Showing posts with label Judge Ronnisha Bowman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Judge Ronnisha Bowman. Show all posts

Monday, November 21, 2022

Mathematical Improbabilities Uncovered in Two Judicial Races Could Give the Texas Rangers a Good Starting Point

The Texas Rangers should take a very close look at the race for Judge, 183rd Criminal District Court, the race for Judge, County Criminal Court at Law No. 2, 3, and 14, that took place on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, in the Midterm Election. You can "CLICK HERE" for race results. Also, please understand that it's nearly impossible for the differential in the race for Judge, 183rd Criminal District Court to be (267) votes, and the differential in the race for Judge, County Criminal Court at Law No. 3, to be (2,676) votes, which is exactly the same, with the exception of the (6) six added to the end.

With 1,066,738 votes cast in the race for Judge, 183rd Criminal District Court, the margin of victory for Kristin M. Guiney (Republican), over Gemayel L. Haynes (Democrat), was only (2,676) votes. But the remarkable thing about this vote total is that the race for Judge, County Criminal Court at Law No. 3, had 1, 059,031 votes, and finished with a (267) vote total margin. In my opinion, these two races could provide key answers (if fully investigated) as it relates to what happened in Harris County, Texas on Tuesday, November 8, 2022.

With 1,059,031 votes cast in the race for Judge, County Criminal Court at Law No. 3, the margin of victory for Leslie Johnson (Republican), over Porscha Natasha Brown (Democrat), was only (267) votes. But the remarkable thing about this vote total is that the race for Judge, 183rd Criminal District Court, had 1,066,738 votes, and finished with a (2,676) vote total margin. Now, from what I can see, these two races could provide key answers (if fully investigated) as it relates to what happened in Harris County, Texas on Election Day.

Mathematical Improbabilities Uncovered in Two Judicial Races Could Give the Texas Rangers a Good Starting Point


You don’t have to be a mathematician to figure out that something is wrong with the “UNOFFICIAL CUMULATIVE REPORT” that was released by the County Elections Administrator Clifford Tatum on Friday, November 18, 2022, at 7:20 P.M., in Harris County, Texas.

What’s wrong? Well, for starters, anyone with half a brain, should be able to understand that the likelihood of two down-ballot judicial races with over 1 million votes cast ending up with “THE SAME EXACT MARGIN OF VICTORY NUMBERS” minus the number (6) six on the end, is very suspicious.

I’m not kidding!!! The race for Judge, County Criminal Court at Law No. 3, between Leslie Johnson (Republican) and Porscha Natasha Brown (Democrat), ended up with only a (267) two hundred sixty-seven vote differential.

How could the race for Judge, County Criminal Court at Law No. 3, end up with a (267) two hundred and six-seven vote differential, and the race for Judge, 183rd Criminal District Court between Kristin M. Guiney and Gemayel L. Haynes end up with a (2,676) two thousand seventy-six vote differential?

If you look closely at the aforementioned differentials, the only difference between (267) and (2,676) is the number (6) tacked on to the end of two thousand six hundred and seventy-six.

If you “CLICK HERE” and look at the Tuesday, November 8, 2022, Midterm Election ballot for Harris County, Texas, what you’re going to quickly discover is that there were (39) thirty-nine local judicial races that fell between the race for Judge, 183rd Criminal District Court, and the race for Judge, County Criminal Court at Law No. 3.

When you look at the fact that there were (39) thirty-nine down-ballot judicial races between the two aforementioned races on the ballot, the likelihood of the (267) and (2,676) occurring naturally is highly unlikely – next to impossible!


"If this mathematical improbability had occurred in two down-ballot races that followed right behind one another on the ballot, I could somewhat understand how something like this could happen."


But there were (39) thirty-nine down-ballot judicial races sitting between the race for Judge, 183rd Criminal District Court, and the race for Judge, County Criminal Court at Law No. 3, as voters made their down-ballot selections. So, how could this mathematical improbability happen?

What’s mathematical improbability?

According to Wikipedia, “Probability is the branch of mathematics concerning numerical descriptions of how likely an event is to occur, or how likely it is that a proposition is true. The probability of an event is a number between 0 and 1, where, roughly speaking, 0 indicates the impossibility of the event and 1 indicates certainty. The higher the probability of an event, the more likely it is that the event will occur. A simple example is the tossing of a fair (unbiased) coin. Since the coin is fair, the two outcomes ("heads" and "tails") are both equally probable; the probability of "heads" equals the probability of "tails"; and since no other outcomes are possible, the probability of either "heads" or "tails" is 1/2 (which could also be written as 0.5 or 50%).”

So, how likely is it that two down-ballot “BLACK DEMOCRATIC JUDICIAL CANDIDATES” by the name of Gemayel L. Haynes and Porscha Natasha Brown lose their races by “THE SAME IDENTICAL NUMBER” when the number (6) six on the end is removed?

Again, it’s highly improbable (unlikely) that the race for Judge, County Criminal Court at Law No. 3, would be won by (267) two hundred and sixty-seven votes, and the race for Judge, 183rd Criminal District Court was won by (2,676) two thousand six hundred and seventy-six votes.

