

Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) resurfacing yesterday for a photo opportunity was not a good idea, and whoever thought that pulling the once vibrant Congresswoman from her resting place and away from her family and beloved friends to make a special appearance with Commissioner Rodney Ellis, former Mayor Sylvester Turner, and the “PEDOPHILE FOR A PASTOR” E.A. Deckard, who is a registered sex-offender with a lifetime ban, should be fired. MONEY MISSING... State Rep. Ron Reynolds (D-Fort Bend) has spent a considerable amount of his time restoring his name and fighting for his House District 27 constituents but may not be able to help Fort Bend County Democratic Party Chair Cynthia Ginyard escape the allegations swirling around more than $200,000 in missing money, from the coffers of the Fort Bend County Democratic Party accounts.

Houston Business Connections Newspaper endorses Fred Taylor on Tuesday, May 28, 2024, in the Democratic Party Primary race for Fort Bend County Chair in Fort Bend County, Texas. You can "CLICK HERE" and share our "OFFICIAL ENDORSEMENT CARD" with your family and friends.

Commissioner Rodney Ellis (left) and former Mayor Sylvester Turner (right) should be ashamed of themselves. Both of these so-called “BLACK ELECTED OFFICIALS” are fully aware that Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee is gravely ill and should have been resting in bed surrounded by her family and loved ones and not out being taken advantage of by a photo-op that fell flat.

State Senator Borris Miles (Senate District 13) may not be able to walk Fort Bend County Democratic Party Chairman Cynthia Ginyard through the process of accounting for the alleged $200,000 in missing or unaccounted-for funds as local Democrats’ cries for transparency grow louder.

My name is Aubrey R. Taylor, and I’m the president and CEO of Aubrey R. Taylor Communications, the Houston Business Connections Newspaper publisher and lead investigative reporter. I have conducted investigations in Harris County and throughout Texas since the 1990s. My lead investigator is a former FBI Investigative Specialist named Charles “Chuck” Marler, one of the best in the business. Chuck trained FBI Agents when he was with the Federal Bureau of Investigations. I can be reached at (281)788-3033 if you have a tip or concern you need my team to look into.

Photo-Op Yesterday Backfires on Sheila Jackson Lee, Missing Money in Fort Bend County Has Cynthia Ginyard in Hot Water


As Houstonians struggled to pick up their lives after Thursday’s quick but deadly storm, someone came up with the bright idea that it was kosher to take Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee from her sick bed and provide her with a photo-op.

Who did this? Commissioner Rodney Ellis, former Mayor Sylvester Turner, and E.A. Deckard should be ashamed of themselves for using Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee for a photo-op. Even if it was Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee’s idea, someone should have told her to get the needed rest.

“We have no power, no cell transmission, no gas stations, no help. Please set up a distribution site in Kashmere Gardens. We need help now. Thank you,” said a resident from Kashmere/Trinity Gardens.

Constituents of the 18th Congressional District are in dyer-straights and are not looking for any damn photo opportunities with washed-up politicians and pedophiles.

Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, according to multiple sources, was nearing the possibility of being placed in hospice or an adult healthcare facility. That said, the most essential thing for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee to be doing is spending time with her family – not having dirty, selfish politicians and sexual predators use her for photo-ops.

And yes, Pastor E.A. Deckard is a “SEXUAL PREDATOR” who is a registered sexual offender who sexually assaulted a 14-year-old student at a charter school where he worked at the time. 

How was Sexual Predator/Pastor E.A. Deckard tapped to run the “WELFARE SWEEPSTAKES” that Commissioner Rodney Ellis and County Judge Lina Hidalgo tried to get off the ground under the guise of a program called “UPLIFT HARRIS” before Attorney General Ken Paxton stepped in and filed a lawsuit to block the implementation of the program?

Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee should be allowed to rest and enjoy the rest of her life surrounded by her family and loved ones – what happened yesterday was ridiculous and shameful.

And suppose she’s not willing to sit down and spend time with her loved ones. In that case, community leaders should not taint this woman’s legacy any more than they’ve already had her do when she unsuccessfully ran for Mayor of Houston and got publicly humiliated.

Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee has a rich legacy and story, but her successes still need to be discovered. Although she’s been lacking in accomplishments legislatively in Washington, D.C., she is still a beloved icon in the minds of many of her constituents. Thus, local leaders should praise Jackson Lee for her accomplishments and give her flowers while she can smell them.

“Tonight at Green House International Church, we are providing hot meals, water, and shelter for those in need,” said yesterday’s Facebook posting, with the address published as 200 W Greens Rd.

Man, these people need to stop!!! Let Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee get the rest she needs, and let’s all come together and start preparing for the next chapter!


According to multiple sources who have contacted Aubrey R. Taylor Communications from Fort Bend County, there’s a lot of money unaccounted for, and the sources who have come forward wish to remain anonymous out of fear of retaliation. However, what appears to be consistent is that Democratic Party Chairman Cynthia M. Ginyard is the culprit.

