Showing posts with label Mike Doyle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mike Doyle. Show all posts

Friday, August 16, 2024

Audit Shows the HCDP Has $46,033.00 Cash on Hand, and The HCRP Has $40.75 Cash on Hand; Ellis has $6,239,978.00

Cindy Siegel, the Chairman of the HCRP, only has $40.74 cash in the bank. Mike Doyle, the Chairman of the HCDP, only has $46,033.84 cash in the bank. Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis has $6,239,978.00 cash in the bank. You can (CLICK HERE) to view our “2024 HISTORICAL YEARBOOK” featuring every local down-ballot Democratic nominee.

Audit Shows the HCDP Has $46,033.00 Cash on Hand, and The HCRP Has $40.75 Cash on Hand; both parties are in Crisis Mode


After publishing my initial report stating that the Harris County Republican Party only had $40.75 cash on hand, I received an email explanation from Cindy Siegel, the party's chairman.

"To get a true reflection of both parties' financial condition, you have to look at their federal, state, and corporate filings. The state and corporate filings are with TEC, while our federal filings are filed with the FEC," she explained.

"If you pull up our report for the period ending June 30th off the FEC website, you will see that HCRP had $173,014. Additionally, our corporate filings for the same period with TEC show that we had $12,597 in corporate funds."

She went on to explain, "I don't know how HCDP handles their expenditure payment, but we have a federal account that all of our revenues up to the individual caps of $10,000/person are deposited in and reported in, and all expenditures for the party are paid out of — except certain expenditures that are specifically for a state or local candidate."

"So, for example, we are raising funds for our judicial slate, and any expenses paid out of those funds will be out of the judicial (state) bank account," explained Siegel.


According to Cindy Siegel, the Harris County Republican Party has much more than the $40.75 they reported on the County Executive Committee (CEC) account. "So, the true cash-on-hand balance for HCRP as of June 30th was approximately $200,000."

The official kickoff to the “2024 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION” will emerge in full swing on “LABOR DAY” on Monday, September 2, 2024, in Harris County, Texas. This report will show you where the HCDP and the HCRP stand regarding their finances.

For this report, the term “AUDIT” means “OUR INDEPENDENT” official inspection of the campaign finance reports submitted by the HCDP and HCRP to the Texas Elections Commission under penalty of perjury.

Based on our audit of the “CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORTS” between 1/01/2024 and 7/15/2024, Mike Doyle, the chairman and treasurer for the Harris County Democratic Party (HCDP), has taken nearly all of the donations from local “DOWN-BALLOT DEMOCRATS” and transferred the money out of the local HCDP to the Harris County Democratic Party Federal Political Action Committee.

In total, $463,829.54 was transferred from the local HCDP account to the Harris County Democratic Party Federal Political Action Committee, leaving the local “DOWN-BALLOT DEMOCRATS” to fend for themselves as Tuesday, November 5, 2024, quickly approaches.

I’ve just finished my audit of the Harris County Democratic Party (HCDP) donations and expenditures, and the Harris County Republican Party (HCRP) donations and spending, and both local political parties are in the midst of a severe financial crisis based on their most recently filed campaign finance reports.

The HCDP only has $46,033.00 in the bank account based on the 7/15/2024 filing under penalty of perjury with the Texas Ethics Commission. According to their 7/15/2024 filing, the HCRP only has $40.75 in their bank account.

Neither local political party spent any money with any bonified media outlet that targets local African-American voters between 1/1/2024 and 7/15/2024, which could have helped to increase voter turnout for the Democratic Party Primary significantly and the Republican Party Primary on Tuesday, March 5, 2024, in Harris County, Texas.

What local leaders have to realize is that Democrats lost the recent Harris Central Appraisal District races because of low-voter interest and dismal voter turnout at traditional African American “EARLY VOTING LOCATIONS,” which is a problem that still doesn’t appear to have been rectified.

Remember, the Harris County Republican Party does not depend on African American votes – the Harris County Democratic Party does, as Black voters have been the driving force behind the Democratic Party sweeps that have taken place throughout the last few Midterm and Presidential Election cycles.