And what’s also very concerning to me, is the fact that all four of the down-ballot “BLACK DEMOCRATIC JUDICIAL CANDIDATES” lost to Republican candidates who did not even run campaigns against them. And on top of that, Judge Ronnisha Bowman, who was serving as the presiding judge for County Criminal Court at Law No. 2 was the only incumbent to lose her bench. 


For the record, former Judge Paula Goodhart showed “ZER0” contributions, and “ZERO” expenditures on her campaign finance report that was filed on October 31, 2022, under penalty of perjury. You can "CLICK HERE" to view the report for yourself.


So, just for the record, you can “CLICK HERE” to view “THE CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORT” that was filed by Kristin M. Guiney on 10/31/2022, in the race for Judge, 183rd Criminal District Court, which shows “ZERO” Contributions, and “ZERO” expenditures spent by Kristin M. Guiney between 9/30/2022 and 10/29/2022, in her winning effort against her Black Democratic opponent.


So, just for the record, you can “CLICK HERE” to view “THE CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORT” that was filed by Paula Goodhart on 10/31/2022, in the race for Judge, County Criminal Court at Law No. 2, which shows “ZERO” Contributions, and “ZERO” expenditures spent by Paula Goodhart between 9/30/2022 and 10/29/2022, in her winning effort against her Black Democratic opponent.


So, just for the record, you can “CLICK HERE” to view “THE CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORT” that was filed by Leslie Johnson on 10/31/2022, in the race for Judge, Judge, County Criminal Court at Law No. 3, which shows that Leslie Johnson only received (1) one monetary donation in the amount of $1,000 from a retired guy by the name of Jerry West on 10/25/2022, she also received an in-kind donation (Food and Beverages) in the amount of $350 from Alexander Leon, and a $100 in-kind donation (Food and Beverages) from Renee Humphrey, a local homemaker.

So, just for the record, you can “CLICK HERE” to view “THE CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORT” that was filed by Jessica N. Padilla on 10/10/2022, in the race for Judge, County Criminal Court at Law No. 14, which Jessica N. Padilla only received $200 in political contributions, but she immediately reimbursed herself a partial payment $200 on 9/30/2022, for some signs that she had purchased for her campaign.

Jessica Padilla received a $100 donation from Linda Garcia on 9/29/2022, and a $100 donation from Claud Edward Rountree on 7/11/2022, according to her “CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORT” that was filed on 10/10/2022, under penalty of perjury. While nothing is wrong with receiving donations, the quickness of the reimbursement is worth mentioning.

The expenditure for the signs purchased by Jessica N. Padilla was in the amount of $523, which she paid by credit card on September 4, 2022, according to her “CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORT” that was filed on 10/10/2022, under penalty of perjury.

Jessica N. Padilla filed her most recent “CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORT” on 10/28/2022, which showed that she had given her campaign a $75 non-monetary in-kind contribution, and had received a $50 donation from a retired woman by the name of Patricia Phillips, and according to her most recently filed “CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORT” only has $50 in political contributions inside of her campaign bank account.

Any legitimate investigation into the “VOTER SUPPRESSION” and “VOTER IRREGULARITIES” that unfolded in Harris County, Texas must begin with the race for Judge, 183rd Criminal District Court, and the race for Judge, County Criminal Court at Law No. 3, in my unbiased opinion. 

Well, where there’s smoke there’s fire!!!

Let me make myself perfectly clear!!! It’s not human error or a clerical mistake that Gemayel L. Haynes (Democrat), who happens to be a Black male, lost to Kristin M. Guiney (Republican) by a mere (2,676) votes, and then, (39) thirty-nine races down-ballot, another "BLACK DEMOCRAT JUDICIAL CANDIDATE" by the name of Porscha Natasha Brown (Democrat), lost by (267) votes, to her Republican opponent. 

In closing, what’s unfolding in Harris County, Texas right now appears to be some sort of “POLITICAL HEIST” that appears to have been orchestrated by some sort of “CRIMINAL REGIME” that could have players on both sides of the political aisle from the way things are beginning to unfold.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033

Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis (Democrat), and Mayor Sylvester Turner (Democrat), are two well-known former Texas legislators.  However, as of late, the legacies and reputations these two Black men built as powerful legislators, have almost fizzled completely away. And that's a darn shame!!! What local Democrats (and their media allies) are trying to frame as a "FAIR AND HONEST ELECTION" is beginning to look more like an "ELECTION HEIST" being pulled off by a "CRIME FAMILY" that's willing to win at any cost, even if it means disenfranchising tens of thousands of Republican voters by suppressing their votes. These two Black politicians make for strange bedfellows, from trying to 'allegedly' steer a $15 million Affordable Housing Contract to his former law partner; to escaping indictment in the case of stolen priceless African artwork, Turner and Ellis (through their policies) have made Houston "THE DEATH CAPITAL OF AMERICA" and Harris County, the most corrupt county in the United States of America.