As of today (Saturday, May 18, 2024), I have not sent any investigators to Fort Bend County to investigate Cynthia M. Ginyard’s allegations. Why not?

Unlike Harris County, the people of Fort Bend have a fantastic (no-nonsense) District Attorney named Brian Middleton, who is a “STRAIGHT SHOOTER” and takes his job seriously.

Even though District Attorney Brian Middleton is a Democrat, I have the utmost confidence that if the allegations against the Fort Bend County Democratic Party Chairman are accurate, DA Middleton will do the right thing and prosecute her to the fullest extent of the law.

As a backdrop, it’s clear that Cynthia M. Ginyard is hell-bent on selecting her successor, hoping to sweep her alleged misgiving under the proverbial rug – but one man is standing in her way.

On Tuesday, March 5, 2024, Cynthia M. Ginyard was absent from the reelection ballot. However, she did everything in her power to hand-pick her successor by endorsing Shah Haleem, but she failed miserably, as Haleem managed only to finish third.

As a refresher, Jennifer Cantu finished first with 13,600 votes for 36.53%. Fred G. Taylor finished second with 11,601 votes for 31.16%. Shah Haleem, endorsed by Fort Bend County Chair Cynthia M. Ginyard, received 8,786 votes for 23.60%. Ferrel Bonner, well-known in Fort Bend County politics, finished fourth with 3,238 votes for 8.70% in the four-candidate race.

After Cynthia M. Ginyard failed miserably to hand-pick Shah Haleem as her successor, she has now endorsed Jennifer Cantu over businessman Fred Taylor as her possible replacement.

However, the underlying cause of the public beef behind Ginyard’s disdain for Fred Taylor runs much deeper than politics. According to multiple sources, Ginyard does not want businessman Fred Taylor to become the chairman of the Fort Bend County Democratic Party for selfish reasons.

If elected, on Tuesday, May 28, 2024, Fred Taylor plans to open up the books and launch a “TRANSPARENT INVESTIGATION” into Cynthia Ginyard’s misgivings and alleged wrongdoing, if he’s elected to succeed her on Tuesday, May 28, 2024, in the Democratic Party Primary runoff race for Fort Bend Democratic Party Chairman.


At one point, Fort Bend County Democratic Party Chairman Cynthia Ginyard was flying high and on the fast track for a position in Mayor Whitmire’s Administration – but not these days.

Ginyard allegedly misused and abused many of those she should have been going to bat for. Her alleged verbal abuse and slanderous attacks on elected Black leaders during her tenure created what more than a few Democrats labeled as a bullying and tyrannical party culture.

I understand that, in her capacity as County Chair, Ginyard publicly shamed and intimidated party leaders and precinct chairs. Other folks have alleged that Ginyard threatened and silenced their voices.

Ginyard allegedly turned her back on Fort Bend County’s Black community. Gift favors easily seduced her (according to some), and the honorary status afforded to her by wealthy Southeast Asian political elites in Fort Bend County, Texas, tainted her judgment at times.

Whether Ginyard is successful in her attempt to help Jennifer Cantu defeat Fred Taylor (or not) on Tuesday, May 28, 2024, her alleged misuse, mismanagement, and misappropriation of “PARY FUNDS” could be her undoing and taint her legacy as chairman of the Fort Bend County Party.

As a reflection on Chairman Ginyard’s failed policies, “2024 marks the lowest countywide Fort Bend Democratic Party Convention attendance (under 40) in county’s history,” explained one of our sources.

The source explained that massive exodus and lack of sustained engagement under Ginyard’s leadership is killing the morale of rank-and-file Democrats in Fort Bend County.

Ginyard had turned her back on the Black community, and it showed in her final days. This was showcased by her endorsement of Mayor Whitmire over his opponent, Congresswoman Shelia Jackson Lee, in Fort Bend County, Texas, during the 2023 City of Houston mayoral election cycle, with covered portions of Fort Bend County.

However, Ginyard’s failure to deliver the goods for Amanda Edward when she faced off against Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee proves she’s lost her luster.


Recently, Fort Bend County Democratic Party Chairman Cynthia Ginyard found a way to stoop to a new low with her endorsement of Jennifer Cantu over business Fred Taylor in the upcoming Tuesday, May 28, 2024, Democratic Party Primary “RUNOFF ELECTION” to succeed her.

According to one of our readers in Fort Bend, “In an unprecedented move, Cynthia Ginyard, for the 1st time in a Democratic Party Primary, has endorsed “Dr” Jennifer Cantu, a woman who is currently running for office while under investigation for allegedly misrepresenting herself as a medical doctor in Texas."

In fairness to Jenifer Cantu, I still need to instruct my investigative team to investigate the allegations against her. Why?