That said, my audit of the campaign finance reports has revealed that the HCDP spent “ZERO DOLLARS” with African American-targeted media like KCOH Radio (1230 AM) and MAJIC (102 FM), from what I could see based on their filings from 1/01/2024 through 7/15/2024. This problem must be addressed before Tuesday, November 5, 2024, when the most consequential presidential election of our lifetime will occur.

African American newspaper publishers such as the Houston Defender Newspaper, The Houston Forward Times, The Houston Sun, The Houston Informer, The D-Mars Business Journal, and The African American News & Issues were all left out of the mix and received “ZERO DOLLARS” from the Harris County Democratic Party (HCDP), and “ZERO DOLLARS” from the Harris County Republican Party (HCRP) during the 2024 Primary Election cycle.

Yes, you heard me right! Based on the filings from 1/01/2024 through 7/15/2024, African American target audiences didn’t receive any support from the HCDP or the HCRP.


The Harris County Democratic Party (HCDP) has a strange situation where Mike Doyle, the Harris County Chairman, also serves as the treasurer of the Harris County Democratic Party. Yes, you heard me right – Mike Doyle serves as the chairman and the treasurer for the HCDP, which is extremely strange.

Having the chairman serve as the leader and the watchdog of a political party doesn’t provide any checks and balances that reassure potential donors that their money is being earmarked or appropriated in ways that help down-ballot candidates or coordinated campaigns.

The lack of transparency is beginning to show severe repercussions as local down-ballot candidates are reluctant to give their hard-earned money to the Harris County Democratic Party for obvious reasons.

I’ve compiled a list of local down-ballot candidates who donated $1,000.00 or more to the Harris County Democratic Party between January 1, 2024, and the date the Harris County Democratic Party filed its last campaign finance report, July 15, 2024, under penalty of perjury.

$43,095.00 – Judge Charles Spain donated $10,000.00 to the Harris County Democratic Party on 6/14/2024 based on their 7/15/2024, Campaign Finance Report. And Judge Charles Spain donated $33,095.00 on 1/22/2024, based on their 4/26/2024 Campaign Finance Report.

$42,000.00 – Judge Fredericka Phillips donated $42,000.00 to the Harris County Democratic Party on 2/01/2024 based on their 4/26/2024, Campaign Finance Report.

$42,000.00 – Judge Jeralynn Manor donated $42,000.00 to the Harris County Democratic Party on 2/02/2024 based on their 4/26/2024, Campaign Finance Report.

$36,500.00 – Judge Margaret Poissant donated $35,000.00 to the Harris County Democratic Party on 2/19/2024 based on their 4/26/2024, Campaign Finance Report. And she gave another $1,500.00 on 3/7/2024, based on their 4/26/2024 Campaign Finance Report.

$35,000.00 – Judge Kristen Hawkins donated $35,000.00 to the Harris County Democratic Party on 2/01/2024 based on their 4/26/2024, Campaign Finance Report.

$35,000.00 – Friends of Judge Michael Gomez donated $35,000.00 to the Harris County Democratic Party on 3/25/2024 based on their 4/26/2024, Campaign Finance Report.

$33,100.00 – Judge Julie Ann Countiss donated $33,100.00 to the Harris County Democratic Party on 2/1/2024 based on their 4/26/2024, Campaign Finance Report.

$25,600.00 – State Rep. Senfronia Thompson donated $25,000.00 to the Harris County Democratic Party on 4/11/2024 based on their 4/26/2024, Campaign Finance Report. She gave $600.00 on 2/14/2024 based on their 4/26/2024 Campaign Finance Report.

$12,000.00 – Judge Ursula Hall donated $12,000.00 to the Harris County Democratic Party on 2/08/2024 based on their 4/26/2024, Campaign Finance Report.

$10,000.00 – Judge Robert Johnson donated $10,000.00 to the Harris County Democratic Party on 2/09/2024 based on their 4/26/2024, Campaign Finance Report.