Cindy Siegel, the Chairman of the Harris County Republican Party, who also sits on the "HARRIS COUNTY ELECTION COMMISSION" has come forward and stated for the record that she was informed that Clifford Tatum made his way onto the list of finalists because of someone sitting on Commissioners Court. It is unclear at this time whether the person Chairman Cindy Siegel is referencing is Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo, Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis (Precinct One), or Harris County Commissioner Adrian Garcia (Precinct 2), all three are Democrats. She also disclosed via text message on Saturday, November 19, 2022, that the same "HEADHUNTERS" who found Clifford Tatum does a lot of work for the City of Houston as well.

Has a criminal enterprise overtaken the third-largest county in America? Mayor Sylvester Turner (left) is term-limited and cannot run for re-election. Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis (right) will be up for re-election and should be contested in the 2024 Democratic Party Primary, and from the right in the November 2024 Presidential Election as well. However, something has to be done before 2024 to expose and disrupt what appears to be a "CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE" that may have just pulled off one of "THE BIGGEST ELECTION HEISTS" in Texas politics. 


What we're dealing with in Harris County, Texas is beginning to look more like the handiwork of a "CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE" than two opposing political parties doing battle. So, did local elected officials, and their cronies conspire with one another to "SUPPRESS VOTES" and disenfranchise Republican voters on Election Day? Well, let's leave that up to the Texas Rangers who've been called in by Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg, to decide. 


According to the FBI, a criminal enterprise is a structured organization engaging in acts of criminal conspiracy and/or criminal activity. Under that definition, we are looking at much more than "ELECTION CODE VIOLATIONS" in Harris County, Texas. It takes a massive organizational structure to pull off the  "POLITICAL HEIST" we're seeing play out in Harris County, Texas right now. And it also takes 'collusion' and 'coordination' with the local mainstream media outlets to pull off a "POLITICAL HEIST" of the magnitude we're seeing unfold.

In case you don't know, Black Law Dictionary defines collusion as "a deceitful agreement or compact between two or more persons, for the one party to bring an action against the other for some evil purpose, as to defraud a 3rd party."

A conspiracy, from what I understand is defined as "a combination or confederacy between two or more persons formed for the purpose of committing, by their joint efforts, some unlawful or criminal act, or some act which is innocent in itself, but becomes unlawful when done by the concerted action of the conspirators."


Anyone with eyes should be able to clearly see that we're dealing with much more than computer failures, equipment malfunctions, and election code violations in connection with "THE ELECTION DAY DEBACLE" that unfolded in Harris County, Texas on Election Day!


We appear to have a CRIMINAL CONSPIRACY on our hands. While state and federal definitions may vary when it comes to the definition of a criminal conspiracy, in simple terms, a CRIMINAL CONSPIRACY occurs when two or more people agree to act unlawfully in an effort such as tampering with an election like what we may have just seen occur in Harris County, Texas on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, in the Midterm Election.


In my opinion, to pull off "THE POLITICAL HEIST" we're seeing unfold in Harris County, Texas the crime of RACKETEERING may have also been committed. How can I say this? Well, in simple terms RACKETEERING occurs when an organization such as a political campaign commits an illegal act for a benefit or gain including (but not limited to) obstruction of justice. 


What's does collusion mean? Well, the CRIME OF COLLUSION occurs when politicians form a secret agreement to engage in "ILLEGAL ACTIVITY" such as "ELECTION TAMPERING" like we may have just seen take place in Harris County, Texas on Election Day. 

Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis (left), and Harris County Elections Administrator Clifford Tatum (right), could end up being the two key figures in the saga that played out on Election Day in Harris County, Texas! You can "CLICK HERE" to see the unofficial election results.

A Full Investigation Must Be Launched into the "Alleged" Criminal Enterprise that Orchestrated the Hired of Clifford Tatum


For the record, at 2:37 P.M. on Saturday, November 20, 2022, (yesterday), I received a text message from Harris County Republican Party Chairman Cindy Siegel that sheds new light on the direction of my pending investigation into the “ELECTION DAY DEBACLE” and “VOTER SUPPRESSION PLOT” in Harris County, Texas may head once the “CANVASSING OF THE ELECTION” is complete and the final results are certified.

The text from Cindy Siegel stated, “Ask the firm who was supposed to do the vetting and narrowing the candidate list why they didn’t do their job.”

According to Cindy Siegel, “I have heard that he (Clifford Tatum) got on that shortlist because of someone on the commissioner's court.” Is she talking about Commissioner Rodney Ellis?

“Also, headhunters have done work for the city of Houston,” she stated.

She went on to explain, “I am the one who moved to rescind the offer and it failed for lack of a second.”

“Then all four of the other election commissioners called the question to appoint him (Clifford Tatum) so that I couldn’t bring it out as part of the public record with a discussion on appointing him (Clifford Tatum) as the (EA) Election Administrator,” Cindy Siegel shared.

As we all now know, Cindy Siegel is the lone Republican sitting on “THE HARRIS COUNTY ELECTION COMMISSION” that’s comprised of Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo (Democrat), Harris County Democratic Party Chairman Odus Evbagharu (Democrat), Harris County Clerk Teneshia Hudspeth (Democrat), and Harris County Tax Assessor-Collector Ann Harris Bennett.

When the final vote on Clifford Tatum being hired was complete, the four Democrats outvoted Cindy Siegel (4 to 1) in favor of appointing him as the Harris County Elections Administrator.