Until after the alleged investigation by the authorities is complete, my investigative team and I will stand down on the matter. However, as for Fort Bend County Chairman Cynthia Ginyard, her name has become mud in some Fort Bend County Democratic circles, as the failure of her nearly eight years as head of the Fort Bend County Democratic Party comes to a controversial end, with local officials searching for answers.


From what I understand, more than a few local elected officials in Fort Bend County are fearful of Fort Bend County Chairman Cynthia Ginyard. However, the accusations of Ginyard receiving $5,000 to $7,500 for a coordinated campaign she ran back during the “2022 MIDTERM ELECTION” is growing louder.

According to a local leader who contacted us, over $200,000 collected by Fort Bend County Chairman Ginyard is unaccounted for.

“Bank records haven’t been made available to local Fort Bend County Democratic Party Officials, and there’s no reporting of financial contributions made to the Fort Bend Democratic Party,” said one local leader.

According to one source, Cynthia Ginyard reportedly received a $5,000 payment for email blasts for the Mayor of Stafford, but the email blast never occurred – according to a source.

Aubrey R. Taylor Communications is awaiting the results of the upcoming Tuesday, May 28, 2024, Fort Bend County Democratic Party Primary “RUNOFF ELECTION” to determine how to proceed forward in the matter concerning Fort Bend County Chairman Cynthia Ginyard and her alleged misgivings, mismanagement, and misappropriation of funds.

As a reminder, on Tuesday, May 28, 2024, three Democratic Party Primary “RUNOFF RACES” will be on the ballot in Fort Bend County, Texas.

In the race for Justice, 14th Court of Appeals District, Place 3, Jerry Zimmerer and Velda Renita Faulkner will be facing off. Jamie Kay Jordan and Oscar Telfair III will face off in the race for District Judge, 387th Judicial District Court. And in “THE HOTTEST RACE” on the upcoming Tuesday, May 28, 2024, Democratic Party Primary ballot in Fort Bend County, Fred Taylor is facing off against Jennifer Cantu, a woman who is allegedly under investigation for claiming to be a “Dr” but records show otherwise.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039

Houston Business Connections Newspaper endorses Senator Molly Cook in the upcoming Tuesday, May 28, 2024, Democratic Party Primary race for State Representative for House District 139 in Harris County, Texas. You can “CLICK HERE” and share our “OFFICIAL ENDORSEMENT CARD” with your family and friends.

Houston Business Connections Newspaper endorses Angie Thibodeaux in the upcoming Tuesday, May 28, 2024, Democratic Party Primary race for State Representative for House District 139 in Harris County, Texas. You can “CLICK HERE” and share our “OFFICIAL ENDORSEMENT CARD” with your family and friends.

State Rep. Shawn Thierry is endorsed by Houston Business Connections Newspaper in the upcoming Tuesday, May 28, 2024, Democratic Party Primary race for State Representative for House District 146 in Harris County, Texas. You can “CLICK HERE” and share our “OFFICIAL ENDORSEMENT CARD” with your family and friends.

Justice Jerry Zimmerer is endorsed by Houston Business Connections Newspaper in the upcoming Tuesday, May 28, 2024, Democratic Party Primary race for Justice, 14th Court of Appeals District. You can “CLICK HERE” and share our “OFFICIAL ENDORSEMENT CARD” with your family and friends.

Kenneth Omoruyi is endorsed by Houston Business Connections Newspaper in the upcoming Tuesday, May 28, 2024, Republican Party Primary race for Justice, 14th Court of Appeals District. You can “CLICK HERE” and share our “OFFICIAL ENDORSEMENT CARD” with your family and friends.

United States Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Businessman Kenneth Omoruyi, and United States Senator Tim Scott (R-South Carolina) are three strong conservatives who love America and are committed to protecting the United States Constitution.


Dear Texans, I am Kenneth Omoruyi, running for Congress in the 7th congressional district. I am a first-generation American by choice, a father of three, a CPA, and a college educator.

You see, I was raised by a single mother who single-handedly ensured her six children had a college education in a country without student loans. This humble beginning, combined with conservative values and the fear of GOD, built my resiliency, dedication, and hard work.

As a small business owner, I can relate to our community’s daily challenges, from the rapidly rising cost of living to the lack of access to quality health care and increased crime. There is currently a multitude of challenges facing our district.

I am not a career politician. I am one of you. That’s why I am running for Congress: to fight for you and your family. To expand your access to affordable health care, bring fresh perspectives on improving our educational systems, and restore integrity, accountability, and fiscal responsibility in Washington. I will always put you first. But I cannot do this alone. I need your help. Together, we can make a difference for our district and our country.

Only in America would an immigrant like me aspire to vie for a seat in Congress.

So please join me in this campaign: follow me on social media, and sign up to volunteer or donate.

Thank you, and God bless America.

Candidate for United States Congress
District 7

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039