$5,100.00 – Judge Sara Beth Landau donated $5,100.00 to the Harris County Democratic Party on 2/02/2024 based on their 4/26/2024, Campaign Finance Report.

$5,000.00 – Attorney Nicole Vyrostek Purdue donated $5,000.00 to the Harris County Democratic Party on 6/14/2024 based on their 6/7/2024, Campaign Finance Report.

$3,000.00 – Judge Rabeea Collier donated $10,000.00 to the Harris County Democratic Party on 3/5/2024 based on their 4/26/2024, Campaign Finance Report.

$3,000.00 – State Rep. Christina Morales donated $2,000.00 dollars to the Harris County Democratic Party on 6/14/2024 based on their 7/15/2024, Campaign Finance Report. She gave $1,000.00 on 6/14/2024 based on their 7/15/2024 Campaign Finance Report.

$2,000.00 – State Rep. Gene Wu donated $2,000.00 dollars to the Harris County Democratic Party on 6/13/2024 based on their 7/15/2024, Campaign Finance Report.

$1,500.00 – Commissioner Rodney Ellis donated $1,500.00 dollars to the Harris County Democratic Party on 2/22/2024 based on their 4/26/2024, Campaign Finance Report.

$1,500.00 – Commissioner Adrian Silvestre Garcia donated $1,500.00 dollars to the Harris County Democratic Party on 2/20/2024 based on their 4/26/2024, Campaign Finance Report.

$1,500.00 – Commissioner Lesley Briones donated $1,500.00 dollars to the Harris County Democratic Party on 2/09/2024 based on their 4/26/2024, Campaign Finance Report.

$1,500.00 – State Senator Carol Alvarado donated $1,500.00 dollars to the Harris County Democratic Party on 2/26/2024 based on their 4/26/2024, Campaign Finance Report.

$1,500.00 – Attorney Joe Jaworski donated $1,500.00 dollars to the Harris County Democratic Party on 3/07/2024 based on their 4/26/2024, Campaign Finance Report.

$1,500.00 – State Rep. Mary Ann Perez donated $1,500.00 to the Harris County Democratic Party on 2/23/2024 based on their 4/26/2024 Campaign Finance Report.

$1,000.00 Justice Jerry Zimmerer $1,000.00 dollars to the Harris County Democratic Party on 2/01/2024 based on their 4/26/2024, Campaign Finance Report.


As you can see above, local “DEMOCRATIC PARTY CANDIDATES” are reluctant to donate money to their party under the current structure, and rightfully so. However, without donations from down-ballot candidates, the Harris County Democratic Party is becoming weaker and is struggling to raise cash.

That said, this could be why the Harris County Democratic Party leadership has relegated itself to using “SCARE TACTICS” and talking about the national and statewide races in an attempt to distract local “DOWN-BALLOT CANDIDATES” and silence questions about what’s happened to the money given to the HCDP by candidates who’ve donated between 1/01/2024, and 7/15/2024.

The purpose of this report is not to sow discord or to cause division within the Harris County Democratic Party, but drastic changes are needed for things to get better—and FAST!!!

Below is a breakdown of what Mike Doyle, the current Harris County Democratic Party Chairman, has done with the donated money between January 1, 2024, and July 15, 2024.

6/26/2024 – Mike Doyle, the chairman of the HCDP, transferred $23,753.54 as an expenditure from the Harris County Democratic Party to the Harris County Democratic Party FED PAC, based on the campaign finance report he filed on 7/15/2024.

6/24/2024 – Mike Doyle, the chairman of the HCDP, transferred $5,206.00 as an expenditure from the Harris County Democratic Party to the Harris County Democratic Party FED PAC, based on the campaign finance report he filed on 7/15/2024.

6/13/2024 – Mike Doyle, the chairman of the HCDP, transferred $9,626.88 as an expenditure from the Harris County Democratic Party to the Harris County Democratic Party FED PAC, based on the campaign finance report he filed on 7/15/2024.

6/13/2024 – Mike Doyle, the chairman of the HCDP, transferred $6,373.12 as an expenditure from the Harris County Democratic Party to the Harris County Democratic Party FED PAC, based on the campaign finance report he filed on 7/15/2024.