After carefully reviewing “THE RECONCILIATION REPORT” that was signed off on by C.A. Thomas on Friday, November 18, 2022, it’s evidently clear to me that something horrible is unfolding in Harris County, Texas.

From what I can see, Clifford Tatum appears to have been brought into Harris County, Texas as the perfect “SCAPEGOAT” to pull off what appears to be a “POLITICAL HEIST” more than a fair and honest “POLITICAL CONTEST" between Republicans and Democrats.

From the way things appear right now, this Clifford Tatum ‘cat’ appears to be another puppet for the man most Harris County insiders have identified as the “PUPPET MASTER” because of the vast number of puppets he wields complete power over other elected officials in our local city and county government.

Who is the “PUPPET MASTER” I’m talking about? If you have to ask me that question, you may as well go and play around on Facebook, or go check out the propaganda being peddled as news stories in the “HOUSTON COMICAL” or something.


Mayor Sylvester Turner and Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis could possibly be two of the most corrupt public officials in America. But of these two, “ALLEGED CRIME BOSSES” the undisputed leader is the “PUPPET MASTER” himself, none other than Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis, the (Precinct One Commissioner) who controls city and county government in the third largest county in America. Mayor Sylvester Turner is nothing more than one of the minions of Commissioner Ellis.


Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis (left), and Harris County Elections Administrator Clifford Tatum (right), appear to be trying to play the citizens of Harris County, Texas for stupid. Don’t these two men understand that everyone with a brain (mind of their own) is beginning to come to the realization that the chaos that erupted on Tuesday, November 8, 2022 (Election Day Morning), in Harris County, Texas appears to be a manufactured distraction?

Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis espoused these words about Clifford Tatum several months ago before his hiring, “Over the past three years, Harris County has transformed the way we manage elections and became a national model for election access. Through innovative changes such as countywide polling places, drive-thru voting, 24-hour voting, new voting machines, and record numbers of polling places, we’ve knocked down barriers to the ballot box, even with COVID and the State’s voter suppression efforts in the backdrop.”

“I’m confident that the best is yet to come and look forward to working with our new Elections Administrator Clifford Tatum to take Harris County’s elections to new heights even in these challenging times,” said Commissioner Ellis.

Commissioner Rodney Ellis went on to proclaim, “Voters should know that we are making every effort to protect and advance their sacred right to vote in November because the stakes have never been higher for our democracy.”


According to Cindy Siegel, the chairman of the Harris County Republican Party, “On Monday, the Harris County Republican Party sued Tatum and the county in state court, alleging election code violations.”

She said via her Facebook account, “The suit accused Democratic county leaders of suppressing the vote with poll closings, broken machines, incorrect ballot tabulation and ballot shortages in what party officials described as more than two dozen conservative-leaning precincts.”

“‘We’ve seen what’s turned out to be a systemic cancer in how Harris County runs its elections,’ said Cindy Siegel in a recent press briefing she held.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033



On Friday, November 18, 2022, I received a text message from state Senator Paul Bettencourt stating, "Aubrey, Uncle Paul here. Harris County refused to run a background check prior to offering Mr. Tatum the job." He went on to say, "After they did offer the job, they refused to do the background check again per Cindy Siegel and she voted "NO" at the final meeting."

According to state Senator Paul Bettencourt (District 7), after learning that Harris County didn't do a background check before offering Clifford Tatum the job, he sent out a tweet about Tatum's $114k Federal Tax Liability. "I tweeted out his 114k Federal Tax Liability as soon as could...," said Uncle Paul.


You can "CLICK HERE" to view the "RECONCILIATION REPORT" that was signed off on by C.A. Thomas, yesterday. All that's left now is for the "OFFICIAL CANVASS" of the Tuesday, November 8, 2022, Midterm Election to be completed and then the lawsuits will more than likely start being filed.

The 180th Criminal District Court Race Between Tami Pierce and Judge Desean Jones Will Be Thoroughly Investigated 


In case you haven't heard, the "ELECTION RECONCILIATION REPORT" was completed yesterday. That being said, all that's left is for the "OFFICIAL CANVASSING REPORT" for the Tuesday, November 8, 2022, Midterm Election, to be issued, and then the fireworks, and lawsuits are going to start flying around as candidates in down-ballot races search for the true results of this botched election.

 There's no doubt in my mind that we're looking at an "ELECTION HEIST" of epic proportions in Harris County, Texas. How do I know? Well, for starters, anyone with a brain should be able to clearly understand, that we should not have people riding around in their personal vehicles removing "VOTING MACHINES" from predominantly "AFRICAN AMERICAN" voting locations by themselves. And we definitely should have "EARLY VOTING LOCATIONS" in predominantly Black voting precincts being run without any Republican eyes on-site watching what's going down.

I personally warned the Harris County Republican Party Chairman Cindy Siegel and her leadership team about the potential problems that her down-ballot "JUDICIAL CANDIDATES" would face if her executive team comprised of Case Voeks (executive director), Vanessa Ingrassia (political director), and Genevieve Carter (communications director), didn't place "REPUBLICAN POLL WATCHERS" and "REPUBLICAN ALTERNATE JUDGES" inside certain key "EARLY VOTING LOCATIONS" inside predominantly Black voting precincts between Monday, October 24, 2022, and Friday, November 4, 2022, to ensure that the integrity of our election was preserved. 


When my investigative team and I began monitoring early voting locations, like the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center, Acres Homes Multi-Service Center, Kashmere Multi-Service Service Center, Sunnyside Mult-Service Center, and many others, we began to quickly observe that "THE HARRIS COUNTY REPUBLICAN PARTY" had (for the most part) left many of these locations unmanned, unmonitored, and in some cases without any sort of oversight by any Republican official, poll watcher, card pusher, clerk, or alternate judge.


The Harris County Republican Party leadership team didn't do nearly enough to protect "THE SANCTITY OF OUR ELECTION" and position their "JUDICIAL CANDIDATES" to win their down-ballot races. And the worst about what's happening now is that the Harris County Republican Party leadership team could possibly be trying to discredit and hinder the efforts of people like myself, and Dr. Steven Hotze, by using "BACK CHANNEL COMMUNICATIONS" to discourage their nominees from listening to people like (Dr. Steven Hotze and others) who could already have the answers to what just went down on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, in Harris County, Texas. Why? Well, that's a story for another day!


You can "CLICK HERE" to view "THE BOOK ON CLIFFORD TATUM" which was compiled by a private investigator by the name of Patti James Investigations (TX DPS License A-6575) 207 Somerset Knolls Ct. Houston, Texas 77094. 

"There's a very good reason that a background check was not allowed to be conducted on Clifford Tatum, prior to him being selected to oversee, the Tuesday, November 8, 2022, Midterm Election."


A limited inquiry into Clifford Tatum before being chosen to oversee the Tuesday, November 8, 2022, Midterm Election, in Harris County, Texas would have uncovered the fact that he had a $114k Federal Tax Liability against him, which would have been a "MAJOR RED FLAG" that needed to be further investigated.


A simple google search would have revealed the article published in the Washington Post, entitled, "Embattled D.C. Board of Elections under intense scrutiny as Election Day nears," which was written by Aaron C. Davis, on October 30, 2014. (CLICK HERE) to learn more.


The article I found written about Clifford Tatum in the Washington Examiner, entitled, "D.C. elections chief Clifford Tatum admits 'missteps'," which was written by Alan Blinder, on December 10, 2012, could have also been discovered in a simple google search. (CLICK HERE) to learn more.


Democratic Harris County Officials knew exactly who they were getting when they hired Clifford Tatum to oversee the Tuesday, November 8, 2022, Midterm Election in Harris County, Texas. A report about Clifford Tatum that was written by Eric Geller, for Politico back on September 18, 2019, would have been discovered if a simple google search (not background) check had been performed. (CLICK HERE) to learn more.


A simple google search would have exposed the fact that Clifford Tatum had problems running an election that only had (8) eight "EARLY VOTING LOCATIONS" in Washington D.C., back during November of 2012, and should not have been hired to oversee the size of Harris County, Texas and oversee (99) ninety-nine "EARLY VOTING LOCATIONS" and nearly (800) eight-hundred "ELECTION DAY" polling places. 


If a simple google search had been conducted before hiring Clifford Tatum, it would have revealed that the 2012 election he oversaw as the "D.C. ELECTIONS CHIEF" was run so poorly that, District election regulators harshly criticized Clifford Tatum and one person equated his handling of the election to "voting in a Third World Country."


Simply googling Clifford Tatum's name would have uncovered the fact that the 2012 election that was run by Clifford Tatum was plagued by long lines, ballot errors, and malfunctioning equipment, just like we just saw unfold on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, in Harris County, Texas.


Voters complaining about poorly trained employees and the fact that some precincts weren't even accessible to disabled voters in the 2012 election that was overseen by Clifford Tatum in Washington, D.C., would have also been uncovered if a simple google search (not background check) had been conducted on Clifford Tatum prior to selecting him to oversee the Tuesday, November 8, 2022, Midterm Election, in Harris County, Texas.


Voters complaining about being given the wrong ballots back during the 2012 election that was run by Clifford Tatum in Washington D.C. would have been discovered if Harris County Officials had conducted a simple google search on Clifford Tatum's name before hiring him to oversee the Tuesday, November 8, 2022, Midterm Election, in Harris County, Texas.


The breakdowns and chaos that unfolded "ELECTION DAY" in Harris County, Texas may have been by design. How can I make this claim? Well, the sort of "MASS CONFUSION" that unfolded on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, in Harris County, Texas is nothing new when it comes to elections being overseen by Clifford Tatum from what I've uncovered.


In case you don't know, sometimes "MASS CONFUSION" is a diversionary tactic that's used to provide cover for criminal activities. How do I know? Well, it was a breakdown that mysteriously halted the vote count for hours during a Washington D.C. election where registered Democrats accounted for more than three-quarters of the electorate. Does that sound found familiar?

Now, what you have to understand about the aforementioned Washington D.C. election that was overseen by Clifford Tatum is that the city had never even come close to needing a recount in a general election race for mayor until Clifford Tatum showed up to conduct their election.