5/28/2024 – Mike Doyle, the chairman of the HCDP, transferred $5,921.00 as an expenditure from the Harris County Democratic Party to the Harris County Democratic Party FED PAC, based on the campaign finance report he filed on 6/07/2024.

5/28/2024 – Mike Doyle, the chairman of the HCDP, transferred $8,000.00 as an expenditure from the Harris County Democratic Party to the Harris County Democratic Party FED PAC, based on the campaign finance report he filed on 6/07/2024.

5/28/2024 – Mike Doyle, the chairman of the HCDP, transferred $3,200.00 as an expenditure from the Harris County Democratic Party to the Harris County Democratic Party FED PAC, based on the campaign finance report he filed on 6/07/2024.

5/15/2024 – Mike Doyle, the chairman of the HCDP, transferred $2,000.00 as an expenditure from the Harris County Democratic Party to the Harris County Democratic Party FED PAC, based on the campaign finance report he filed on 6/07/2024.

5/13/2024 – Mike Doyle, the chairman of the HCDP, transferred $13,000.00 as an expenditure from the Harris County Democratic Party to the Harris County Democratic Party FED PAC, based on the campaign finance report he filed on 6/07/2024.

4/29/2024 – Mike Doyle, the chairman of the HCDP, transferred $9,000.00 as an expenditure from the Harris County Democratic Party to the Harris County Democratic Party FED PAC, based on the campaign finance report he filed on 6/07/2024.

4/11/2024 – Mike Doyle, the chairman of the HCDP, transferred $20,186.00 as an expenditure from the Harris County Democratic Party to the Harris County Democratic Party FED PAC, based on the campaign finance report he filed on 4/26/2024.

3/29/2024 – Mike Doyle, the chairman of the HCDP, transferred $3,000.00 as an expenditure from the Harris County Democratic Party to the Harris County Democratic Party FED PAC, based on the campaign finance report he filed on 4/26/2024.

3/28/2024 – Mike Doyle, the chairman of the HCDP, transferred $6,000.00 as an expenditure from the Harris County Democratic Party to the Harris County Democratic Party FED PAC, based on the campaign finance report he filed on 4/26/2024.

3/27/2024 – Mike Doyle, the chairman of the HCDP, transferred $10,000.00 as an expenditure from the Harris County Democratic Party to the Harris County Democratic Party FED PAC, based on the campaign finance report he filed on 4/26/2024.

3/19/2024 – Mike Doyle, the chairman of the HCDP, transferred $3,840.00 as an expenditure from the Harris County Democratic Party to the Harris County Democratic Party FED PAC, based on the campaign finance report he filed on 4/26/2024.

3/15/2024 – Mike Doyle, the chairman of the HCDP, transferred $9,200.00 as an expenditure from the Harris County Democratic Party to the Harris County Democratic Party FED PAC, based on the campaign finance report he filed on 4/26/2024.

3/15/2024 – Mike Doyle, the chairman of the HCDP, transferred $5,120.00 as an expenditure from the Harris County Democratic Party to the Harris County Democratic Party FED PAC, based on the campaign finance report he filed on 4/26/2024.

3/12/2024 – Mike Doyle, the chairman of the HCDP, transferred $3,200.00 as an expenditure from the Harris County Democratic Party to the Harris County Democratic Party FED PAC, based on the campaign finance report he filed on 4/26/2024.

2/29/2024 – Mike Doyle, the chairman of the HCDP, transferred $10,000.00 as an expenditure from the Harris County Democratic Party to the Harris County Democratic Party FED PAC, based on the campaign finance report he filed on 4/26/2024.

2/26/2024 – Mike Doyle, the chairman of the HCDP, transferred $15,000.00 as an expenditure from the Harris County Democratic Party to the Harris County Democratic Party FED PAC, based on the campaign finance report he filed on 4/26/2024.

2/12/2024 – Mike Doyle, the chairman of the HCDP, transferred $14,500.00 as an expenditure from the Harris County Democratic Party to the Harris County Democratic Party FED PAC, based on the campaign finance report he filed on 4/26/2024.

2/12/2024 – Mike Doyle, the chairman of the HCDP, transferred $4,352.00 as an expenditure from the Harris County Democratic Party to the Harris County Democratic Party FED PAC, based on the campaign finance report he filed on 4/26/2024.

2/12/2024 – Mike Doyle, the chairman of the HCDP, transferred $2,263.12 as an expenditure from the Harris County Democratic Party to the Harris County Democratic Party FED PAC, based on the campaign finance report he filed on 4/26/2024.

2/07/2024 – Mike Doyle, the chairman of the HCDP, transferred $20,000.00 as an expenditure from the Harris County Democratic Party to the Harris County Democratic Party FED PAC, based on the campaign finance report he filed on 4/26/2024.

2/05/2024 – Mike Doyle, the chairman of the HCDP, transferred $5,500.00 as an expenditure from the Harris County Democratic Party to the Harris County Democratic Party FED PAC, based on the campaign finance report he filed on 4/26/2024.

1/23/2024 – Mike Doyle, the chairman of the HCDP, transferred $12,100.00 as an expenditure from the Harris County Democratic Party to the Harris County Democratic Party FED PAC, based on the campaign finance report he filed on 4/26/2024.

1/22/2024 – Mike Doyle, the chairman of the HCDP, transferred $9,000.00 as an expenditure from the Harris County Democratic Party to the Harris County Democratic Party FED PAC, based on the campaign finance report he filed on 4/26/2024.

1/09/2024 – Mike Doyle, the chairman of the HCDP, transferred $30,000.00 as an expenditure from the Harris County Democratic Party to the Harris County Democratic Party FED PAC, based on the campaign finance report he filed on 4/26/2024.


An audit of the Harris County Republican Party (HCRP) campaign finance reports from 1/01/2024 through 7/15/2024 shows they only have $40.74 in the bank. Still, they have many more candidate donations of over $1,000.00 from their down-ballot candidates.

The other stark difference between how the Republicans operate is that they have a “CAMPAIGN TREASURER” who serves as their watchdog to make sure that Cindy Siegel, their Chairman, does everything by the book.

After carefully reviewing the HCRP finances, I saw no transfers from the local party to the federal party. The most significant expenditures I found for the Harris County Republican Party were to cover their office overhead and rental expenses.


The Harris County Democratic Party must find a way to restore confidence in the minds of their down-ballot candidates if they are expecting them to donate money to their “VICTORY FUND” or any other “GET-OUT-THE-VOTE” initiatives scheduled between now and Tuesday, November 5, 2024.

In closing, both the HCDP Chairman (Mike Doyle) and the HCRP Chairman (Cindy Siegel) must make it a priority to expand their base by allowing their “DOWN-BALLOT CANDIDATES” to act as surrogates for the party and expand their appeal to “INDEPENDENT VOTERS” between today and Election Day.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039

Cindy Siegel, the chairman of the Harris County Republican Party (HCRP), reported only having $40.74 in the bank account of the HCRP on 7/15/2024 when their most recent "CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORT" was filed on penalty of perjury.

Mike Doyle, the chairman of the Harris County Republican Party (HCRP), reported only having $46,033.84 in the bank account of the HCDP on 7/15/2024 when their most recent "CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORT" was filed on penalty of perjury.

Rodney Ellis, the Harris County Commissioner for Precinct One, has more money in the bank than all of the "DOWN-BALLOT DEMOCRAT CANDIDATES" running for countywide office. However, with $6,239,978.00 in his campaign bank account, Ellis only donated $1,500.00 to the Harris County Democratic Party between 1/01/2024 and 7/15/2024, which is unacceptable.

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "Early voting will begin on Monday, October 21, 2024, and end on Friday, November 1, 2024, for the upcoming Tuesday, November 5, 2024, Presidential Election. It is incumbent upon us to make it our business to select the best candidate available in every down-ballot race."

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039