For the record, Washington D.C. found itself with a mayoral election that was too close to call (for the first time ever) with Clifford Tatum acting as their "ELECTION CHIEF" according to published reports. "After polls closed in the Democratic primary at 8 p.m. April 1, what is typically a 30-minute wait for early voting results stretched to more than two hours," according to published reports.

"And then, confusion ensued when paper tallies released to reporters at the board's headquarters did not match numbers published on its Website," one report about the incident read. 


The race for Judge, 180th Criminal District Court in Harris County, Texas between Democrat Judge Dasean Jones and his Republican challenger Tami Pierce appears to bear stark similarities to what unfolded in the days following the Tuesday, November 3, 2020, Presidential Election when former President Donald J. Trump (Republican), was defeated by U.S. Senator Joe Biden (now president), through excessive counting after the "ELECTION DAY" polls closed.


On Thursday, October 10, 2022, Tami Peirce (Republican), was ahead of Judge Dasean Jones (Democrat) by (165) one hundred and sixty-five votes. Now, after over a week of counting with no updates, Tami Pierce is trailing Judge Dasean Jones by (449) four hundred and forty-nine votes with 1,068,471 votes cast in the race for Judge, 180th Criminal District Court, in Harris County, Texas.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033

Judge Dasean Jones (Democrat), according to the numbers released by the Harris County Elections Administrator (Clifford Tatum) received 31,914 mail-ballot votes, and Tami Pierce (Republican), received 24,814 mail-ballot votes. You can "CLICK HERE" other race results.

Judge Dasean Jones (Democrat), according to the numbers released by the Harris County Elections Administrator (Clifford Tatum) received 332,023 early votes, and Tami Pierce (Republican), received 340,648 early votes. You can "CLICK HERE" other race results.

Judge Dasean Jones (Democrat), according to the numbers released by the Harris County Elections Administrator (Clifford Tatum) received 845 early voting provisional votes, and Tami Pierce (Republican), received 845 early voting provisional votes. You can "CLICK HERE" other race results.

Judge Dasean Jones (Democrat), according to the numbers released by the Harris County Elections Administrator (Clifford Tatum) received 1,030 early voting provisional votes, and Tami Pierce (Republican), received 1,390 early voting provisional votes. You can "CLICK HERE" other race results.

Judge Dasean Jones (Democrat), according to the numbers released by the Harris County Elections Administrator (Clifford Tatum) received 166,669 votes on Election Day. Comparatively speaking, Tami Pierce (Republican), received 168,288 votes on Election Day. You can "CLICK HERE" other race results.

Judge Dasean Jones (Democrat), according to the numbers released by the Harris County Elections Administrator (Clifford Tatum) received 534,460 total votes. Comparatively speaking, Tami Pierce (Republican), received 534,460 total votes. You can "CLICK HERE" other race results.


Why was this guy moving "VOTING MACHINES" and file boxes from the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center (3810 West Fuqua Street, Houston, Texas) between 10:00AM and 10:30AM on Monday, October 31, 2022, while I was there checking on my poll workers? And why did Grace Taylor (no relation), the (Election Judge) tell me that only three "VOTING MACHINES" were being replaced when I counted (6) six "VOTING MACHINES" on the cart? 


Why didn't the Harris County Republican Party have at least one "POLL WATCHER" stationed at the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center located at (3810 West Fuqua Street, Houston, Texas) to catch this activity??? And why did the "ELECTION JUDGE" say that only (3) three "VOTING MACHINES" were being removed, when it was actually (6) six "VOTING MACHINES" that were being moved? 


Where did the Black man take the "VOTING MACHINES" that were removed from the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center "EARLY VOTING LOCATION"  on Monday, October 31, 2022, in Harris County, Texas? And why did the (ELECTION JUDGE) by the name of Grace Taylor (no relation) state that only (3) three "VOTING MACHINES" were taken away when there were actually (6) six being taken away?


Aubrey R. Taylor (left), in his capacity as the publisher of Houston Business Connections Newspaper, and Dr. Steven Hotze (second from left) in his capacity as the publisher of  Conservative Republicans of Texas News (CRTX), speaking with Grace Taylor (DEMOCRAT ELECTION JUDGE), and Erica Johnson who identified herself as the (REPUBLICAN ALTERNATE JUDGE) at the Hiram Clark Multi-Service Center after witnessing (6) six "VOTING MACHINES" being removed from the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center, located at (3810 West Fuqua Street, Houston, Texas) between 10:00AM and 10:30AM on Monday, October 31, 2022. So, why wasn't there a Republican "POLL WATCHER" at this location???


Dr. Steven Hotze talks to Erica Johnson, who identified herself as the (REPUBLICAN ALTERNATE JUDGE) working at the Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center on the morning of Monday, October 31, 2022, when Dr. Hotze, in his capacity as the publisher of Conservative Republicans of Texans News (CRTX), witnessed the removal of (6) six "VOTING MACHINES" and from this location. 

You can "CLICK HERE" to view this "SCREENSHOTED STORY" about Clifford Tatum that was initially published in the Washington Post, and entitled, "Embattled D.C. Board of Elections under intense scrutiny as Election Day nears," that was written by Aaron C. Davis, October 30, 2014. 

You can "CLICK HERE" to view this "SCREENSHOTED STORY" about Clifford Tatum that was initially published in the Washington Examiner, and entitled, "D.C. elections chief Clifford Tatum admits 'missteps'," that was written by Alan Blinder, on December 10, 2012.

You can "CLICK HERE" to view this "SCREENSHOTED STORY" about Clifford Tatum that was initially published in the Politico, and entitled, "Key federal election agency parting ways with embattled top staffer," which was written by Eric Geller, on September 18, 2019.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033

Aubrey R. Taylor, publisher of Houston Business Connections Newspaper, Dr. Steven Hotze, publisher of Conservative Republicans of Texas News, (also Founder of the Liberty Center for God & Country), and Weston Martinez, president of The Voter Fraud Bureau of Investigations at "THE ENOUGH IS ENOUGH" protest and rally against "CORRUPTION" and "VOTER SUPPRESSION" on Tuesday, November 15, 2022, in downtown Houston in front of the Harris County Commissioners Court Building located 1001 Preston Street.

Enough is Enough Crew Protest and Rally Against Corruption and Voter Suppression at The Commissioner’s Court Building


Can you believe that a Houston Chronicle Reporter by the name of Sam Gonzalez Kelly tried to discredit me by labeling me as a right-wing blogger? Laughable!!! 

On Tuesday, November 8, 2022, “THE ENOUGH IS ENOUGH CREW” braved the cold and windy morning in downtown Houston, Texas to deliver a strong and powerful message. What was their message? “We’re sick and tired of these dirt politicians conspiring together to steal the election in the third largest county in America.”

In case you don’t know, I’ve been informed by a credible source that a cyber-security team employed by Dr. Steven Hotze, the publisher of Conservative Republicans of Texas News has discovered that as many as 66,000 votes may have been illegally cast in Harris County, Texas in the 2022 Midterm Election. And that’s not even including the “DEAD PEOPLE” who are currently registered to vote in Harris County, Texas right now.

As it stands right now, if Dr. Hotze’s cyber-security team is correct, every down-ballot contested race could be affected by this new development; but that’s a story for a later time.

Yesterday, I provided several news reporters with information and facts about voter fraud in Harris County, Texas which was totally ignored in their news reports throughout the day, and last night. Why? Well, what we appear to have deeply embedded in Harris County is beginning to look like a “CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE” that has some sort of hold over the local media, and perhaps even members of the local judiciary, and local government officials.


I can’t think of any logical explanation for why the local news media would be providing the local Democratic Party with so much cover. In their defense, many of the local reporters I spoke with yesterday, at “THE ENOUGH IS ENOUGH CREW” protest and rally, seemed surprised when I gave them proof of the fact that District Attorney Kim Ogg, has opened a “CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION” into Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee’s Campaign; but none of them published that fact last night.

For the record, I provided local reporters like Jeff Ehling with Channel 13, copies of the death certificate and voter records to prove that a woman by the name of Kathleen Hooey, is still on the Harris County Voter Rolls after having died more than 31 years ago – but he didn’t even mention that fact in his news report. Why? Never mind, I think that we all know why!!!

Anyways, I also showed the “VOTER REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE” to reporters from Channel 2, Channel 11, Channel 13, and Channel 26; which clearly shows that someone renewed Kathleen Hooey’s voter registration card back on January 1, 2022, even though she’s been dead for 31 years. So, why didn’t the Houston Chronicle, or the reporters from all of the news stations I interviewed yesterday, use my comments? And why are they providing so much cover for local Democrats?

From what I can see, there’s a new political party that’s shown up in Harris County, Texas – it’s called the “UNIPARTY” and it has taken Harris County, Texas by storm.

If you don’t believe me, take a look at this “HIT PIECE” that was published in the Houston Chronicle about “THE ENOUGH IS ENOUGH CREW” protest and rally that took place yesterday in front of the Harris County Commissioner’s Court Building yesterday. You can “CLICK HERE” to read the “HIT PIECE” that was published in the Houston Chronicle in their attempt to discredit what took place.

What we’re seeing play out in Harris County as some local news stations try to protect their Democratic allies are beginning to look a lot like “POLITICAL WITCH HUNTS” that are being waged to discredit anyone who holds an opposing view to the propaganda they're pushing.

What’s propaganda? Well, in simple terms, propaganda is misleading information that’s being peddled to the public by local media outlets aimed at promoting/publicizing their political cause and viewpoint. And that’s exactly what the Houston Chronicle Reporter (Sam Gonzalez Kelly) did yesterday in his report titled, “Dozens of protesters allege, without evidence, widespread fraud in Harris County election,” which was published at 5:09 p.m., on their website.

For starters, notice the headline, the words, “WITHOUT EVIDENCE” in the title serve as the first sign that (Sam Gonzalez Kelly), the Houston Chronicle staff writer, is biased, unfair, and about to publish a “HIT PIECE” aimed at discrediting some folks.

Secondly, in the first paragraph of his report, (Sam Gonzalez Kelly), the Houston Chronicle staff writer, shows his bias by describing Dr. Steven Hotze, the founder of the Liberty Center for God and Country, and publisher of Conservative Republicans of Texas News as a “HIGH-PROFILE ELECTION DENIER” in what clearly establishes his report as a “HIT PIECE” being published to discredit Dr. Hotze, and everyone associated with the “PROTEST AGAINST CORRUPTION AND VOTER SUPPRESSION” that was held yesterday, in front of the Harris County Commissioner’s Court Building at 1001 Preston.

Thirdly, in the second paragraph of his report, (Sam Gonzalez Kelly), the Houston Chronicle staff writer, shows his bias by using the words, “BLACK ANTI-VIOLENCE GROUP” to describe “THE ENOUGH IS ENOUGH CREW” in an attempt to place a label on the group. Who told Sam Gonzalez Kelly, that “THE ENOUGH IS ENOUGH CREW” was comprised of only Black people?

Fourthly, also in the second paragraph of his report, (Sam Gonzalez Kelly), tries to discredit Weston Martinez, (one of the speakers), and president of The Voter Fraud Bureau of Investigations as a loser by describing Martinez as San Antonio Republican, who lost the primary for Texas Land Commissioner in March, and pointing out the fact that Martinez isn’t Black.

So, can you now see, how local media outlets like the Houston Chronicle appear to be acting as media allies for what appears to be “A HIGHLY ORGANIZED EFFORT OF SOME SORT” in Harris County, Texas?

Now, in my professional opinion, “THE UNIPARTY” has been active in Harris County, Texas for several years already. That’s why Clifford Tatum, the new Harris County Elections Administrator was hired and brought in from the swamp in Washington D.C., right before the Tuesday, November 8, 2022, Midterm Election, even though he had already botched elections before.

Haven’t you seen this playbook before? Do you remember Chris Hollins, (who was serving as the finance chair with the Texas Democratic Party), is brought in to oversee the 2020 Presidential Election in Harris County after Diane Trautman was forced to resign?

Anyways, labeling Americans who dare to question election results as “CONSPIRACY THEORIST” and “ELECTION DENIERS” is nothing more than a bullying tactic likened to what’s playing out on grade school campuses in cities all across America.

For the record, “THE ENOUGH IS ENOUGH CREW” doesn’t appear to be a group that’s intimidated, dismayed, discouraged, or dissuaded by the elementary school tactics that were put on full display by the Houston Chronicle Newspaper, and their “BIASED A$$” report who tried to throw shade on their peaceful “PROTEST AGAINST CORRUPTION” and “VOTER SUPPRESSION” that took place at the Harris County Commissioner’s Court Building on Tuesday, November 15, 2022, in downtown Houston, Texas.


Some of the photos you see featured below were taken by Donte Elliott, Micah Payne, and several other supporters of "THE MOVEMENT" who attended "THE ENOUGH IS ENOUGH CREW" protest against corruption and "VOTER SUPPRESSION" that was held on Tuesday, November 15, 2022, in front of the Harris County Commissioners Court Building at 1001 Preston Street in Downtown, Houston, Texas.

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033


Dr. Steven Hotze, the founder of the Liberty Center for God & Country, and publisher of Conservative Republicans of Texas is a fierce defender of "THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION" and "SAFEGUARDING" the freedoms we all enjoy as American citizens.


"The First Amendment (1791) prohibits Congress from obstructing the exercise of certain individual freedoms: freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, and right to petition. Its Free Exercise Clause guarantees a person's right to hold whatever religious beliefs they want, and to freely exercise that belief, and its Establishment Clause prevents the federal government from creating an official national church or favoring one set of religious beliefs over another. The amendment guarantees an individual's right to express and to be exposed to a wide range of opinions and views. It was intended to ensure a free exchange of ideas, even unpopular ones. It also guarantees an individual's right to physically gather or associate with others in groups for economic, political, or religious purposes. Additionally, it guarantees an individual's right to petition the government for a redress of grievances."

Aubrey R. Taylor (center), one the top investigative reporters in the nation, is the publisher of the Houston Business Connections Newspaper. Dr. Steven Hotze (left) is the founder of the Liberty Center for God & Country and publisher of Conservative Republicans of Texas News. And Charles "Chuck" Marler is a former FBI Investigative Specialist and the lead private investigator for Aubrey R. Taylor Communications, in its fight to safeguard the sanctity of elections in America.


"The First Amendment (1791) prohibits Congress from obstructing the exercise of certain individual freedoms: freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, and right to petition. Its Free Exercise Clause guarantees a person's right to hold whatever religious beliefs they want, and to freely exercise that belief, and its Establishment Clause prevents the federal government from creating an official national church or favoring one set of religious beliefs over another. The amendment guarantees an individual's right to express and to be exposed to a wide range of opinions and views. It was intended to ensure a free exchange of ideas, even unpopular ones. It also guarantees an individual's right to physically gather or associate with others in groups for economic, political, or religious purposes. Additionally, it guarantees an individual's right to petition the government for a redress of grievances."

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77058-3039
DIRECT CONTACT: (281)788-3033